In which I drop a little update on you.

There are two weeks left of the term, COUNTING THIS ONE.

I have one class finished, am halfway through the second, and am one-third of the way through the third.

In other words, I’m really far behind and I don’t have time to be discussing this because I need to be studying! AARRGGH!

How this happened, I have no idea. It’s not like I haven’t been studying… I think someone stole three weeks somewhere.

In other news, I’ve lost twelve pounds and now the whole dieting thing has become really hard. Last night I ate nearly an entire bag of potato chips for dinner.

Update: I powered through two chapters in my ‘LAN Switching and Wireless’ course today. That only leaves three more, and hopefully I can get them done tomorrow. And there’s slightly less than half of my ‘LabSim Security+’ course. I think I can do this and still have time to study for finals next week… God, I hope I don’t have any gigs this weekend!

Here are the notes from some of my homework. Just so you can see how totally jargonistic it is.


One Response to Studenthood.

  1. Jim@HiTek says:

    Wanna lose weight? Fall in love with someone that can’t stand you.

    LOL! I bet that works, actually. -m

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