This afternoon I was digesting my lunch and updating my knitting entries over at Iowa Chicks Knitting, in between processing Evergent emails, when suddenly I felt a rush and I was extrememly dizzy, my palms were sweating, and my heart was racing. My chest hurt. My vision was fuzzy, spotty around the edges. I thought I was going to pass out, or that I’d just had a heart attack. I felt nervous, freaked out, amped, and supremely scared and uncomfortable.
It was sort of like doing a big fat line of coke, only it wasn’t fun.
I started to breathe deeply, then I worked up the balls to check my pulse. (Yup, still beating. Too fast and too hard, but it’s still beating. At least the dizziness isn’t the result of no fucking blood flow to my brain fer chrissakes!!!) I got up and walked around the building for awhile, breathing. Then I went outside and walked around the block, breathing and letting my mantra roll around inside my head. I tried to return to my desk five or six times before I could actually stay seated. I was tingling, practically hyperventilating, and saturated with adrenaline. I wanted to crawl out of my skin and take a nap in a corner somewhere.
(By 2:07, my heart rate had slowed down to 106 BPM. All I was doing was sitting here in an office chair, copying emails and pasting them into a Filemaker database, and my heart rate was so absurdly high that it took time for it to slow down to 106.)
I googled “rapid heart beat” and got all kinds of scary shit about cancer and anxiety disorders. (Bad news is *just* what I need when I’m in adrenaline hell. Yay.) But then I read that this exact experience is one had by – are you ready? – periomenopausal women.
Periomenopause? Hello! I’m 36! I’m not that old. Is it possible that I will quit bleeding as early as 38? (Do people do that?) Are the majority of my symptoms (as my Well Woman care provider has repeatedly suggested to me) “simply” symptoms of periomenopause? Is this shit really all normal fucking aging?!?!
Look at this list. I’ve experienced all of these in varying degrees over the past two or three or four years (although not all at once, thank God):
hair loss
weight gain
brain fog
gritty eyes
rapid heart beat
air hunger
temperature intolerance
mood swings
low libido
irregular cycle
heavy menses
sore breasts
tingling extremities
And to top that off, I spend a little time every month or so thinking that I might actually be dying. I don’t mean abstract thoughts about eventually expiring, I mean a convincing and gut-level fear that I could very easily be about to drop dead Real Soon.
This does not strike me as being a high quality of life. If I’m supposed to go through ten more years of this, I will become a drug addict. I guarantee it. I’d rather it be periomenopause than a thyroid disorder, but honestly it doesn’t matter because either way I’m still feeling like shit, and I’m too young for any of it.
When I first started noticing the arrhythmias, I went to a doctor. He told me he didn’t hear anything weird, that my heart sounded strong and clear and fine, that there were no whooshes or slurries or other sounds one would associate with a physical defect, and that no doctor at that clinic had ever been concerned enough to note anything in my chart about my heart. All he could do, he said, was to send me home wearing a monitor, which would tell him what I’d already told him: that my heart rate elevated or uneven. Which, apparently, wouldn’t help him diagnose or treat anything.
Kathy told me that arrhythmia was a common periomenopausal symptom and not to worry about it. She agreed that my heart sounded great; healthy and normal.
At 2:24 this aftrnoon my heart rate was down to 96 BMP, but there’d been a few ‘spikes’ since the last reading. Now, at 2:55, I’m down to 84 BPM with only a couple of skipped beats. I don’t feel like I’m dying. Any more.
I spent some time lurking at a board for menopausal women, and I’ll be damned if what these 50-year-old women say doesn’t sound a lot like what I’m going through. (I don’t know if all this shit is worth it, just to get rid of AF! Sure, it’s a nuisance, but bleeding for a few days is better than feeling like shit every day.
Many women only endure six months or so of this; I’m on year three of it… already. The details are changing, yes, but it’s not getting better overall. Six months ago I was exhaused and depressed; today I’m intense and insomniac. I prefer intense and insomniac because it fits my self-image, but it’s not imperically better. The women on the boards I surfed carry Zanax and Paxil and Zoloft around in their purses, to use when the shit gets really bad.
Am I the only one who didn’t know that nearly every woman over 45 is carrying meds in her purse because menopause fucking sucks so much?!
Right now, my heart is beating 78 times per minute. That’s my normal resting rate. The adrenaline has passed, I’m not dizzy or anything… I’m a little frustrated and somewhat pissed off–oh, and I just became really really hot, in a wave across face and hands and shoulders. I guess it is a hot flash. How can I be having hot flashes at 36?
Fuck this. And the horse it rode in on.
2 Responses to Hot flashes?! Ya gotta be fucking kidding me!
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Omg yes, it is the devil and it snatched the life right out of you. I am now 52 and post meno but I started peri in my late 30’s. I had every symptom on that list and more. ,
It was hell and it died down a bit and then came back at around 45 with a vengeance with the heavy, crime scene bleeding, through the roof anxiety, health anxiety (googling every symptom because I couldn’t believe I wasn’t dying). I managed to get used to that and made it to 53 a reasonably functional, working women with bad anxiety and then turned 52. It all hit me like a ton of bricks and although my period was gradually stopping, at 52 it halted and every one of my hormones plummeted leaving me a jumbled up mess with the worse symptoms… all of them, anxiety, depression, fear of everything. I had numerous blood tests, EKG’s, MRI’s and blood tests again prob about 6 or 7 times, nothing and I mean nothing but my being post menopausal was found. Now I am just bewildered and anxious all the time and wondering if this will ever end. That is a lot of years of suffering 37-52 and my research that i’ve done says that it could last the rest of my life without HRT. I understand how you feel and really just trying to get through one day at a time. Some people opt for antidepressants or HRT, I decided on nothing because I don’t want any more syptoms to worry about constantly. I do wish you the best on this journey and I hope it goes smooth for you. No one ever told me to brace myself for this, it isn’t fair and it is one hell of a ride.
Lol I’m 58 and this shit show just rolls along. One minute I’m fine, next I’m on fire. Sweater on, sweater off. I feel like a cranky toddler who needs a nap fml