FOR THE HELL OF IT, laughing heartily after reading the comments on the previous post, I googled the string “fuck Daryl Hall” to see if I could find some other 30-something woman’s blog entry on that oh-so-fine blond subject, but instead I found a fairly interesting article on Tupac and generation gap in terms of how “kids” relate to music and rap… and there was this amazing quote at the bottom:
“If love truly is going out of fashion forever, which I do not believe, then along with our nurtured indifference to each other will be an even more contemptuous indifference to each other’s objects of reverence. I thought it was Iggy Stooge, you thought it was Joni Mitchell or whoever else seemed to speak to your own private, entirely circumscribed situation’s many pains and few ecstasies. We will continue to fragment in this manner, because solipsism holds all the cards at present; it is a king whose domain engulfs even Elvis’s. But I can guarantee you one thing: we will never again agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis. So I won’t bother saying good-bye to his corpse. I will say good-bye to you.”
– Lester Bangs, August 29, 1977
(from: Bad Subjects magazine: Pour Out a Little Liquor For Tupac)
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You know who I had the mega-hots for when I was about 10-12? Blondie. WoW. Big time. I was really bummed when I found out she was married to her drummer. Cuz, then, I knew I had competition. 🙂
BLONDIE?!?!? Hah! I always thought she was pretty groovy, but it never occured to me that little boys might wanna get all down with that. But doesn’t she like girls now?