Brett worked a half-day yesterday, taking the afternoon off to spend with Jeff Blount, who is in town with his 13-year-old daughter, Soma.
They showed up in the late afternoon. Brett and Jeff went off to pick Brett’s truck up from the shop, where it got new brakes and a couple of retreads, and Soma and I sat at my computer and geeked out on our iPods.
She has a second-gen iPod mini she bought in Japan. It’s green. So cute.
Soma lives in Australia, so her accent is TO. DIE. FOR. She’s smart and adorable and pleasant and has her mom’s huge blue eyes, and I really liked hanging out with her. She and I held the couch down, snacked on veggies and ranch dip, and watched sit-coms for a few hours while the men (Bo and Toby showed up) laughed outside.
When they went on a beer run, Soma and I made them pick up a couple of pizzas, so dinner was totally awful. Gas station pizza always sucks, and I’m always slightly shocked by it. Go figure.
The men took Soma out to shoot her first weapon in the bottoms. When they returned, Brett said, “She’s definitely a Blount. She hit nine of out ten things she aimed at!”
Jeff and Soma spent the night. Soma crashed on the daybed in my office, while Jeff, after a brief lesson on the remotes and the switcher, stayed up late in front of the TV/TiVo/Playstation with apparent glee.
My honey was so tired this morning that he came back upstairs and sort of crumpled up next to me for some rubbing and scratching before he hauled himself off to work at 5:30. IN THE MORNING. Poor bastard.
I got up a few hours later and made chai for Jeff and Soma (and had a quarter cup myself, because I make awesome chai), showered, dressed, hugged them, asked Jeff to baby-gate Bindu upstairs when they left, and came to town.
I stopped at the bank to get $40 but my checking account was overdrawn $3.26. WTF? I used to be the balancing-ist woman in the hemisphere, but lately I’ve been slacking and my balance is off by nearly one hundred bucks. Luckily, today was payday, so I put money in the hole and was able to buy lunch. I really need to spend some time balancing my checkbook. I so liked me better when I was in balance.
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There’s an ATM machine at the exit doors of my store, so I haven’t been balancing my checkbook in… longer than I can remember, actually. It’s going to undoubtedly someday bite me in the ass, but for now, it’s just so convenient to slide my card and print out the balance every so often.
I do an awesome Australian accent, y’know.
I can’t believe Soma is 13.
Green iPod is cute. But it looks like some tropical insect or something. My first iPod mini was green but I changed it to Pink. 🙂 Did I tell you I was a fag?
I kinda miss U.S. gas station pizzas. Happy Wednesday!
I want a pink one too! Mine’s blue. I bought a pink skin but it interferes with my FM transmitter so I don’t really use it.
When did you get to be such a fag-hag, Mush?
I’ve returned to it recently. Met most of ’em by reading a guy knitter then following his blogroll, then following their blogrolls, etc.
Not much chance to be one in Fairfield, you understand, but my junior college best friend/roomie was über gay.
So: knitting, really.