I pay most of my bills online. Today, I was unable to pay three of them – this has never happened before. One site locked me out after an incorrect password entry, another’s database was down, and a third was in restricted status because I haven’t made a payment in three months – oops.
This bothers me terribly, because now these institutions expect me to call them. And speak with them. On the phone.
I hate calling places, which is why I pay all my bills online (except three that don’t accept online payments, and for those I usually drop checks off in drop boxes after the businesses are closed). I’d rather pull my nails out with pliers while holding my hands submerged in a vat of boiling Mercurochrome than call a company and discuss, with some unholy bitch, why I haven’t paid them in three months or why I typed my password in wrong or why their web site won’t take my damn money.
Voice communication with vendors is so last century.
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don’t give a reason, just tell them you’d like to pay them NOW.
usually keeps the unholy bitches relatively happy. 🙂
I only pay my bills online. If I could send the guys my rent check via Pay Pal and they would accept it, I would be happy. I don’t think they would like that.
I love that it rather instantly deducts the money from my checking account so I’m not tempted by the float…
What’s up with knitting, woman?