…voilà! Delicious and cheesy Welsh Rarebit for Saturday brunch! SO DELICIOUS! I COULD EAT THIS A LOT.
1. Make the cheese sauce. (In this case, re-heat the leftover cheese soup from the Beer and Cheddar Soup with Kielbasa Sausage and add some dijon and cayenne.)
2. Fry half of a tomato and two slices of whole wheat bread (homemade, three days old, and beginning to get a little dry) in generous amounts of butter.
3. Cover the toast with cheese sauce and put it under the broiler until bubbly and beginning to brown, about 3 minutes.
4. Poach an egg. Mince some parsley, if you have it. Or spring onions would also be nice.
5. Remove the toast from the broiler, top with poached egg, season, garnish, add the tomato, and PUT THE WHOLE MESS INTO YOUR VERY HUNGRY FACE.
Great way to make use of stale bread.
– www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/perfectwelshrarebit_13772
– www.seriouseats.com/2012/09/british-bites-welsh-rarebit-w…
– goo.gl/WpNb21
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