Friday, the biggest party night of the year, we did nothing.
Brett fell asleep on the couch ’round eight; I read and listened to my iPod and wandered around the house amusing myself and probably fell asleep sometime after midnight. I really don’t recall.
Saturday, with the PlayStation on the fritz and his paycheck burning a hole in his pocket, Brett talked me into going to Walmart to pick up a replacement PS2. There wasn’t one, of course – the entire nation is out of PS2s this soon after Christmas. But somehow we decided to go to Iowa City, to Best Buy, where Brett became the proud daddy of a Delphi XM SKYFi2, a stereo connetion kit for the Hillbilly Boom Box, and a lovely quarterly subscription to satellite radio. He installed it in the parking lot outside Best Buy, where it was getting dark and raining heavily.
He loves it. HE LOVES IT. The man spent two hours Sunday morning sitting in his truck playing with his SKYFi.
I got a cigarette lighter power cord for the iPod, and a CD – Todd Rundgren’s Liars, his first all-new album in over ten years. (I went home and immediately fed it to the iPod.) I love Todd. Todd is Godd. The track “Soul Brother” is fucking PRICELESS.
On the drive to Iowa City, I knitted my iPod a cozy. Yes, I know this is totally gay but I don’t care. (And neither do these people.)
All in all, a furiously fun day, and a good augury for the year to come.
Sunday we went and bought groceries at (ahem) the Super Walmart in ScrOttumwa. Now, I realize Walmart’s disgusting and that I shouldn’t give them my money. But. I got a cart so full of groceries it was difficult to steer around corners and it only cost me $125.00. There’s no way in HELL all that stuff could have been produced for $125.00… the cardboard, plastic, shrink wrap, ink, printing, die cutting, transportation… not even counting the actual FOOD ITSELF. How the hell will the economy survive if goods sell for less than it costs to produce them?
Or does this price trough exist only to kill the competition? Will prices go back up as soon as there’s nowhere else to shop?
Either way, the old kitchen is stocked with yummy foodies. I don’t know if I should feel elated or shitty. *shrug*
Monday I cleaned, listed a tool to sell (on eBay) for Brett, chatted heavily with Keef over IM, got wood (and kept the stove nearly closed down to conserve it since we’ve only a few days left) [CALL ME IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET A LOAD OF SPLIT WOOD, WE’RE SO ALMOST OUT IT’S NOT FUNNY.], made tea in my new Nissan thermos and drank it, and made a killer meal for my beloved: Italian sausage, pesto, and a killer baby spinach-onion-carrot salad with lemon vinagrette and bleu cheese.
Ah shit, I need to fix a customer’s web site. (Yeah, I’m at work.) Ciao!
. . . . .
Song: Soul Brother
Album: Liars
Artist: Todd Rundgren
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Ok, that’s it. Seeing ur cozy set it in stone for me. I’m learning to knit or crochet. Scarves, bags… I’m learning. No more pussy footing around.
Cool, then you can join Iowa Chicks Knitting! (I taught myself out of a book, it’s not that hard really.)
heh-heh, heh-heh…you said GOT WOOD…heh-heh, heh-heh