In which this is hella silly.
At work, we’ve all been assigned a bit of market research to help find the company new towns to market in. In essence, we’re assigned a state, and we have to find the towns above a certain size and populate a database with demographic information (how many people, how many colleges, how many ISPs, which of our services are available there, etc).
There’s an interface we’re supposed to enter this information into, and during my first two hours of using it I reported about four bugs and errors to my GM.
In addition, I was recently assigned the job of updating all the software and attendant links on the company’s download page, and in the process of doing that I had to nag the man a bunch to learn how to do it and to get a working FTP login so I could actually upload the new software. He even, for no reason I can fathom, had to actually go to the vault in order to accommodate me. (Shouldn’t you be able to restart a server remotely? Just sayin’.)
Anywhoo, today he emailed the following to the ENTIRE staff list:
FROM: Rxx Bxxx [xxx]
TO: housestaff [housestaff]
DATE: Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:48 PM
SUBJECT: Michelle Will Save Us AllHello All,
My tribute to the awesome bug killing capability of Michelle.
Which appears to be an image of me edited to make it look as if I’m HUGGING A CAN OF RAID. Now: is this some weird form of harassment? Huh? Huh huh huh? Do you think I can sue?
In which there are many pictures in today’s post because it’s Monday and I’m too grumpy to actually write anything.
Friday after work I went to my stylist’s brand new salon:
and got my hair done. I asked her to give me a bob and dye it brown, which she did. It now looks like this:
I don’t like the color – it’s too dark for summer – and am going to have her lift it several tones at my next appointment.
Saturday I lounged around being a lump. (I did get all my laundry done, though.) Saturday afternoon I went to a fun family BBQ, and Teh BF and his Momsie came too:
Saturday night I went to the PnE, where Feedback was playing, and got drunk. I even sat in with the band a few times, and so did my brother:
Sunday, Teh BF and I drove around all over town running errands. I spent $100 on HABA (and a couple of clothing items) at Walmart because I was out of everything. I bought nifty bento stuff at the Asia Oriental store and packed it for lunch:
Today I am getting unreasonably irritated with my customers when they say dumb stuff, which leads me to mention that my vacation is at T -25 and counting. I absolutely cannot convey how very excited I am to be about to:
1. Leave town.
2. Fly. (I love airports. Sick but true.)
3. Go to the retreat in Dallas.
4. See Mother.
5. Not have to work for a week.
And how were your weekends, my babies?
In which it was totally worth $44 because I feel better.
This morning I decided that my dog was acting a little off and maybe running a temperature, so I took her to the vet.
They took her temperature (totally normal) and interviewed me about her behavior (she’s eating and drinking and eliminating) and poked and prodded her tummy (no pain response) and said she’s fine. If she pukes I’m supposed to bring her in for X-rays, but other than that she’s in fine shape for an old girl.
Which means that your narrator is a dork with an over-developed panic response. I now think that I was vibing so weird that I made my dog act weird. Can I get a witness?
*crawls back under her rock*
In which I’m feeling the effects of mind over matter.
God, I feel like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
This morning I got up, showered, dressed, and then sat at the table and ate a BLT with fake bacon. It was delicious.
When I finished eating, I pulled a bunch of stuff out of the fridge and started packing my lunch for the day. The window showed a clear day with blue skies, and the thermometer was at eighty degrees.
Bindu puked on the living room rug. G’ma called her – with the intention of letting her go outside to finish – and she came across the house to the back door, hunched over and clearly not feeling well.
As we approached her to let her out, she started scrambling on the linoleum as if on ice, and then bailed into G’ma’s bedroom. Panic hormones EXPLODED in my body. I followed her in, she was in distress. I called her name, approached her, she fell over, panting.
I petted her: she was breathing and had a steady heart beat ohgodohgodohthankGod but I thought her tongue looked white. G’ma asked if we needed to go to the vet. I said yes and broke for the kitchen to throw my food back into the fridge while G’ma dressed.
By the time G’ma stood with her keys in her hand, Bindu seemed fine. I cleaned up the puddle on the living room rug: she’d puked up a feminine hygiene pad. I don’t know where she got it; I don’t know if it came out of our own garbage or if she found it somewhere else. (We live on an alley full of garbage cans, and she’s a crafty old blue bitch.)
She continued to seem fine. I texted Teh BF for a ride to work, he said he’d swing by and pick us up. I gathered my things for work, then walked Bindu down the alley. She wiggled, she peed, she pooped, she sniffed things.
We waited on the porch for our ride. My whole physiology was a mess: my skin hurt and I was way beyond stressed out, but the dog seemed fine. Frisky, even.
At work, Bindu produced two more puddles of dog puke that I had to clean up with paper towels while on the phone teching a DSL customer. I poured myself a huge glass of water (on the theory that it would help me flush out the stress hormones) but I have only managed to drink half of it.
Right now, Bindu’s lying on the floor near my desk and seems perfectly normal. On the other hand, I feel nearly sick from fear and worry.
I know that nothing has happened to me that isn’t purely intellectual, but I feel freaking awful. My body literally aches. I keep watching her and thinking her behavior is off even though I can see that it’s not. I’m so stressed that the A/C has me shivering. It’s stupid.
I can’t even decide if I should call the vet. KJ thinks she seems fine, she’s acting like she always does, and I can’t even count the number of pads she’s eaten and puked up in her life… If I call, they’ll probably tell me to bring her in for observation or at least blood work and she really doesn’t look like she needs it.
In other words, my dog puked and now I’m having a panic attack because I’m a freak.
Ugh. I’m broken. My kingdom for a nap!
In which my life looks better on the Internet than it does in real life.
I’m one of what’s called a “skeleton crew” of three people in the office today consisting of myself in tech support (and reception and billing) and two guys in the sales queue. All of management gets the day off paid, of course, and the receptionist does too. I get to work it because I got New Year’s day off (and so will hopefully get the next holiday off paid). The holiday schedule is rotating… if you count my working every single holiday save one in 20 months ‘rotating.’
Being the only person in three queues means that this is the busiest I’ve been in weeks. It’s rather nice. Of course it’s not so busy I don’t have time to write, but the pace has been pretty steady so far: I’ve completed 34 calls and have been on the phone for 3 of the 5 hours I’ve been here.
I’m trying to maintain a good attitude but I still expect to get laid off any minute. I applied at the local temp agency a couple of weeks ago, just to feel pro-active about something. They called me last week and said they had absolutely no work.
I’m sitting under a blast of arctic, frozen air. I’m wearing a fleece vest with the collar up and fuzzy socks and I’m still freezing. The vent above my head is taped shut so I can’t really figure out where the air is coming from, but I do know that the building’s had its interior walls moved several times with no HVAC redesign so it’s to be expected that there are hot and cold spots… I just wish I wasn’t always sitting in a cold spot. It’s not warm enough outside today to warrant this kind of relentless A/C.
Bindu got her first bath in almost two years Saturday. The water sluicing off that dog and down the drain was a pretty foul color, and I felt kinda bad about it. But I got her all shampooed and rinsed and toweled off and combed and now she’s a walking plush toy, so soft and fluffy. Her undercoat is blowing out much more easily now and I think she’s more comfortable.
Next I’m going to take her in for her annual checkup and, if she’s healthy enough for anesthesia, get her teeth cleaned. She’ll hate that, but her teeth have never been cleaned and they’re a mess. I brushed them Saturday (chicken flavored toothpaste!) and scratched a bunch of calculus off one of her teeth with my thumbnail. Her gums can’t be at all happy.
Last night Teh BF and I had a BBQ on my brother’s patio. The guys had bacon cheddar burgers (and Teh BF geeked out taking this pic so heavily that I threatened to tell the Intarwebz that he was making O noises over a freakin’ plate of food) and I had a grilled portabella on a bun. Afterward, he and I went and watched Star Trek in my room. It was awesome and I’m not ashamed to say so! I thought it was a really charming addition to the goofiest sci-fi franchise ever. Action packed! It was like Star Trek meets Star Wars meets Doctor Who meets Indiana Jones: everything I like, all rolled into one silly big-budget sci-fi romp. Boom!
Finally got tickets for Dallas purchased. Ended up they were $70 each more than the original ones by the time it was all said and done, but we’re still going to DFW and back through Pasco for less than $400 each so I’ll consider it a win.
In other news, my nails look fantastic.
In which two packages arrive.
I’ve taken to doing Flickr swaps lately.
What this means is that I send stuff to people I don’t know in real life, and they send me stuff back. In the mail. On purpose.
It’s awesome.
A week or so ago I sent one of my three Argus C3 cameras, a 100mm telephoto lens, and two rolls of film to Florida. Yesterday I got this:
Two Argus lenses… and a Polaroid SX-70 Land camera! With a bright yellow skin! W00t!
And last week Left Coast Girlie and I sent a couple of baby loaves of Tillamook cheese, some smoked cheese, candy, and a couple boxes of crackers to Tokyo. And in response, we got this:
Another explosion of Japanese bento goodness! I got a tamagoyaki pan!
Moral being that, in spite of having to pay for postage, swapping is hella fun. Because who doesn’t love getting presents in the mail?
In which I’m seriously freaking out.
Friday, I ordered tickets at for my upcoming trip to see Amma in Dallas with Teh BF. The website told me there had been a problem and asked me to call customer service, which I did.
I was told that there had been a problem with my credit card, probably due to a transaction size cap, and that I needed to call my credit card company to release the transactions.
I did so; my card rep told me she saw two transactions in the amount of $319.41 each from Delta and to call the airline back.
I called Delta back; the representative said he now saw the transactions and he released my tickets, which I could then see on the website. I printed out my itinerary.
Today I went to double-check on my tickets… and they were gone.
I contacted Delta via live chat and was told that my payment had failed. I logged into my card’s web site and could clearly see two transactions, but since Delta couldn’t find them I was advised to call my card company. And I was told that I’d have to book my flights again, since the reservation no longer exists.
I checked and Priceline, and the flights I want no longer exist. They’re booked. Fucking great.
I called my debit card company, and they assured me that they do show two pending transactions in the amount of $319.41 each from DELTA ATLANTA GA US. The transaction numbers are 000638 and 000639 respectively, processed on 5/15/09 at 7:45 pm Central time.
Okay, well, Delta can’t see those. Can I have the funds released back into my account so that I can rebook my tickets, please?
Uh, no. Can’t release the funds back into the account without a statement on letterhead from the merchant who has attempted to process the funds. In fact, I need a “Request to release transaction” letter faxed to (512) 532-8323, Attn: Reference #9611641287, containing the transaction numbers above, and verbiage stating that the merchant authorizes release of the funds!
I do not have enough money to buy new tickets while I wait for the pending status to expire on the $668.82 that Delta somehow misplaced (probably through the agency of a failed connection that resulted in their system never receiving the ack from my credit card company). By the time I have my money back, I won’t be able to book flights to Dallas for anywhere near that price. We’ll end up flying out of Dallas at six in the morning and suffering four-hour layovers, and we’ll probably have to pay $500 each for the privilege.
If I can get Delta to fax the release (yeah, right), I’ll have my money back in 24-48 hours (which may still be too late to book at a decent price). If I can’t, I won’t have access to my money until the pending transactions expire… in a minimum of seven days, probably more. (I almost wish I had an actual credit card; if I did I’d just buy the tickets again and worry about it in a week or two when the original funds are released back into my account. But I don’t. So I’m just going to have to hope for the best when I can finally try again to book our flights.)
I understand that, with the vast amount of card transactions happening every instant, once in a great while there’s bound to be an error. But did it have to be a big ticket transaction? Couldn’t my last attempt to buy contact lens solution have failed instead?! I could totally have lived without $8.49 for a week or so.
Excuse me while my fucking head explodes.
Update: I called Delta last night, and they were very nice and agreed to fax the necessary letter. I still don’t have reservations, but I’ll have my money back Thursday.
In which I do some stuff… but don’t really get much accomplished!
Saturday I lounged around, made soup, then in the afternoon went to get film developed and have my nails done. Because I’m white trash like dat.
The developer at Rite-aid was broken and my nail shop was closed for the weekend, so I ended up getting the film developed at Albertsons and having cocktails at The Blue while I waited.
From the 1941 Argus C3 came these nice shots:
I think I’d had the Argus’ telephoto lens installed off true by one tooth (the C3 is a rangefinder, not an SLR) and so nearly the entire roll was slightly out of focus. Sadly I’d already removed the lens by the time I got the film developed, so I couldn’t check to see how it really wants to be installed.
The Yashica Electro 35 GSN took great pictures, as always:
Saturday evening after the guys got of work, there was an impromptu BBQ on my brother’s patio:
Becca brought her kid, and Lannie dropped by too. We had a lot of fun. I at this amazingly delicious ‘burger’:
Sunday, SUMMER ARRIVED! It was hot! Teh BF and I ran errands all morning, stopping at about five places – I bought groceries at Andy’s Market and film at Walmart – and even shopping for luggage. Then we had tacos:
After which I napped all afternoon at his place.
I went home at seven, and accomplished nothing of note after that.
Today I got up, bathed, and walked to work. It’s very, very slow – just like it was last week, and the week before that. My hours have been cut from 40 to 38. My brother’s hours have been cut from 40 to 18.
Suddenly I’m worried about my lack of savings, and I fear that my trip to Dallas next month may be my last travel excursion for quite awhile.
In which I share a copy of a letter I’ve written.
Teh BF reminded me the other day that I’m still not legally divorced.
Which got me to thinking about The Ex and all the other stuff he hasn’t dealt with that I’ve been waiting on him to deal with. So I wrote a little letter, and it goes like this:
Dear [The Ex],
Hello! Apparently I no longer have your phone number. For that reason I’m resorting to sending you an old-fashioned letter, because I need to go over a few things with you.
First, can you please send my Brownie camera? I don’t mean to nag, but i’s been a year. Please? I really want it.
Second, didn’t you say that you were going to file for divorce? Did you ever do anything about that? Are you going to?
Thirdly, when we were in Indianapolis and I signed that Cingular contract, you and [our friend] swore you’d do right by me no matter what. Well, it’s not your fault the way Indianapolis turned out, of course, but its been three years and that account is still in my name and it’s still in collections:
2612 N Roa…
Attn Cr Bur…
Johnson City, T…
(888) 383-2…Can you pay off your DirectTV account too? It’s also in my name and in collections:
Aid Associa…
370 7th Av…
New York, NY 100…
(212) 330-9…Please understand that I’m paying off our four defaulted credit cards ($8444), the judgment against my checking account ($1000), and our defaulted U.S. Cellular bill ($626), all of which were our bills and which I’m not asking you to deal with at all, and I signed a quit-claim deed on the farm. Please get these two handled as soon as you can? Thanks.
I hope you get this letter; I have no idea if you’re in Iowa or still out in Wyoming! Hope you’re enjoying springtime, wherever you are. Give my love to Shiva.
When I finished writing this little missive, I had my co-worker Left Coast Girlie proof it for tone. After she was done reading, I said, “Is it bitchy?” and she replied, “No, not at all. It sounds like you’re trying really hard not to be a bitch!”
Which was exactly the tone I was trying to strike!
It’s so very much like The Ex to not, in a year, have managed to do a simple thing like ship me my camera. He said he’d do it, but of course he didn’t. He also said he’d serve me divorce papers, but of course he hasn’t. He also promised he’d deal with the Indianapolis cell phone fiasco, but that never happened either.
Hmm. I wonder whatever possessed me to leave such a wonderfully pro-active person?
Honestly, it should be water under the bridge by now but I’m still pissed off. I spent nearly eight years running that man’s life for him while he sat on the couch, and I will probably end up paying not most but all of the bills we racked up together AND filing for (and paying for) the divorce because he’ll just… never get around to it.
I keep hoping he’ll surprise me.
I remember him telling me way back in the day, before he proposed, that marriage was a good deal for women and a shit one for men; well, I’m here to tell you that my marriage cost me eight years of my life and somewhere around fifty thousand dollars, and his got him waited on hand and foot and netted him 27 acres with a house and a barn and sure he’s got a mortgage, but he’s also got equity. Which I don’t have.
All of which is why the following is still my favorite joke:
Q. Why does divorce cost so much?
A. Because it’s worth it!
In which I describe one of my many neurosis: the one where I’m some kind of anti-social biatch.
I’m such a Libra.
I have some kind of internal device – yes, very much like a scale, thank you – which constantly weighs my external perception of others’ happiness against my internal comfort level. If the people on the outside appear to be more comfortable than I am uncomfortable on the inside, I just go with the flow.
I assume that people say and do what they want (even though apparently I don’t, myself) and I spend way too much time doing what I think my S.O. wants until one day I wake up and hate his guts because I didn’t get my own needs met.
Lately, I spend virtually all of my non-work time with Teh BF, doing essentially nothing, because he seems to want to hang out more than I don’t want to.
It’s a non-issue, really, until I spend some unscheduled time alone (like I did last Tuesday night, when Teh BF was home sick) and suddenly realize that I can’t remember the last time I spent some unscheduled time alone.
Tuesday night I was home from work by 7:15. It was still full daylight out. I sat on the porch and read for awhile (!!!), and then I went upstairs into my newly rearranged room (!!!) and hung out with my dog and watched five episodes of 30 Rock on Hulu (!!!) and started a knitting project (!!!).
It was ineffably awesome.
My schedule has turned into one in which I spend 40 hours a week at work, sleep and bathe at home, and spend the rest of my time with Teh BF. We either go out and drink or we go to his place and watch TV. I don’t get my laundry done, or pluck my eyebrows, or clean my room or knit or build that website AmmZon needs or clean the bathroom or hand-wash my delicates or vacuum, and I’m perpetually behind on all the little things people need to get done in their lives.
I spend a bunch of time with Teh BF because that’s what we’re in the habit of doing. Whether we want to or not.
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- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
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- Not My Rabbit
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- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
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- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
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- WoolGatherer