In which it’s all peace and sunshine!
People are rioting in the UK, and apparently no one can figure out why. (Hint: happy people don’t riot.) Egypt thinks they’re doing it wrong, and Egypt’s right. Authorities are freaking out that rioters are coordinating via technology so watch this space for more legislation seeking control and monitoring of electronic communication.
There are kids in jail for sending packets to corporate servers. Seriously. Fuck you very much, Paypal. It was really cool when you blocked donations to Wikileaks but allowed donations to the KKK.
Parents seem to believe that protecting children from perverts is government’s job, not their own. They’re wrong. Don’t want your 13-year-old in a chat room with a pedo? Then fucking monitor your kid yourself, breeder.
The Anonymous and Wikileaks drops are proof that government keeps horrible secrets. They tap, they lie, and they kill. Transparency is essential; allowing more and more government monitoring of citizens’ data does nothing but tighten the noose. There is no privacy on the Internet for individual users, there should be none for governments and corporations, either.
Oh, and if you don’t believe corrupt government is corrupt, human beings are starving to death in Somalia as we speak.
Have a nice day.
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