This crap makes me crazy:
Movie studios want the US Supreme Court to rule that the developers of the Grokster and Morpheus P2P software should be held responsible for the illegal trading of copyrighted software using their technologies.
I realize that when you (believe that you have or will) lose money due to new technologies, you get pissed off. But holding the developers responsible is fucking nuts. Let’s step back, folks: could, say, RCA have sued reel-to-reel manufacturers in the 60’s when people started recording songs off the radio for the first time?
Judges expressed concern that making P2P software illegal could have a major detrimental effect on future software innovation and asked where the entertainment industry would stop in its pursuit of file sharers. Would they consider suing Apple because iPod users may be carrying around illegally acquired music, they asked.
Bless those clever judges. Those movie industry lawyers are grasping at straws.
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