If you’ve known me long enough, you’ve thought of me as lame at least once. This is because I often don’t show up, or I don’t call, or I’m just lame in general.
I’ve been this way forever.
Sometimes I get really enthused and throw off the lame yoke for awhile. Case in point is the recording project I just did. They asked me for three weeks of commitment and I gave that. But when the project extended past that deadline, I reverted to lameness.
To wit: Sunday night Greg called and wanted me to come to town right then and rerecord eight bars of “oooh”s over the intro to a song called “I Am”. I declined, but said I’d go the next morning. They wanted me there at 9:30.
Monday morning early I got in a fight with my DH and went back to sleep after he left for work. I didn’t get up again until 11:30. (I was tired. I don’t usually sleep that late any more, but I take it when I can get it these days.) My cell phone was dead and I spent a few hours running errands in town with my dad, totally and completely spacing the recording thing.
That evening Christina emailed me to see if I was dead or something because Greg hadn’t been able to find me all day. I emailed her back. Then Greg emailed. I said I’d sneak out of the office this morning to go record, as long as it could be done in half an hour. I never heard back. I think the master finally went to Iowa City, sans eight bars of “oooh”s over the intro to one song.
So I mangaged, at the very last minute, to lame out on even this project. Gack!
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It happens to the best of us. That means: it happens to ALL of us. 😉
Every so often, I get in a mode where I just need some time ALONE, away from EVERYONE I KNOW, so I hang out at home, don’t answer my phone. I don’t talk to people at work or smile at or talk to anyone on the bus or at the grocery store.
This last phase has lasted a few months – the one before this was a few years’ worth.
It’s something I’m starting to recognize as just the way I prefer to be sometimes.
Nothing to apologize for or worry about, in my mind. 🙂
You know, I don’t know ’bout that.
I think there are actually people who never lame out, EVER. At least, I’m pretty sure there are.
You know, the ones who aren’t either musicians or IT people, or worse: BOTH.