in which i wish i could trust the society i live in to not be ignorant fuckheads.
went to the store today and a shocking number of people were unmasked, like at least 20%
saw three tweets tonight about breakthrough covid. one has damaged lungs, a damaged heart, and is in kidney failure.
went to the cdc site and i’m eligible for a booster, so i scheduled one for next week.
up to half the people who come into my workplace are either entirely unmasked, or they unmask to eat
i’m not high risk, like, i’m not immuno-compromised or ill, but jesus christ, no vaccine is perfect and any one of these fuckers could be asymptomatic and this disease KILLS perfectly healthy people all the time
in fact, if you’re unmasked i just assume you are a carrier and stand as far away from you as i can because your lack of masking probably indicates that you’re not doing anything at all to stem the spread of this disease
covid will never be over, because a third or more of the country “don’t believe” that covid is destroying people’s organs and over a thousand are DYING every day, we’re literally having a 9/11 every single fucking day but people think it only affects sick and fat people who somehow are disposable? what if i happen to LOVE somebody who is ill or old or fat but otherwise has a perfectly normal life expectancy, do they deserve to die because YOU won’t get your shots or wear a fucking mask?
the new normal is that you or someone you love might come down with covid and in the space of a month need organ transplants or be dead, because society just won’t comply with SIMPLE mandates: vaccinate, distance, mask, and wash your fucking hands
this shit is not a cold or flu, it’s putting people, including children and athletes, in the ground every single day
and it’s unutterably disgusting that for many, a death is ONLY sad if the person didn’t have pre-existing conditions. tons of people have pre-existing conditions (because thanks to science, we live with them now rather than die from them)
a person with a congenital heart defect is not less valuable than you, nor is somebody with diabetes, or someone on blood pressure meds, or with asthma, or ANY CONDITION AT ALL. they deserve to live just as much as you do. i mean, how valuable are you to society? what do you do or give that makes you deserve more to live?
probably not much.
if you’re healthy, it’s not a virtue. it’s not your smoothie habit or exercise regimen, it’s not your idiot herb supplements, it’s your genes and your environmental experiences. it’s a combo of luck and privilege. and if you live long enough, you WILL EVENTUALLY develop a so-called pre-existing condition, dumbass.
and you may be against “big pharma” now, but one day, if you don’t die suddenly or in an accident first, you’ll see the results of your blood draw and they’ll tell you that you need meds to LIVE, and you’ll fucking take them. it could be anything from high blood pressure to cancer, but you’ll take the meds. everybody does BECAUSE the morality of capitalism in medicine, while a big goddamned problem politically, becomes irrelevant when you’ve got something that can be managed with meds but will otherwise kill you.
anyway, get your vaccinations and boosters. wear your mask. avoid crowds. wash your hands. just don’t give me covid, because there’s a small but non-zero chance that it might fucking ravage my organs and/or kill me because sometimes that’s what happens because vaccines are not perfect: that’s why EVERYBODY NEEDS THEM to STOP THE DISEASE
you ignorant, insular, selfish fucking cunts.
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Jesus Christ dude, mellow the fuck out and get over yourself!
Let me guess. You’re a Rogan fan, aren’t you.
1. What does listening to a podcast have to do with anything?
2. Most people survive COVID, and “long COVID” is nothing more than a media scare tactic.
3. The vaccines and boosters obviously aren’t working despite the lies the media is publishing.
4. Most people popping pills are suffering the consequences of their own health choices, regardless of COVID or not. That’s why we go after Big Pharma, because they’re not curing you, they’re making you a customer.
5. GET. OVER. YOURSELF. AND. STOP. PROJECTING. Your fearmongering post is making most of us laugh, thanks for being the unintentional jester of the Internet, you and your blue checkmark buddies on Twitter are the actual problem.
1. It’s a direct line: Rogan fans are misinformed by Rogan’s material. Rogan himself is a D-list actor who lacks the ability to discern shit from Shinola, and unsurprisingly has become hero to other mediocre white men. Basically, consuming Rogan’s material, like watching Fox Entertainment, makes people feel smarter while making them functionally dumber. (The twee what-about-ism and racism hardly recommends him as a source of either entertainment or information, either.)
2. Yes, most people who catch Covid survive Covid, but over a million Americans have died from it. If literally anything else had killed a million Americans, you’d be signing up for the draft. But you dismiss the massive tragedy of Covid because you’ve been brainwashed by whatever politicized media you consume.
Long Covid is real and it’s debilitating. Up to 30% of people who got Covid, even with mild or no symptoms, still have issues of varying severity half a year later, and many are seriously disabled. Information about Covid and long Covid is easily available; the fact that you believe long Covid is a “media scare tactic” just makes you sound like a crazy flat earther or one of those nut jobs who freak out about fluoridation.
3. There’s massive, easily available evidence that the vaccines do work. Wherever vaccines are deployed, incidence and severity decreases. “Believing” otherwise just means you accept whatever your media sources tell you without bothering to fact check with experts. If you reject expertise, if you won’t accept the findings of the CDC or WHO, then you’re an idiot. Only an idiot thinks he knows more than experts; the smart and humble person knows the limits of his knowledge.
4. Wrong. Most people popping pills are doing so because they’ve lived long enough to develop things like high blood pressure or heart disease. The longer you live, the more likely you are to be on a medication. If you’re young and on meds, you probably have a genetic or environmental disease.
Good health is a function of youth, luck, and genes, nothing more. Being well doesn’t confer moral superiority. Hatred towards the ill, however, makes you a selfish, compassionless fuckhead.
When you need a medicine to live more comfortably or to survive, you’ll take it. Everybody does. Won’t mean you endorse the pharmaceutical industry, but you won’t refuse to take meds if the alternative is misery and/or death.
5. You’re the one repeatedly visiting some random stranger’s blog and typing crazy stuff as if it’s not just political garbage (much of which originated in foreign states, and was specifically intended to confuse and distract the gullible); not sure how you got from your own behavior to the claim that I’m “projecting.”
And as for “Big Pharma,” massive corporations are absolutely problematic, yes, very few people disagree with that, but medicines save lives. Millions of people live longer, more fulfilling lives because of the availability of various medicines, everything from asthma inhalers to blood pressure meds, from insulin to chemo; even something as basic as NyQuil, you’ll know if you’ve ever had a shitty cold, increases quality of life significantly. Grunting HUR DUR BIG PHARMA BAD is simplistic and ignorant. The actual thinker can tell the difference between brilliant, helpful medicines that improve or save human lives, and the bullshittery that is the modern corporation, because they’re different things.
Following an account on Twitter doesn’t mean I’m “buddies” with anybody who has blue check, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. And considering that I’m nobody, it’s impossible for me to be the “unintentional jester of the Internet.” You’re one of, like, maybe six people who have even read this post, son, but thanks for thinking I’ve somehow got wide-reaching online influence!