In which I can’t figure out why TV still sucks so much when there are technologies available that could easily make it suck less.
Last night, while sitting at the brew pub eating a Gardenburger and idly gazing at the cable commercial showing on the glass teat hanging above the bar, I, who am really not much of a television watcher anyway, wondered why the television industry hasn’t yet invented TV that doesn’t suck.
Consider the following:
– If you shop at Amazon, the site will track what you’ve bought, what you’ve looked at, and what people like you have bought, and make intelligent suggestions.
– If you listen to Pandora, the site will build you an entire radio station based on of the single track or artist you enter, and tailor it to your preferences over time as you click “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” to the songs it offers on your station. The more you listen to Pandora, the better it gets at only playing stuff you like.
– Apple’s Genius algorithm (or music genome database or whatever it is) totally works and is awesome, and it collects anonymous information from its users.
– Desktop computers offer profiles, allowing multiple users to store multiple personal settings on the same machine.
– A 1.5 terabyte hard drive only costs $120.
Since all of these things are true, I want to know why my television (or closely attached DVR-like device) doesn’t already do all of the following:
– Keep separate profiles for all users and groups of users in a house, and offer different programming based on who’s watching and when. (“Bob” might want to see football on Sunday afternoon and Debbie Does Dallas when he’s watching at two in the morning by himself.)
– Show me what I most want to watch based on the date and time I turn it on. (If I always watch Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares on Wednesday nights, why doesn’t it just show me that the minute I turn it on? Why must I touch the remote at all?)
– Have me fill out a brief demographic survey (age, sex, orientation, income, favorite channels, least favorite channels, favorite programs, hobbies) when I first buy and install my television or closely attached DVR-like device that enables it to target me for advertisements. Ideally there would be no advertisements, but since we’re adults here and realize that we cannot escape commercials we should be able to influence what we have to see.
Targeted advertising would theoretically enable small companies to pay smaller amounts to get ads to a smaller demographic. For example, my favorite yarn store could never afford television ads now, but they could probably cough up a few grand to show only people like me that their new yarn line is in for the summer. I would love to see an ad from them, and I’d probably drop by their site and buy more superfine alpaca if I saw them on telly every so often.
A lot of people are paranoid freaks and would absolutely wet themselves if they thought they were being targeted, but I know from using Google that I prefer targeted ads to random ones and from using iTunes’ Genius function that allowing a company to gather my data can actually benefit me. I hate seeing commercials for SUVs because I don’t have kids and I’ll never, ever fucking buy an SUV, ever. I hate commercials for housecleaning chemicals because I’m not a housewife. I don’t want to see ads for investment firms because I’m poor and I don’t have investments. But if I could turn on my TV and see only ads for things I’m actually interested in – yarn, iPods, Caribbean vacation packages, Neutrogena facial products, jewelry, low-priced eco cars, web hosting, photography, cooking, and related items – I’d be happier about the fact that I’m paying for television in the first place.
They say we self-select for advertisements by the channels we choose, but take KJ as an example. He watches both the Today show (a habit he learned from his family) and the golf channel (because he plays golf), but he’s neither a stay-at-home-mom nor a 60-year-old white male in the $100 per annum bracket. The commercials he sees – tampons and air fresheners or expensive cars and investment services – are still badly targeted.
My television should, whenever I turn it on, ask me who I am and then immediately show me what I am most likely to want to be watching just then. If I don’t like what it’s chosen, it should then show me the second most likely show, and so on through a list that contains only things I like and none of the crap I don’t: in other words, I should never be confronted with the speed channel or a hunting show or that Criss Angel crap unless I specifically go searching for it.
My television should occasionally offer me new stuff to like. If I’ve watched ER for twelve years, it should offer me something else to watch during that slot based on my known and recorded preferences.
My television should have a profile for me alone, and the ability to make another profile for me and my boyfriend together, since we will be likely to watch together different shows than we would separately.
My television should offer me ALL programing on demand, not just the occasional pay-per-view movie. The only live TV should be sporting events, politics, weather, and news; literally everything else should be on-demand because bandwidth and storage are so cheap.
My television should push me all the sci-fi, cooking, travel, history, and comedy I can stand, and protect me from car shows, bad buddy movies, shows about fishing, ghost and psychic phenomena bullshit, and HSN. It should tell me when my favorite old movies are on, it should introduce me to new series, and it should only play ads that I might care about. Other than to turn my TV on and off and to answer the occasional query, I should never have to touch my remote again unless I’m in a weird mood and want to watch something unusual.
Modern TV is completely archaic compared to the intelligence of all our other media, and it’s way past time for somebody to do something about it. Too bad I’m in the wrong industry, or I’d totally invent SmartTV and change the world!
Or the worlds of a bunch of couch potatoes, that is.
In which I told you so.
It’s April 1st, 2009, and Conficker has NOT destroyed the Internet.
Some cranked-up jarheads got their panties in a wad for a few minutes [WaPo has a sense of humor! how awesome is that!], but that was pretty much all she wrote.
Now be good boys and girls and keep letting Windows Update do its job and we’ll all (particularly me) be fine.
In which it totally feels like hump day, but it isn’t.
Weather in the Walla Walla Valley
First there was sun.
Then there was wind. Then there was hail.
Then the power went out. Management decided to send everyone (but me) home, and they all left and had had just enough time to get into their cars… and the power came back on. So they all had to come back.
I didn’t have to help clear the queue, though, because it was my lunch break.
Vintage Photography
I’ve been playing with The Bricks every day because they’re just so cool looking. Finally got the Tele-Sandmar on Brick The Younger today:
Still need to clean and adjust the rangefinder before I can actually shoot anything with it. I ordered cheap film from Adorama and it won’t be here for a few days anyway; hopefully the camera will be ready by then. Last night I learned how to remove (very easy) and replace (total pain in the ass) the exposure counter. This means I’m one step closer to taking the top panel off of the camera so I can clean and adjust the rangefinder!
I don’t think I know anyone with a scanner. I realize it seems weird to take film images simply to put them into electronic format, but I’ll tell you what: all the pictures in my Flickr account? are still there. All the photos and photo albums I once had? are gone. No idea where they are. Maybe I have some in boxes, but I think most of them were rotten and not worth saving from the farm. So I’ll have to pay extra when getting my film developed to have them all scanned.
I wonder how many rolls of film it will take me to really grok this:
Even though you focus your camera lens on a certain distance, the picture will be sharp in front of and behind the point focused on. This “range of sharpness” (depth of field) depends on the lens opening used and the lens focusing distance.
The smaller the lens opening, and the greater the focusing distance, the greater is the the lens’ range of sharpness. The range of sharpness will be least when the lens is used at its largest opening and shortest focusing distance.
Working at an ISP
In other, wholly unrelated news, we had a six-state DSL outage that lasted about two hours. An hour into it, all the rest of the staff’s shifts ended and I ended up in here alone. My brother gave me the saddest little “Sorry to leave you with all this, but my day’s done” shrug on his way out the door. I have about 40 calls to complete.
And now, to close, a little about this bullshit worm scare story in the news:
A pox upon CBS and CNN and every other news agency that picked up this stupid Confiker/Downadup worm story! You are making my job stupider!
I’m not against educating people about Internet security, not at all. I am against hysterical reporting. I am against having customers freaking out on my phone and over LiveChat and through email for two days because some reporter learned about a particular kind of threat that’s been around since last autumn!
Here’s an email reply I sent to a customer:
>From : XXXX
> Phone : (xxx) xxx-xxxx
> O/S : Windows XP
> Comments : Do I need to worry about a virus tonight?
Run Windows Update and make sure you have all available service packs and security patches installed in your operating system. Then force your anti-virus program to update as well. You should be fine.
The worm that made the news isn’t really news; it’s been out for quite awhile. The operating system hole it exploits was patched by Microsoft last year. The only people vulnerable to this worm are those using non-patched copies of Windows. I really have no idea why this thing even became ‘news.’
Have a great night!
Actually, the one good thing about all this is hearing people practically say “fuck” in German all day long and knowing they have no idea they’re doing it.
In which there were three boxes on my desk when I rolled into work this morning!
Today was eBay day. It looked like this:
I received two Argus Rangefinder C3 cameras, one made in 1941 and the other in 1962 (they ended up averaging about $11 apiece):
And an entire lot of hard-to-find flash bulbs from an estate sale for a screaming deal:
A damn good day, all in all. I would finish up with something like, “And now I’m going to spend all weekend shooting actual film!,” but I can’t because I don’t have any actual film. Plus one or both of The Bricks will have to be cleaned and tuned before I can actually shoot anything with it. The 1962 Argus is in overall great shape, but the range finder is too filthy to actually see anything through. The 1941 has cleaner optics but everything else is tight and the body probably leaks light. And I ordered the wrong film for my Polaroid, so I can’t even pop a bunch of flash bulbs!
In which I post a picture of the dress I made last weekend.
It’s made of rayon knit. I had already drawn the pattern for the 4-panel skirt, so for this project I copied a favorite long-sleeved t-shirt for the bodice, and made up the cowl – which is big enough to be a hood or a capelet – as I went along.
It is not now, nor will it probably ever be, hemmed.
I really want a serger!
[moar the dress pictures]
In which there are clothes now that didn’t exist before because I made them. Plus photography and food because I’m a woman of leisure with many hobbies. Many!
I found an orange cloud filter on eBay last Friday, which made me think that I should buy some Polaroid film for my classic Land camera.
Well, it turns out that Polaroid stopped making instant film last December and I have no idea which Fuji films will fit in my 103! So I posted my question here and the nice photography geeks assured me that most of the Fuji instant films will fit. Whew. Now I want another classic Polaroid camera… maybe this one.
Friday night Teh BF took me to the PnE, where I drank FAR too much. I drunkenly made plans to hang out with Lannie for Saturday, so I actually had to get out of bed on Saturday morning and act like a real human being in spite of The Curseâ„¢ and the hangover and everything.
Lannie came over somewhere in the neighborhood of ten in the morning, and somehow I produced mugs of tea and hash browns and veggie sausages and eggs over easy and we had brunch together. Then I got the sewing machine set up, and we got to sewing… or we were going to get to sewing, but I’d somehow managed to purchase carpet thread and there was no way I was going to sew lightweight rayon knit with freakin’ carpet thread.
So we all went to JoAnne’s – even G’ma, who needed some flower stuff for the porch – and I bought thread. And I also grabbed 1.5 yards of green rayon knit and matching thread and made Lannie a dress out of it because she’s a poor starving college student with no money and the stuff was only thirteen bucks.
When we got back to the house I poured myself a glass of Coke and whipped up a tube top dress for Lannie. She’s in love with it. My pattern needs 2 yards of fabric but I’d forgotten that and only bought her 1.5 yards, so instead of a 4-panel skirt she got a 2-panel skirt with kick pleats. It worked out well, though, and she was totally involved in the design process and we used damn near every inch of the fabric we bought.
Then I made myself a dress. In fact, I made myself THE dress! It’s the coolest thing ever! Totally custom and awesome! It’s brown, of course, and floor length and long-sleeved and has this big cowl thing that can be worn loose or as a capelet or up as a hood and I absolutely love it. (The only reason I’m not wearing it today was that I was trying to exercise a little restraint since I’ve basically been wearing it since it came off the machine Saturday afternoon. Yeah.)
Saturday night Kaje and I went out for Mexican food and then went back to his place and stayed in. I think we watched about three chick flicks this weekend because he’s indulgent and I had The Curseâ„¢.
When we went to Petco on Sunday, the clerk asked me where I’d gotten my dress and told me she really liked it. I got to say, “Uh, I made it. Yesterday! It isn’t even hemmed yet!” It was really gratifying. I felt like a sewing rockstar!
My next sewing project will be a wrap. Something out of the purple cotton knit I have. Something that’s sleeveless and about knee-length with a button hole in the side and long ties that wrap around the waist. I haven’t designed the pattern yet, but knit’s very forgiving so hopefully it’ll turn out as well as The Dress did!
This morning I made spicy potato curry for my bento. Since there was enough, I packed a bento for my bro as well and he said “nom nom nom” and eated it right up. I’m like the Easter Bunny of bento or something!
Teh BF’s birthday is next month. He likes to golf for some reason, so he’ll probably be spending a weekend at Wildhorse and he said I can come too. While he and Caddie are out smacking little balls around with expensive metal sticks, I intend to soak in the hot tub until I turn into a prune.
In which it’s another entry full of random crap!
Friday means free lunch and two hours out of the queue for the weekly company meeting. It means an hour-long afternoon nap at Teh BF’s during our lunch breaks after the meeting.
It also means I get to sleep in tomorrow!
And after I do, I’ll be sewing. All day long. Swear to God. I am. Totally. Sewing. I got plans for some fabric!
Speaking of clothing, here’s my new Etsy dress:
I can’t decide if it’s awesome or hideous. Either way I’m gonna wear the hell out of it.
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The Curse™ arrived today.
It sucks to be me.
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This town has a really high percentage of geriatric citizens and I think it’s affecting me. I spend too much time idly wondering when and how I’m going to die. This can’t be normal.
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Finished the Friday meeting, clocked out, and went to Teh BF’s where we both promptly crawled into his bed and passed out for 45 minutes. I love Friday naps!
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Now I’m back at work, and naturally my first post-nap call is a crazy bitch that Qwest dropped on me who reads me all kinds of non-relevant shit off her screen, has fucking Vista on her computer, and won’t stop talking long enough for me to tell her what to do.
When I told her to reboot her computer, she didn’t, and then lied to me that she had. She also had an IP hard coded, and lied to me about that as well.
…of course, I’m such a brilliant social engineer that I have not only gotten her DSL modem reconfigured, connected, and authenticated in spite of herself, I’ve also got her apologizing to me for being such a non-listenin’ idiot.
Lesson: when you call tech support, shut up and listen. If they want to know something, they’ll ASK YOU.
Did I mention The Curse™ arrived today?
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My second call is a drunk-sounding old lady (I say “drunk-sounding” because who knows, maybe she had a stroke or something) who doesn’t have menus visible in her mail client and will not let me tell her how to restore them. This means that we cannot get into her account settings to see if they’re fucked up.
So I’m telling her it’s broken and sending her to a shop. Because seriously, how the hell am I supposed to fix something when my customer can’t get into the damn application’s settings?
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Mmm. York peppermint patties.
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I still have three and a half hours left of my workweek. It sounds like an eternity.
In which I still need a vacation, but haven’t scheduled one yet. (Teh BF says he’s taking me to Wildhorse casino for his birthday next month, though, so that’ll be good.)
Since my content is so lame, I am including images. I love you too.
I am tired of this ten-degrees-below-average-for-this-time-of-year weather. The wind, overcast skies, and unnecessary chill are all getting on my nerves.
I want spring to get here already. Isn’t wonderfully mild weather the whole point of living here?
Here’s my lunch. Innit adorable?
Making it this morning and then eating it this afternoon will doubtless prove to be the absolute highlights of the first ten hours of my day. Happy Monday.
My employer is advertising to hire another employee! I’m almost giddy with relief, actually. I had myself all convinced I was about to get laid off.
Silly brain.
My G’ma is feeding my dog entirely too much. AGAIN. The stuff she’s feeding Bindu not only keeps the dog on the verge of obesity, but it also gives her itchy butt, runny stools, and gas. (I realize that’s entirely TMI but food that does such things to a creature cannot be at all acceptable.)
I’ve tried being nice to G’ma, I’ve tried reason, I’ve tried being openly hostile, and I’ve tried simply keeping the dog away from the house as much as possible, all to no avail: there is no way to get the woman to stop overfeeding my dog each and every chance she gets.
I have resolved to go buy appropriate dog foods this Sunday – boring old IAMS or Nutro kibbles (and, in a massive nod toward compromise, some canned food as well) that the dog is unlikely to gorge upon. I will bring these items home and put them in the pantry, and I will then proceed to throw the crap G’ma stocks right out into the garbage. The sheer wastefulness will, I hope, get her attention.
I’ve had this dog through scores of jobs, men, and miscarriages. Bindu is the love of my life and my baby. I will not let the length and quality of her little blue life be compromised because G’ma apparently feels compelled to spoil animals to death.
I watched the director’s cut of Blade Runner in bed last night. With earphones in and the Eee PC on my chest, it was a totally awesome movie-watching experience!
I really love my tiny little laptoplette.
* The grocery store two blocks from my house no longer accepts my debit card, so in order to shop there I have to take cash out of the ATM and pay $1.50 for the privilege. Fuck that.
* I remain unconvinced that I can crawl back to the bandleader and be civil enough to get my old gig back. I’m just too wrapped up in my ego’s utter rage at being fired for no reason (I’ve never been fired from a band in my life, and particularly not when I did everything I was supposed to do). I’m thinking of cutting my finger nails and taking my Breedlove to open mic come Wednesday.
I can’t play for shit, but they’ll let me on stage anyway because they know I can sing.
* My dog is still fat, and it’s not even my fault.
* I don’t have a bicycle and am, apparently, too stupid to get one bought.
This evening, after spending some time with Teh BF, I hope to move forward on some of this:
I really want to change my whole master plan and make the awesome dress out of the purple stuff (because it’s cotton instead of rayon), but I won’t. I will stick to the plan, because it will give me a chance to adjust the pattern with fabric that I don’t like as much. Then I can go out and buy moar cotton knit next weekend! Yay!
I haven’t knit anything in months.
Apparently I’m as incon(si)stant with my hobbies as I am with literally everything else.
In which I ponder the economy.
There is a company-wide meeting every Friday afternoon in the office where I work.
We all get off the phones and eat lunch together, and management goes over various topics and we discuss them as a group. Usually it’s changes in products or fine points of procedure. Sometimes there are assigned presentations about the products or services we offer, and there’s usually a harmless little team-building discussion topic at the end, like What was the make and model of your first car? or How long did your longest relationship last?
Last Friday at the top of the meeting, management went over our current customer count and incoming call statistics and then told us that the national unemployment rate had hit 8.1 percent… and left it at that. No verbiage tying the figures into anything like attrition procedure or new policies: just a statement, short and sweet, hanging in the air while all of us employees quietly scrunched down in our chairs and didn’t look at each other.
I glanced at the handout I’d been given and under one of the headers it said, “Our employees need to be exceptional.” Oh. Ooookay.
The clincher was the general discussion topic at the end of the meeting, which, and I’m not even kidding, was, “What would you do if you were not working here?”
I ain’t no Agatha Christie but I can solve mysteries with clues like those. They’re going to have to cut back whether they want to or not. It’s just how it’s going for everyone these days.
Maybe I’m being paranoid and my personal job is not in danger, but in my department the only person who has less seniority than me is my brother. So. If there are layoffs, it’s gonna suck for my household either way.
I spent time between calls browsing depressing recession images on Flickr pools.
Slate magazine’s Shoot the Recession and the Economic Clusterf*ck (a.ka. Recession) of 2008-9 both feature picture after picture of the economic crisis. Closed schools, closed banks, and closed small businesses… abandoned, foreclosed houses across the nation… photo essays of Circuit City’s last day… empty, abandoned malls and empty parking lots… abandoned historical buildings in Detroit, New York, and DC.
It’s just plain spooky when there isn’t enough money.
There was an article in the U-B last week about a white collar dude’s experience of applying for assistance. Fifty-something, upper middle class, educated, a business owner… the market he and his wife consulted in has dried up, and now they need public assistance just to pay their heating bill.
My uncle went out to the Midwest just before Christmas to bring back to the Northwest my cousin, who though educated and experienced in his field of retail, had been unable to get a job for so long that his duplex was in foreclosure.
I’m trying to decide if I should freak out and start looking for work immediately, or if I should wait and get laid off. Walla Walla is a small town and has at best only marginal employment opportunities for someone with experience and intelligence but no credentials like me; with a recession going on I’d be lucky to find another job at all.
I doubt that any of the ISPs are hiring, especially when they’re losing their customers to phone and cable companies who can bundle, or to dial-up because it’s cheaper. (Yes, people are switching back to dial-up to make ends meet. It’s true.) And with five restaurants closing in the last month alone, I probably won’t be waitressing either. Normally in a I-need-work-NOW scenario I’d go straight to a temp agency, but I doubt they’re handling any volume these days either.
I moved here to get back on my feet after the divorce. And I nearly am, but I’m still paying off the debts of my marriage and the last dregs of the Uterine Monster surgery. I still don’t own a car or furniture or kitchenware, and now if I were to leave in search of decent employment opportunities I guess I’d feel strange about abandoning G’ma to live alone. I think she thinks I’m lazy and maybe a bit of an idiot sometimes (and frankly I’m too lazy to disabuse her of such notions, so she’s partially right), but at least she’s not alone in the house and we do on occasion have hours-long discussions about cooking that are very satisfying to both of us.
I don’t have any savings. I have no retirement fund and no insurance. I’m 40 years old and in all honesty I made only $20,000 last year.
The only relative I know of who owns her dwelling outright and who actually has empty beds in it is my grandmother. My dad lives in a motor home and my mom’s got a mortgage. I think everybody else either rents or has a mortgage, and I’m pretty sure they all have some kind of debt – I mean, doesn’t everyone? What will happen to all of them if they lose their jobs too?
When I mentioned the unemployment rate on Facebook, someone replied, “91.9% are still employed.”
Which is comforting, until you realize that the official unemployment statistic apparently includes only those people receiving benefits. If your bennies run out or you’re not eligible for them in the first place, you’re not “unemployed,” you’re a non-entity. So in an economy that has thousands fewer jobs than it did a year ago the actual number of persons who wish to work and who are not doing so is probably higher than that.
I buried myself this article from last weekend’s NYT Magazine and finally realized the scope of the housing crisis:
“Just when local officials thought things couldn’t get worse, Cuyahoga County, which includes Cleveland, posted a record number of foreclosure filings. The number of empty houses is so staggeringly high that no one has an accurate count. The city estimates that 10,000 houses, or 1 in 13, are vacant. The county treasurer says it’s more likely 15,000. Most of the vacant houses are owned by lenders who foreclosed on the properties and by the wholesalers who are now sweeping in to pick up houses in bulk, as if they were trading in baseball cards.”
The wholesalers apparently buy properties for pennies on the dollar, and then resell them to naive people who end up homeless themselves when they can’t pay the years’ worth of fines and property taxes they assume when they buy. Then the house sits abandoned, gets the damage all abandoned buildings eventually do, and then the city has to find funds to raze it.
One in 13 dwellings, empty. Where did all the people go?
Alice came to a fork in the road.
“Which road do I take?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat.
“I don’t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.”
-Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
So I have a roof over my head and income. My debt is still there but if I can stay employed for another year I should be out from under all of it (except my student loans, which, quite frankly, I don’t ever expect to pay off). At this rate maybe I’ll have a retirement fund and insurance in place by the time I’m 50.
Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? I’m gonna freakin’ die on welfare.
I think it’s time to do my part in stimulating the economy: I should be utterly irresponsible and get a big fat tattoo come payday. I can even justify it since I’ve been taking my lunch to work for months now, saving myself at least enough money for a tattoo.
I bet tattoo artists and dive bars don’t even notice recessions.
In which this morning was your typical stupid Monday morning.
I went to bed early, so I woke up early.
Very early. Pre-dawn early.
I read for awhile. The sun came up. It was bright and cheery until dawn was complete, and then a valley’s worth of clouds rolled in and there was a 4-minute wind and dust storm. The sky turned from brown to sullen gray. It began to rain.
I read some more. I got up twenty minutes before my alarm went off.
I made a mug of tea. I cooked up a little pot of sticky rice. I took a shower. I noticed a repeating and annoying pain in my right breast; apparently I crushed it in my sleep last night and it’s pissed off about that.
The bed I sleep in is older than I am and there’s a trench down the center. I wake up every morning with pins and needles in my hands, arms, feet, or hips. The only thing that keeps me from sleeping on the floor is the temperature at night, but when it warms up that’s where I’ll be.
I got dressed. I made maki rolls. The sun came out. I packed the roll I was going to eat for breakfast to take to work with me because I was running late. I grabbed my purse, my coat, and put on my shoes.
It was a quarter to. Not enough time to walk. I decided to take the truck.
I went outside, threw my lunch on the truck’s seat, and then briskly walked my dog up and down the alley so she’d get at least a little bit of a run. It started to rain again. We returned to the truck… and it had a flat tire.
I pulled out my phone, texted my supervisor to tell him I’d be late, and hoofed it to work. In the rain.
I was twelve minutes late.
~ ~ ~
Saturday morning I slept in, threw on some clothes, and went immediately to the fabric store. I bought rayon knit fabric (1-1/2 yards of dark brown, and 3-1/4 yards of a gold color in the brown range), four spools of matching German thread, and a plastic zipper.
The zipper I intend to use to turn a too-small wrap around skirt into a non-wrap around skirt. The knit is for homemade attempts at clothes I’ve seen on Etsy but can’t afford.
Saturday night, Teh BF took me out after he got off work for a few drinks but I had a raging headache and felt like I was coming down with something. He took me home. I slept really hard.
~ ~ ~
Sunday I made a dress out of the dark brown fabric. I did some basic math in my head and cut out a bodice – a tube top, in essence – then cut out a four panel skirt. Then I realized that 9″ x 4 = 36″ and I was going for 38″ and I hadn’t left enough room for seams. I was worried that I was wasting $12 worth of fabric on a dress that I’d stupidly cut too small to wear.
Rayon knit is very stretchy; in actual fact I had to take in 3″ inches up the back seam of the dress just to keep it from sliding off my body.
I reinforced the seams at the waist and the hem and called it complete. It’s a knit tube top with a skirt on it – a blatant copy of a dress I bought from Etsy.
With the other fabric, I’m going to make the same dress with long sleeves and a loose cowl. Just in time for summer! Because I’m a genius like that.
Sewing slinky knit fabric on a regular machine sucks. I lost a couple of centimeters of fabric when the machine decided to stuff it through the plate down into where the bobbin lives… luckily I was able to hide the tear in the finished item, but having the machine eat my fabric was irritating. I want a serger. And if I actually continue to sew for awhile, maybe I’ll treat myself to one.
~ ~ ~
My first three calls today were from customers canceling their service.
During my interview here, I said that I what I wanted to do was tech support. “Not billing, not collections. Tech support. That’s what I’m good at. It’s a waste to put me in any other queue. I like to do third tier the most.”
Management managed to keep me out of the billing queue for quite awhile, maybe five months or so, but now a solid half of my job is apologizing for billing SNAFUs and explaining to morons that the Internet does-indeedily-do cost actual money and that when they don’t pay for it their account gets closed and their mail gets erased from the server. Permanently.
It’s a joy.
All but two of my first ten calls dropped out for 2 to 15 seconds. Two of them dropped off altogether.
Turns out that my freaking headset has failed.
Luckily, MR had one that he could give me so I’m back in business. I cannot even imagine doing tech support with a handset under my chin for 6 hours.
Today I received the two demi hoodies I ordered from Etsy with my some of my tax return. They were supposed to be custom made and I’d requested extra ease in the upper arms, but the blue one doesn’t fit at all because the arms are too tight and the hem is huge. The brown one’s okay, though.
I need a vacation. I don’t do much but sleep and work and eat and go to one of the two or three restaurants and bars Teh BF and I have added to our routine – and we’re very much following a routine. We do the same things every week, sleep at his place certain nights, sleep apart others. I’m starting to feel like W2 is too small and has nothing new to offer me. Which means I need a vacation because my attitude is going to shit.
I’m not gigging because the band leader is pissed off at me for some reason apparent only to him. I think it has to do with my turning down a gig last December: he asked if I could do it, but I had family stuff that night so I said no. He hasn’t booked me since. (Months later he gave me two pieces of information that I suspect were very important: [1.] the venue wouldn’t book the gig without me, and [2.] he really needed the money that week. I’m not clear on why he didn’t tell me that at the time; I would have complained, of course, but I’d have blown off my G’ma’s party to do the damn gig if he’d really needed me to.)
I’m not yet willing to bend to his demand for face time; I really don’t want to go listen to him say whatever it is that he has to say about what a bitch/non team-player/bad friend/prima donna he’s now decided I am. I’ve emailed but haven’t called him, because what’s really pissing me off is this: we both know that if I want to play there’s really no other game in town and I’ll have to call him eventually. That sort of manipulation just pisses me off. He’s also been telling the other band members that I think they all suck. High school much?
I’d like to audition for Grease with the local theatre company (I’d love to play Rizzo, though I suspect that I’m far too old to do so now) but my work schedule won’t permit me to do a musical. I work until 8 every night so there’s no way I could make rehearsals. Maybe I could trade my beloved closing shift with another tech and do a musical in the fall.
I lose my temper easily with customers. I say “no,” to them a lot. I talk over them because they tell me all kinds of dumb shit that isn’t germane, or they argue with me, or they’re just plain pissed off and aren’t listening.
I spend far too many minutes each week waiting for people who have called me to boot up their machines. Who the fuck calls tech support and doesn’t expect to need to have their machine on? It’s like going to an auto shop without your car and expecting them to be able to fix it.
See? I told you I need a vacation.
A vacation and a serger!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer