Yesterday I was home with, ah, shall we say ‘unhappy guts.’ I wasn’t exactly terribly sick, but you gotta understand at work I share a bathroom with men; and it’s pretty boomy, that bathroom, and it’s right on the hallway, and I just didn’t want to have to go in there. If you know what I mean.
Long story short, I’m working tomorrow to make up for not being here yesterday, and THAT means that I’ll be indoors on what will be – judging by today’s weather – The Most Beautiful Day Of The Year.
In other words, I’m boycotting bar food.
I was joined in my misery yesterday by Joe, who’d come out the night before to shoot guns with Brett down in the back 40. He crashed on our couch, but our couch killed him. He moved like an old man all day yesterday, poor guy. I hate back pain.
This morning I came in early, and went to 2nd Street for coffee… and Misty and Steve and Penny and Enzo were all there, and they were interesting and fun and I was late to work AGAIN because all those swingshift workin’ people distracted me. Argh! I NEVER WANT TO WORK AGAIN, I JUST WANT TO FUCK OFF FOR A LIVING!
Last night, Brett and Joe and I went to La Hacienda for Cinquo de Mayo. (Mainly because I’d been sick all day and didn’t want to cook dinner.) I feel bad about not giving all of my Mexican food business to Los Portales, but at La Hacientda you can drink margeritas and smoke cigarettes, and they’ve got climate control. A/C is a really huge factor when picking a restaurant most of the time.
It’s 1:05 so I’m off to lunch.
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Here’s to fucking off for a living! Goddammit.