First of all, Todd Rundgren is a Mac guy. Of all things! (This is what you learn when you go to Todd’s site and sit thru the entire Flash show.)
Second of all: I fucking hate Real. Their software installation procedure is a pain in the ass, and I loathe that they think I’m acutally going to register every single time I instal a freakin’ copy of RealPlayer! (I tried using to register today, but – surprize! – that email address is already registered.) I’d use my real email and pwd, but none of them work. (I have a limited number of email/pwd combos I use for throwaway shit like REGISTERING YET ANOTHER COPY OF REAL.) I also hate that Real has a built-in browser and wants to waste bandwidth force feeding me all kinds of crap I absolutely do not want – and I’ve tried to get involved with my Real software over the years, and help it find me stuff I like… it can’t. Ads are ads, and badly targeted ads suck as much as non-targeted ads do.
I also hate that basically every fucking MP3 player there is has a built-in browser. At least Winamp’s doesn’t load every time you boot the app!
I am also just sick of all the apps one needs just to hear the occasional snippet on the web; I just wanted to hear a house mix of some crazy old Todd song.
Third, todd-is-godd has a new album out! Good for Todd! (I love Todd. I’ve loved Todd for years. I’ve bought Back to the Bars FIVE TIMES over the years.)
2 Responses to Todd is godd, and Real can kiss my ass
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Submit a made up ‘’ email address to Real. This even works for those shitty “we’ll send you the download link to your specified email address” sites, because dodgeit allows you to check the mail. And it’s free. Who’s the man now, dog?
That’s quite helpful, thanx bucket!