My throat hurts, and my tonsils are huge like softballs.



5 Responses to I'm Sick

  1. Rufus says:

    So sorry to hear of your sickness, but please don’t breathe on me !! HAHA! Actually, the good ole doc told me the other day he thinks I should have my tonsils removed. Might be fun eating nothing but ice cream for a few days, knowing me I’d probably just gain 10 pounds!
    By the way, no, I haven’t learned to knit yet. It’s just like me to get all hot and bothered about wanting to try something new and then do nothing about it. Oh, sorry, I just said hot and bothered…won’t the search engines just love that??!!

  2. Tahmi says:

    yeah, I just went in for the magic pink pills today as my case has devolved into bronchitis – fun!!

    At least we’ve only emailed, so I won’t get blamed for your sickness too! 😉

  3. Cootera says:

    Must be goin’ around; I feel feverish and have been coughing since last night. If it weren’t for this frikkin’ project here at work, I’d be home lying on my sofa watching ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and suckin’ down green tea with honey. Hope you feel better soon, Mush!

  4. Jon says:

    Gargle with hot tea…if worst comes to worst, swallow your hubby’s little friend for a while! (snort!)

  5. Mush says:

    JON! That is so… so… so WRONG! I mean, with a SORE THROAT?!?!?

    Clearly you need to get laid. 😉

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