In which I have cramps. (Yes, this is a gyno post.)
I liked it better when I couldn’t even tell my period was coming. Because now that I get cramps so bad they wake me up and keep me up half the night in spite of all the aspirin and yoga, I really think it sucks.
In other words, I woke up at 1:45 this morning in pain. Got an aspirin, took it. Went back to bed, couldn’t sleep. Finally slept. Woke up again at 4. Stretched, drank water, took aspirin, tried to have a good attitude, all that stupid shit, but my guts just hurt like hell anyway. I didn’t get back to sleep until dawn, which was around seven-something.
It’s nine now, and I just woke up! And guess who is actually supposed to be at work this morning?
4 Responses to Screw This
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That’s something I can never get to know… I hope your thing has gotten better by now.
Speaking of aspirins, it’s always confusing to know on TV commercials that Advil works 4 times better than tylenol while tylenol has this extra strength thingy that is the best in the market…and you get other aspirins that work better than others.. So what brand is the best? 🙄 I always find the commercial battle very “american”
Don’t pain relievers battle it out on Japanese television, too?
Cramps! I HATE THEM. OMG, I hate them. It’s so not fair.
You’ve been keeping yerself WELL HYDRATED, right?
Say – this is weird – I’ve been drinking lots more milk over the past several months than water, then last week started making a concerted effort to replace at least half of that milk with water. Then Saturday (5th ‘water’ day), I’m finally feeling MYSELF – all of my joints suddenly stop popping all the time, I can walk again (rather than waddle), my skin is more balanced and I don’t feel bloated (which I thought was a pregnant thing).
Uhm, guess that’s all I had to say.
Drink Water! The Elixer of Life!
And knit a cozy for yer water bottle too, like I plan to some day… 😉