I got scolded by a friend via email for letting my blog basically be a cliffhanger – is she pregnant? does she have a job? and what about Christmas shopping?
Well, sorry. Here’s the update.
I have no pregnancy symptoms at all and I think I need a D&C pretty much ASAP. I’ve put in a call to my midwife for advice on that front; in the worst case I’ll drive up to IC to the clinic I used to go to. I don’t have any pain and I’m not running a temperature, so I should be fine for another day or two. This is, I believe, what you call a ‘missed abortion.’ And no, it isn’t any fun at all.
My job is fine. They didn’t cut pay nor lay anyone else off. I missed the meeting Friday, but Buzz emailed to say it was just an informational meeting about the ILEC.
And no, I haven’t done a lick of Christmas shopping. I’m pretty much totally involved with my own little health journey right now. Hopefully I’ll get the gift-buying done before X-mas eve, though!
My attitude wobbles from adequate to fairly bad. I feel like a hypochondriac because I’m worried sick about what’s not going on in my uterus, but like I said I really don’t have any reason to be worried. I’m tired or more likely a wee bit depressed, and I don’t entirely trust that my hormones are letting me perceive my emotional reality accurately.
All in all, everything is normal – no reason to panic. Oh, and fertility sucks.
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