In which there is no thematic element, just a random, sloppy post.
Somebody finally moved into our old house across the street! Naturally this means I’m sitting on my couch, right in front of the plate glass window, with the drapes wide open, watching him wash his car, in completely blatant “nosy old white lady” fashion.
His car is CLEAN as FUCK, guys. He’s got a hose attachment, detergent, chamois and everything. After he dried it, he put it in the garage and covered it! Who puts a car cover over a car in a garage?! Absolutely fascinating.
It’s a chilly and grey November day, with splashes of sunlight, and lots of breeze and golden leaves gently spiraling… picture-perfect autumn. I should probably go rake leaves or some shit, but this couch is damn comfortable.
We went out to brunch earlier at The Sunny Side, which is next door to the liquor store, so I grabbed myself some Oregon-made vodka and a couple mixers. I may be starting cocktail hour pretty early. Like, any minute now, or whenever I decide what I want: bloody Mary? Vodka soda? Vodka cran? Screwdriver? Lemon drop? Vodka gimlet? Little bit vapor-locked with all the potentials, here.
Speaking of time, FUCK DST, IT’S SO FUCKING STUPID, WHY CAN’T THE FUCKING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT KILL WHATEVER IT IS THAT KEEPS STATES FROM BEING ABLE TO OPT-OUT TO STANDARD TIME?!?! The entire left coast has voted to kill the clock changes, but we can’t opt out unless we go to permanent DST rather than standard time. I hate it.
The shop is doing more business every month, and my boss told me that “a lot of that is thanks to you,” and I’ve never been so pleased. I love that little cheese shop, and I’m pleased and proud it’s doing so well. Yesterday was extremely busy (for a tiny shop in a rural town of 9,000) and honestly, I had a blast. Lots of lunch customers, lots of grocery customers, locals and tourists alike. Really enjoyable! I’m so lucky to have a good job: one in which I have responsibilities I actually enjoy, and where I am not treated like ignorant, replaceable shit.
Honestly, I think I have some genuine PTSD from working low-level corporate America jobs. Comcast, Home Depot, places like that are truly abusive and awful. If I can manage it, I will NEVER take any job ever again that isn’t operated directly by the owner. (It’s so much harder to be an abusive fuck if you actually have to look your employees in the eye every day.)
Apropos of nothing: I bought a new vape mod last weekend, and I love it. The box said it was “mint green,” but it’s actually metallic-peacock-blue-shading-to-bright-teal. It’s actually quite pretty.
I think I forgot to water the dogwoods at all this week? I have “water dogwoods” in my planner last Thursday, but I feel like I wrote that to remind myself and then never did it. I love these little trees and want them to thrive, and the internet and my aunt Kathy both say we need to water them deeply on a regular basis for at least the first entire year, so that they can grow deep roots, and I really don’t want to fuck it up!
My dad’s leaving the country for a month, to vacation in Costa Rica, and we’ll be sitting his cat. I’m really excited to have a temporary cat guest! I don’t really want to commit to a pet, mostly because they always die, but having a visiting cat? Fucking fantastic! I hope she settles in quickly and likes to cuddle, I haven’t been purred on it quite awhile.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer