Finished up with Prairie Ag today; I drove out there this morning and taught Brian how to upload his spreadsheets using CuteFTP and picked up my final check. Whee! Sure is nice to get paid, ain’t it?
Stopped at the Mt. Pleasant square on the way back and ate at the local Mexican restaurant, Little Mexico. Had chile rellenos. They’re of the school that doesn’t remove the seeds from the chiles – I frown upon that. It doesn’t stop me from eating them, but I tend never to order them again. The ‘new’ Mexican restaurant in Fairfield, La Hacienda, also does not remove the seeds. All hail Los Portales, home of the best chile relleno in the whole wide world!
Back in Fairfield, I put my shiny new check into the bank and then went straight to the At Home Store and spent $40 of it on a groovy knitting bag, a skein of bulky to finish my second set of Fuzzyfeet with, and a set of tiny needles for a pair of socks I feel coming on soon.
A dry basement is a less-smelly basement
When I got home, Brett and Brady were here holding down the living room furniture. (Bless ’em, the shit might fly away if those big strong boys weren’t sittin’ on it all afternoon! Tee-hee!) After I transferred my stuff into my new space age knitting bag of excellent design, Brett, being the demanding ogre he is (snort!), sent me back into town to rent a dehumidifier from 1-Stop, so I got to see Bo and Jason and Joe in their new habitat.
Joe came charging out of the swinging doors of his cave (the shop in the back, where he’s pretending to be a small engine mechanic but is probably only huffing fumes out of random cans) holding his arms up like a surgeon scrubbed to cut something wearing big scary black gloves on and said, “Oh, Mush, look, I’m ready for you!” I wrinkled up my nose and laughed and said, “Ewh! You naaasty little wench!”
Flesh of dead animal, anyone?
I stopped at the store next and picked up a bag of briquettes and some dead ground up cow and then came home, where I started the dishes and BBQed hamburgers and potatoes for Brett, Brady, and Jimbo, who were by then all working on remodelling the job trailer. (It’s got new, or more, or lowered shelves… I’m not really clear on what they did, only that they’re extremely pleased with it all.) I mixed the hamburger with chopped onions, salt & pepper, and about two teaspoons of chipotle hot sauce before forming the patties. They were quite a hit. The potatoes I diced coarsely, tossed with sliced onions, olive oil, salt and pepper, and paprika, and cooked on the grill in the veggie wok. I burnt the hell out of them by putting them on too early, but in my defence the menfolk always do the BBQing so I’m out of practice, and Brett and Brady both professed to a fondness for charred foods.
A helper helping, that’s me
After dinner, I knitted a few more rows. Then I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, helped Brett pour concrete in the holes around the new laundry line posts, helped Brett (not much, though – he’s getting better!) plumb the line for the new outdoor spigot, helped Brett get the bucket to put water in to fill from the new spigot to carry over to the new laundry line posts to pour on the concrete.
Somewhere in all that me helping him do stuff I’ve only needed done for about two years, he somehow decided he’s earned himself a nice blow job.
The mind absolutely boggles. Who the hell was home all day? (Snort!)
Bad software kills
Now it’s dark, and I’m in my office/meditation room, entering kitchen sevas into a spreadsheet I’ll import into the Seva Database, a useless, tedious, horribly bad piece of software I helped into being last year. The Center has someone building a truly elegant online seva assignment application that I long to use when it’s ready next year – I am not kidding when I say my database is not much better than doing the assignments by hand.
I have to go to a Coordinator’s Meeting at 10:30 tomorrow morning too, so at least I won’t have to make my own morning beverage – I’ll be able to buy it (decaf, for chrissakes) at 2nd Street.
So I’m off to finish my last few pages of data entry, then to my soft, squishy bed and my beloved Swell sheets.
Until then, lovies, I remain,
Your Faithful Mushlette.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer