This is how screwed up I am. The day before yesterday, I was pretty badly amped. Had to do a bunch of yoga and japa when I got home from work, and I was pretty sweaty-palmed and geeked out much of the day, but it was tolerable.
Last night was pretty rough too but it eased off and I crashed around eight, only to wake up when Brett came to bed and be unable to get back to sleep.
I was up and pretty miserable most of the night, and finally fell asleep around six or seven. Yes, this made me incredibly late to work.
Now it’s 1:15 and I’m having another panic attack. A bad one. It’s like way too much really-really-really bad speed, but I haven’t even had so much as a cup of tea for the past 48 hours.
This shit is basically daily now. I AM SO UNCOMFORTABLE. I HATE IT.
I had tried to make an appointment with a doctor Penny had recommended, but he’s not taking new patients and I haven’t yet been able to figure out what to do – does one pick a shrink out of a phonebook at random? Not that I have any idea what a doctor could do for me, other than reassure me I’m not suffering from congestive heart failure and give me pills that may not help. But I definitely need a checkup and some reassurance, maybe even a professional’s description of how and why my body can make itself feel like this.
I have a system a friend loaned me that helps one deal with the symptoms – a book and a video – and though it’s cool I keep thinking it doesn’t apply to me, even though it does. I mean, I know that how I react to the symptoms determines how bad they are, but. But. I don’t know. I guess I expect someone to say ‘here’s a nice pill, you’re all better’ because I shouldn’t have to deal with this shit in the first place, right?
Twenty minutes ago I was dizzy and seeing spots and my chest hurt and I knew I was dying and I sat here in my office chair at my desk and made sure to breathe while I crossed my arms in front of me and rubbed my own shoulders, which were rock hard with tension, and tried to ignore the irregular beating of my heart.
Ah, hell. I hate this crap. Where should I go?
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Now it’s 3:21 and I’ve had about two more “spikes”… I’ll be sitting here, calm, and then suddenly all hell breaks loose for a second. Argh!
bartenders know everything. (?)
Yeah, I’ve already decided to pick up a bottle of wine on my way home. TODAY FUCKING SUCKED.
Aw, sweetie… that just sucks. I’d say try Lorazapam. It helped me with my panic attacks, though they were nowhere near the severity of yours. Good luck finding the ‘magic pill’ or the answer. Hugs to you!
My Mom had agoraphobia and panic attacks terribly when I was growing up. The only thing that helped her was Xanax. She did the shrink thing, but the pills were much better and actually worked.
Wow, Mush. That really, really sucks. I certainly hope you’re able to find something that’s effective and efficient!
Brett wants me to try and get something that he’d like too. *shaking head* The crazy bastard! LOL!