Baby food. That’s what Brett calls Indian food, because so much of it is mashed up and tooth-soft.
I love Indian food. I have it for lunch sometimes, so Brett doesn’t have to eat it for dinner. (He and ginger have a problem with each other, and so many Indian dishes start with onions, garlic, and ginger. Poor pita redhead!) Today I walked over to India Cafe I and got myself some buffet take-out: dhal makhani, sag paneer, rice, some chickpea-potato-tomato-cilantro salad thing, and naan. Yum! I’m so happy.
I love Indian food for it’s vegetarianness and its rich spiciness, but most of all I love it for its dairy fat. There’s ghee in everything, and if not ghee there’s almost-too-much of some kind of oil. Or cream. It’s just plain wonderful. I wish I could eat Indian food more often.
Wait! I can! I live in Fairfield, Iowa!
I think I’ll start having India Cafe take-out every workday for the next couple of weeks. OH yeah.
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