In which you learn more than you want to know.

In my household, the trimming is done by my husband. Mostly because he can get a better angle at it, and therefore does a better job than I can myself. But also because he’s male and he seems to enjoy it.

The thing is though that sometimes he gets a little over zealous and I end up with something of a porn star look. Which is fine because it grows back and, you know, clothes ~ it’s not like anybody else is going to see it. Thank God.

But damn does my crotch ITCH.


9 Responses to Neat and tidy

  1. Shigeki says:

    But I know that kind of insecurity would excite me. 🙂 By the way, I ‘ve never trimmed anything before except for my hair including pubic…

  2. Cootera says:

    So did he mow the lawn or just trim the hedge, Mush?

  3. EnviroBoi says:


    the sad thing is i really had no idea what you were talking about until i read the last sentence.

    sometimes, i’m so thick. *sigh*

  4. Sarah says:


    I realise that this probably isnt the right place to leave this comment, but i couldnt get it to work in your blinky bit so…

    Would you please be able to make me a blinkie that says “I love me, who do you love?”

    That would be mint!!


  5. Gregg says:

    Mush- Hmm. I had the opposite experience, I though you WERE actually talking about body hair trimming and the last sentence would pull my mind out of the gutter and let me know you were really talking about the shrubs.

    Did you really share that with us? Are you going to show off his handiwork tomorrow?

  6. amped!!! says:

    Key to stopping the itching is to keep it BALD and moisturize.

    Yes, it’s a bit hard to do with a 7-month belly. (hehe) 😯

  7. Mush says:

    Shegeki ~ You find embarassment sexy? Such a complex thing you are!

    Coot ~ Yes. We’ve got us a wedge and nothin’ else.

    Boi ~ You’re cute.

    Sarah ~ Yes.

    Gregg ~ No, I doubt there will be pixels.

    Amped ~ You’re a better woman than I! Are you serious? Bald?!

  8. Logan says:

    At least you have the self-awareness and consideration to trim that shit.

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