My GOD I want a big pipe. (That means high-speed DSL, you perverts – I’ve already got ready access to the kind you were thinking of.) (Well. By “access” I mean as long as it’s ungodly early in the morning, or in the twenty minutes between dinner and and Brett’s bedtime at, like, eight.) I’m uploading images to Gallery in the background, and it’s so hideously SLOW. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
When I got home at 11:30 on Thursday – after my several hours in the ‘studio’ – there was a white pickup I didn’t recognize in my driveway, and no husband in my house. Hmm. Shiva was gone, and Stella and Bindu had been sleeping on the bed. (Little bastardettes. I got a tick because they’d been on the bed!) Then I started hearing noises. Squeaky, weird noises. “What the fuck IS THAT?!” I demanded of the dogs. They just looked at me and held their own doggie counsel.
I investigated, afraid it was the largest rodent in the world living in my kitchen or something… but it was coming from UNDER THE STAIRS. Holy cow! FOUR PUPPIES, BABY-GATED UNDER THE STAIRS! So Ron must be here!
I finally got my cell charged enough to call the boys, and they were drunk in front of Torino’s – that’s all I learned before my phone died again. I went to bed, but got up an hour later to hug the hell out of Ron when they finally showed up out here. God, I love that boy.
Friday got up early and did some chores. Then I went to lunch at Revelations with Tahmi and Christina and had a great time. (I love hanging out with girls!) Later, I took a rather substantial afternoon nap. (I’m super into napping these days – it’s so relaxing. Plus I don’t sleep for shit at night.) Brett wanted me to get out of recording Friday night and go to Iowa City for dinner and to see Liquid Soul, but I had already committed and so he took Ron as his date.
I got home around midnight, and Brett and Ron rolled in around three. They walked silently in the door and went straight to bed, both of them. I could hear them both and they were both sound asleep within minutes of lying down.
Saturday I got up early again – before either of the men – and went to town to buy breakfast groceries. (I figured they’d be all hung over, and ready for bacon and eggs when they got up.) My dogs weren’t on the ball for some reason, so I took Prana with me on the drive. About five minutes before getting home with eggs and hashbrowns, Ron called my cell. I answered: “Hello! I’ve got your dog!” I said. “Oh good!” he replied. “Do you have any coffee?”
By the time I walked in the door Ron had coffee going. I made egg and tomato omelettes, bacon, rye toast, and hashbrowns, and we ate breakfast together at the picnic table since the weather was so drop-dead gorgeous.
I napped from ten to one, since I’d barely slept five hours the night before. When I woke up, Toby & Jeanne were here, picking out a puppy. I hung out with Jeanne for barely an hour before they left. Then I went to town to record.
(Recording’s almost done, by the way. Friday and Saturday I was singing backup vocals – very fun. I think I’m actually going to like the end result. It’s gonna sound good.)
I got home around seven, and had just enticed my beloved into bed when Ron arrived from dinner out with his mom. Brett got back up and promised me a raincheck, and I actually fell asleep early. Brett stayed up ’til midnight hanging out with Ron and playing GTA on Playstation.
This morning I got up early again, let the puppies out before they started squealing and barking, did the dishes, put on a pot of chai, and started laundry before the men were awake. It’s ten now, and I have to be at Tim Britton’s at two to record the final song on Jonas’ album. I’m going to try to post some images of the puppies, and then I think I might go highlight my hair with that box of hair color I bought two weeks ago.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer