In which it was deeply relaxing and refreshing.
With the world on varying levels of lock down, Amma’s stuck in Amritapuri for the time being, and Her tours, including the summer North American Tour, are postponed (if not cancelled). So She’s directed senior disciple talks and local satsang (“a spiritual discourse or sacred gathering”) meetings to move online.
The North American e-newsletter has sent out a massive calendar of online offerings. It’s so great!
The closest Oregon satsang is in Bend, and tonight I joined their live stream for chants, bhajans, and meditation. (Meant to join last week, but stayed at work doing cheese affinage stuff.) There is, of course, no local satsang here.
Tonight’s online virtual satsang was lovely!
I rarely ever live near an active satsang (there was one in Fairfield, but I lived in Batavia so never went; and there was one in greater Minneapolis but it moved every month and was never near me, so I only attended once in five years), so this online stuff is really wonderful for me. So many options I wouldn’t have otherwise! Silver linings and all that.
Anyway, if you want some spiritual nourishment, Amma’s talks are here and the senior disciples’ YouTube channel is here. It’s really good viewing.
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I love smoked paprika! It is in almost every one of my recipes that people ask me for, in real life, after they’ve eaten something I made. And yes, I think you have a food blog now. (snork!) ð It’s alright – I have a Chronic Illness blog that I haven’t updated in three or six years because I realized I know nothing about my chronic illness and I haven’t taken the time to put that into words – PLUS my new snazzy keyboard, though very type-writer-ish, if very clacky and makes me want to be succinct. That is all.
Also I’m so out of practice on commenting that I added a comment to the post made *before* the post I meant to comment on. Thank you for understanding ð