Today I’m working, and it is not, as I’d feared, The Most Beautiful Day Of The Year. It’s overcast, and a bit chilly. A nice day, no doubt, but not the nicest.

I went to the bowling banquet last night. The ‘banquet’ was a potluck at the bowling alley, complete with special bowling alley odor, and a hard-to-hear, mic-free presentation of awards.

Myself, I left with a little wooden bowling pin with my name on it, twenty bucks, and a seedling mum. Not a bad haul, really, especially when you consider the chocolate chip cookie/cream cheese icing/chocolate pudding dessert thingy I had three pieces of.

Anna got a trophy for her 602 series; she was completely geeked out, having never received a trophy before. She also got a WIBC pin.

After the event, Anna stayed to bowl a game with a few others, and I caught a ride back to the square where my Jeep was parked. I took Lucy’s banquet spoils to her and hung out for half an hour or so with her and Jana and the baby, to whom I sang a few songs.

Eventually I picked up Miko and headed homeward, where I passed out and slept the sleep of a girl who had had one and a half cocktails before dinner.

I had lunch today at La Hacienda with Joe. I ate the mushroom quesadilla – they have truly miraculous Mexican melting cheese there.

After work today I intend to visit The At Home Store for some yarn, and then – no ifs, ands, or buts about it – I’m going home and taking a nap, dammit.

Brett says he’ll be working all weekend, so come hell or high water I will complete my latest website gig, and maybe even re-do my own site some.

Off to do the weekly dispatch installation report. Ciao.


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