I’m feeling practically normal, finally! No more crying jags! In other words, my hormones are totally back to normal. Yay!

I had a pelvic exam yesterday (oh joy… NOT) and the nurse midwife agrees that I’m not pregnant. Since I haven’t had a normal period yet I’m taking this truly horrible-awful-bad tasting emmenagogue to get things flowing. Yuk.

I woke up absurdly early this morning, and then fell asleep on the couch and didn’t wake back up until 11:30. Grr. So much for working a full day today! I feel like a jerk; I feel so much better I should celebrate by… getting my ass to work for a few hours!

So I’m off to town to grab a bite to eat and to drop by the office for a few hours and see if the DSL database is doing okay.

I’ll try and write a truly interesting blog post sometime before the year’s up, I promise!


One Response to Yay! I feel better!

  1. Mush says:

    Ah, thanks honey! I feel sad too, but being a fairly selfish person I’m mostly relieved too to be feeling better!

    “When the time comes”? Hell, I’m already 36. I don’t have a lot of time left to be having a ‘first’ kid. Snort!

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