mmm@home says:
I just dorked out on the iPod form factor – so fucking cute
J.P. says:
the only place i could realy listen to one is in my truck… cuz i don’t walk around much
mmm@home says:
I walk around listening to the thing all the time
mmm@home says:
doing dishes
mmm@home says:
buying groceries
mmm@home says:
when assholes at Best Buy come up to you, you can just tap your iPod and smile vacuously and wander off without having to say, “No, just looking” fifty fucking times
mmm@home says:
I hate annoying salespeople
mmm@home says:
J.P. says:
J.P. says:
me too… those guys are for idiots
mmm@home says:
and when you DO finally want to ask something, they never know
mmm@home says:
they have to look it up or whatever
J.P. says:
like i don’t know what i’m looking for
mmm@home says:
no shit
J.P. says:
most of the time i know more about their products than they do
mmm@home says:
by the time you GO to Best Buy, you’ve already fucking figured out not only WHAT you want, but WHICH BRAND and model
J.P. says:
true that
mmm@home says:
is it wrong to feel the way I feel for my iPod?
J.P. says:
mmm@home says:
is this, like, bad?
mmm@home says:
mmm@home says:
there’s a whole WORLD inside it’s cute little blue body!
mmm@home says:
songs, albums… ENTIRE AUDIOBOOKS!
J.P. says:
many of my ipod blessed friends are the same way
mmm@home says:
mmm@home says:
fucking CDs
mmm@home says:
get lost, get scratched
mmm@home says:
get stolen
mmm@home says:
get permanently “borrowed”
mmm@home says:
fucking CDs anyway!
mmm@home says:
sometimes you have to buy one like three times ’cause it keeps getting itself somehow irretrievably fucked up
mmm@home says:
like, !!!
mmm@home says:
yesterday at Best Buy I bought a CD, then I came home and fed it to my iPod and now I don’t give a fuck what happens to it
mmm@home says:
J.P. says:
yeah… i started using real rhapsody a couple weeks ago and it’s super cool… it’s like having a whole cd store in my room
mmm@home says:
THAT is SO what I’m TALKING about
mmm@home says:
centralization, goddammit!
mmm@home says:
mmm@home says:
SO sweet
mmm@home says:
I checked out Real, but it isn’t compatible with iPods
mmm@home says:
so I said, “Fuck you, fuckers” and that was that
mmm@home says:
I’m stuck with – er, wait
mmm@home says:
maybe it was Napster?
J.P. says:
yeah… it’s a bummer
mmm@home says:
yeah, Napster’s not iPod-compatible
mmm@home says:
I did not check out Real yet
mmm@home says:
’cause Real software has always bugged me
J.P. says:
i know
mmm@home says:
but you can’t get EVERYTHING from iTunes
J.P. says:
it sucks
mmm@home says:
so I intend to branch out eventually
J.P. says:
rhapsody is sweet… it’s all streaming but there are a few direct sound recorders that can change the files into anything. or you can burn the songs directly and pay $.99 each
J.P. says:
this is the recorder i use
J.P. says:
it’s awesome
mmm@home says:
ooh, you get hacked streamed audio?!
mmm@home says:
dude, I’m so proud
J.P. says:
yes, the app is kinda spendy, but it pays for itself in no time
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