Brett came home from work around 10:30 today, and aside from stapling plastic over the two living room windows did nothing but sleep on the couch. I’d given him two little honey-do items (remove the air conditioner from the bedroom window, and move the old mattress into another room) and he did neither, bless him. He seemed to feel kind of bad about it, but he works hard. He deserves to spend an occasional day off sleeping in front of the telly if he wants! I know I do it every once in awhile.
I did the usual Monday stuff: dishes, laundry, toilet cleaning, dusting, tidying, taking trash out, bill paying, etc. I also cooked an amazing meal for supper (broiled onion-covered salmon with a fantastic tomato salsa, stuffed green peppers with a sour cream and tomato sauce), but my baby wasn’t very hungry since he hadn’t really done anything all day. I, on the other hand, really enjoyed my dinner, and there’s monster left-overs for tomorrow.
My local propane and propane assessories dealer, Farmer’s Coop in Libertyville, pissed me off a great deal this afternoon. I called to pay my monthly budget payment, and they informed me that there’s now a charge for making credit card payments. The bastards! I know for a fact that the issue with MasterCard and debit cards is months resolved now, and essentially they have no real reason to tack a fee on other than they probably think it’s a payment method that requires more office administration than PHYSICALLY HANDLING AND PROCESSING CHECKS and so they’re adding a damned fee. This means that I now have two bills I must write checks for and drop off in rural Iowa every month. Bastards! What year do they think it IS, anyway?!
I spent a lot of time today dealing with dial-up and iTunes. *sigh* Brett’s been craving a listen to New Train, an album by Paul Pena, but hasn’t been able to find the disc, only the case. So I bought the tracks thru iTunes – along with about ten others – and have been reconnecting and reinstigating downloads every hour or two since yesterday afternoon. Yes, it is as much of a bitch as it sounds like it is. Tomorrow at work I’m a downloading FIEND in the background, {southern accent} and that’s all there are to it {/southern accent}.
You know how when someone you love is really tickled, it cracks you up? I moved a bunch of comedy onto my iPod and Brett found it and was listening to a Dennis Leary bit called “Fat Bitches.” I couldn’t hear it, of course, since he had headphones on, but he was laughing so hard that it just utterly charmed me. So cute, that laughing red headed man!
Okay, so the download of the 16th and final track from yesterday’s purchase just failed – again – so I restarted iTunes to restart the download. I hope the fucker downloads this time so I can make Mr. Brett his CD for work tomorrow! (I’m not even getting disco’d from the POP, the traffic just lags so much that the iTunes download times out. God. Damn. It.)
So I’m off to burn all the comedy skits I’ve got to CD for the merriment of Brett and his crew. Ciao, lovlies!
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You can report them to MC – there should be a clause in their merchant agreement prohibiting any kind of surcharge. MC will call them about it.
I will say in their defense that they lose a couple of % points right off the top as well as a per transaction charge whenever they accept a credit card – not to mention the monthly fees on top of all that. As a merchant I wish I could levy a surcharge for accepting credit cards. If nothing else it would help offset the costs involved. And don’t even get me started on the chargeback game…
How in the heck can it be expensive for merchants to accept credit cards? I know there are fees, but aren’t they comparable to, say, the costs of paying someone for physically handling checks and driving them to the bank every day?