After the dehumidifier had been running all night, the house was dry. Wonderfully, blessedly dry. It had ceased to smell funky and everything!
Then, of course, the weather rolled in the basement flooded. Again.
Brett finished my new laundry line this weekend, so now I have a state-of-the-art laundry drying facility that I’m just dying to use… if one can truly describe herself as ‘dying’ to do laundry… but it just keeps raining all the time!
I washed most of my Amma doll’s wardrobe yesterday and hung it out to dry, but had to bring it in when a mean-looking black cloud passed over, noisy and spitting rain. The rest of my laundry time was devoted to washing rugs… I am so happy that the rainy season is almost over; perhaps my home will be spared another flood until next year.
I can’t remember if I told y’all that Brett finally installed an outdoor spigot? Yay! As soon as I find a warm day and a garden hose, some dogs I know are gonna get baths. And they ain’t gonna like it, no sir! Tee hee!
I basically slept all weekend. I slept and slept. I slept 12 hours at night and then took napw. I usually keep myself going on caffiene and nicotine, and once in awhile I quit and fall down for a few days. I know it can’t be good for my endocrine system but when the choice is between a cup of coffee and not being able to move, I drink a damn cup of coffee. This weekend I had no coffee and no cigs, and so I slept about 16 hours a day. I’d say it was great except I’m still tired, of course.
I got my thyroid book Saturday and had read it by the next day. Now I’m on a mission to find someone – maybe Penny’s Dr. England – to either put me on some T3 or to test me enough that I no longer suspect I have a thyroid disorder. I have officially rejected the idea that this is “normal aging” and am on something of a crusade, dammit.
I totally freaked out on poor Mr. Brett, telling him in tears how tired I am of living my life at 60% day after day after day, and how sorry I am that he has to suffer from it too, and how pissed off I am about the whole thing. Before, I felt embarassed, or lazy, or out of shape, or dehydrated, or whatever – but now I’ve reached my point. I’m pissed. I don’t think it’s cute that I should have to feel so off, nor do I think I need to feel guilty about it any more. I’ve self-diagnosed, yes, but I’m an intelligent woman and will accept a life of dullness and disassociation as ‘normal aging’ the moment it’s proved to me that my thyroid/endocrine/pituitary function is normal, dammit!
I can’t express how tired I am of always and forever being tired. Bah.
Hey, it’s 5:00! I get to leave now! HURRAH!
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