In which there were gigs.

On Friday, I played the MF Supper Club.

MF Supper Club

There is basically nothing I’ll eat on their menu, but “supper club” is still a cool phrase. The bartender said they did $1300 rather than the $200 she’s been pulling on Friday nights, so that’s good. It was really red and kind of dingy in a groovy but run-down sort of way. I love that place.

On Saturday, there was a private party in Dayton. It was fun, and there was plenty I could eat (including this crazy corn salad with Fritos in it).

Coyote Kings at Dayton private party

After the gig, I went to karaoke and got very drunk. Then I listened to vinyl at my bass player’s house until morning, and then I slept all day. Nothing chore-like was accomplished. No laundry, no lawn mowing, no grocery shopping, no nothing. I didn’t even make it to the nail salon, that’s how lazy my Sunday was.

It was pretty awesome.

MF Supper Club

What did you do last weekend?


2 Responses to My weekend.

  1. Jeff Carpenter says:

    I drank a bunch and mourned the passing of Donna Summer…really no shit! 🙂

    ABBA sucked how’d they make so much damn money???

    • Mush says:

      It’s possible you had to be a 12-year-old girl at one point to like ABBA, although that doesn’t explain who bought all the albums. 😉

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