In which I need to vent or cry or complain or get a hug or something.
Bindu kept me up much of last night with terrible episodes involving screaming (the vet calls it “vocalizing”) and panting and whimpering and coughing; she’d calm down and almost sleep in between, but every couple of hours it would start all over again. Her squeal would have me leaping from bed to comfort her and pet her until she seemed to stabilize; in the process I’d end up working myself into a full-blown anxiety attack with the shakes and the clammy palms and the achey skin and the inability to get back to sleep and the whole nine yards.
She woke me up again at a quarter after seven; she was panting a little and looking haggard, but she was upright and clearly ready to start her day, so could I please get my human ass up and remove the blockade at the top of the stairs so she could get on with it? I petted her and asked her to wait 15 minutes for the animal hospital to open (no one had answered when I’d called at three and again at four in the morning, but their office hours begin at 7:30). I made an appointment, got dressed, gathered my things, and carefully carried my dog downstairs and then outside.
She seemed spry enough, and promptly peed… and then she walked about fifteen paces and started with the squeal/cough/pant thing again. She seemed to be in pain and looked abjectly miserable. IT FUCKING SUCKED. I put her in the truck and, still hoping it was a back problem that pain meds could resolve, drove her to the vet and checked her in, explaining that she’d once had a back episode and that her behavior reminded me of my ex-husband’s when he ruptured a disc. They asked me to approve radiographs and sedation; I approved blood work too because of her age (she’s ~14).
When I got home around nine, I promptly curled up in bed with a pillow over my head and crashed for two hours.
The vet called me with an update around one o’clock. Blood work, in areas I can’t explain that have something to do with poor organ function, indicates problems. The radiograph shows an enlarged heart and an enlarged liver. The vet wanted to do an ECG to find out more about the heart problems; for lack of anything better to do I said okay. Due to various factors (distended belly, coughing, drinking lots of water), the vet also suspects an endocrine condition called Cushing’s disease as well. Secondary blood work and ECG will need to be evaluated, she said, offsite.
The vet reported that Bindu doesn’t seem to have arthritis or a sore back, and that her discs looked good in the radiograph. Therefore, it seems that last night’s episodes – and the first one I noticed the day before, and the one G’ma noticed the day before that – were not actually due to pain from a slipped disc or back-related spasming, which is what I’d suspected, but from heart failure. (Most of the time, I was told, such episodes cause fainting, but in some dogs who fail to actually faint they manifest as “vocalizing, stiffness, panting and coughing.”)
Essentially, I’m waiting on another $90 test, one I don’t really need, to tell me that my dog is in the process of dying.
Last week I received an email from my advisor notifying me of a lecture today. I was pretty excited about it, after the disappointment of learning that my curriculum was all online. An actual in-person lecture, on campus, with people!
The Bindu thing dampened my enthusiasm a great deal, but I was grateful for something to do to help me occupy my mind. No one needs to know that I nearly burst into tears twice on the drive over there.
When I got to the lab, the whiteboard said the instructor was out sick and that there were no classes today.
Last month, when I went to Planned Parenthood to get a bladder infection treated, they shortlisted me for a free mammogram program. So I went and got my boobs smashed and shortly afterward I received a lovely letter telling me that I don’t have breast cancer.
Today, I got a bill for $86.
There was some kind of SNAFU in my client’s A/P department and my September 23rd invoice never got processed. I was assured last week that it would be paid Monday.
Today’s Thursday, I’ve just dropped a couple hundred bucks I don’t have on the vet, I owe St Mary’s ninety bucks, my settlement program is unpaid, and I have a $300 tuition payment due on the 20th. I haven’t paid my rent, either.
Guess who’s check wasn’t in the mail today?
I should be studying or working, but I’ll probably just sit here, freaking out and trying not to, until the vet calls back.
They called back. The voicemail says the ECG is done but they won’t have the results until tomorrow, and that I can come pick Bindu up.
Except that I can’t handle another night like last night, and I have no reason to believe that tonight will be different as there has, as yet, been no treatment for the symptoms I took her in for. The vet wanted the ECG and offsite blood work results before prescribing anything.
God, am I the worst dog mom in the world if I leave her there so I can sleep without listening to her wails? I can’t stand her suffering, but leaving her in a cage in a concrete room overnight seems like a sin. But if I bring her home, I’ll carry her up and down the stairs to save her the strain and have a panic attack every time she falls down and coughs, and as much as I won’t want to admit it all I’ll want to do is get away from her.
Oh, God. I always told you I would be a total wreck when this, the end of Bindu’s life, came along, and I totally am.
Update: I cried. Then I meditated. Then I called the clinic and said that I am “unable” to pick Bindu up until tomorrow. (I made it sound like I didn’t have access to a vehicle right now, which is completely untrue.) So, not only am I a bad dog mom who leaves her beloved to spend the night in a cage in a concrete room across town, but I’m a liar as well.
I am not pleased with myself, but this is not the first time since developing a panic disorder that I’ve been displeased with my responses to things. Usually when I’m freaking out I just suit up and go do whatever it is anyway (I don’t even know how many times I’ve done gigs in the throws of a full-blown panic attack), but I know that another night with a screaming, coughing, panting dog in my arms will… — it will, um… — hell, I don’t even know what it’ll do. I don’t have words for it. I just don’t want to do it. Even though it’s my duty, because I took responsibility for that dog’s life and health and comfort over a decade ago.
There may be treatment options, once there’s a diagnosis, I just don’t know anything about cost or efficacy, and she is 14 so none of this is entirely unexpected.
As G’ma has just returned from her afternoon volunteering at the museum, I’ve shared all the vet information with her. I told her I’d left Bindu at the clinic overnight even though they said I could come get her. Then I teared up. G’ma said, “We care too much about the little buggers. We might not show it, but we really do.” And then she went and made a cocktail and brought it to me here at my desk. For my part, I struggled not to start crying until she’d gone back upstairs.
12 Responses to I'm having a really bad day, you guys.
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Oh sweetie. You ARE having an awful day. You are not a bad doggie Mom. They are the experts and hopefully there to help her in the night if she needs it and if there’s not much that can be done, it seems cruel to force you to listen. What an awful situation.
As for the class and the other stuff that super sucks, especially the check. Some companies don’t seem to get that other people need money they owe them to LIVE.
Extra super tight hugs and I hope that they can at least give her some medication to help with the problem once they get a clear diagnosis. Having older pets is so hard.
Thanks. Yeah, I’m a freakin’ wreck. A crying wreck. A broke wreck. (Actually, they’re wiring my money tomorrow. It’ll be exactly two weeks late tomorrow.) Gawd. – m
I’m so sorry, Michelle. That is enough suckitude for a lifetime.
Crying Girl says, ‘Thanks. I need hugs.’ -m
Michelle, I’m very sorry you are having such a terrible day and you are NOT a bad doggie mom.
I don’t know what to tell you other than I’m thinking of you, sending you lots of good thoughts and a big hug.
Crying Girl says again: ‘Thank you, I need the hugs.’ -m
Mush…you are anything *but* a “bad doggie mom.” That you are having such deep emotions proves otherwise. You are dealing with a very tuff situation, and dealing with it with what is an admirable sense of aplomb and insecurity and emotion and courage and every other expected response. Listen yo your heart, do what you feel is right, and KNOW you are doing the right thing. Seriously, Mush.
I’m so sorry for your day. You know you are allowed to deal with this however you can. If that means taking a night to process, avoid, or just feel bad for yourself because the fuckery of the situation, then do that. All of it. There will be guilty feelings but it doesn’t make you guilty. It makes you human with a broken/breaking heart. Sending light and love to you and Miss Bindu. When she leaves this world, I will shed a tear for her as well.
Crying girls cannot ever get enough
hugs so…. (((HUG)))
I hope you and Bindu are both able to have a restful night… big big hugs to you and your pup.
Huge hug for you! Sounds to me like you’re a great doggy mom. That is so much to deal with – on top of everything else you are going through. All your emotions/feelings sound normal to me. I think you need to ease up on yourself.
I hope things go more smoothly for you – and for Bindu, too.
Love you, love that dog. Good wishes for you both. That is all, as I am chopping some onion over here…
Damn onions. Yeah. -m
Thank you, thank you everyone. So very much. I’m such a mess and you’re helping me feel better. Thank you.
much much love to you…. NOTHING like a broken pet to break a heart… as for the rest of your shitty day…. FUCK THEM
ur awsum -m
I hope you managed to get some sleep last night, and are feeling more calm and peaceful today. My thoughts are with you, and I know we don’t actually know each other that well, but if you want to talk, I’m here.
*hug* -m
*squeeze* I can’t say anything more than what the others have said, but my thoughts are with you & Bindu. It’s the worst kind of helpless feeling, I know. Take care of yourself.