In which I had great big fun yesterday! There was music, there were old friends, there were new friends, and there was vodka!
Since Left Coast Girlie and I are going to see The Taming of the Shrew together next month, sometimes we have to get on IM and congratulate one another on our cleverness. We were doing so last night; I was still at work but not on the clock. It was 103 degrees out but guess who’d worn black? and long sleeves? and didn’t want to walk home in an oven?
Yeah, that’d be me. Me the genius.
I sat at my desk in the A/C and called RB back. Out of the blue (haven’t gigged with him since last December) he’d left a message on my phone yesterday. Turns out there’s a Sapolil gig in September he wants to book me for. Since the other band never called me back, and I still haven’t managed to institute my ‘go to open mics and meet people’ plan for musical world domination, plus I happen to enjoy his company, I was stoked to hear from him. Music!
We chatted for about 40 minutes, and then he said something about “a party for Jimmy the Fox’s 80th birthday tonight” over at Barn Disease. I made noises about being interested in going, even considered walking home to get the truck, and we finally got off the phone. I started to pack up to leave the office, and shot off an IM before logging off:
goblinbox: Okay, I’m going to the brew pub for a drink or three. G’night!
leftcoastgirlie: Have three for me!
“I’m going to the brew pub, for a drink or three,” I told RT, my co-worker, as I was leaving. “LCG told me to have three for her, too.”
“That sounds good,” he said, grinning. “Have three for me too.”
I laughed. “Nine’s too many!” (FAMOUS LAST WORDS.)
“Oh, so you know about nine, do you?”
“I know enough not to do it again!” I laughed as I walked through the lobby.
“Late!” he said as I pushed open the door and stepped outside. “Bye!” I called back.
It was hot out. I walked over to the brew pub. I sat by myself looking like a total dork, texting RT from my iPod and talking on the phone with Baby Girl. She told me about the awesome new convention center, that she and her hubby see shows all the time now, and that there are now near-constant open casting calls…
See? I move away and Fairfield gets all groovy. Stupid town.
Theatre’s been whispering to me lately. It’s been years since I’ve done a show, but people have been saying random things about theatre lately. After I see Shrew, I’ll probably really want to get back on stage. If my work schedule stays the way it is, I’ll audition for the next fun show I hear about. I’m too old and pudgy to play the ingénue any more, but I’m more than ready to play me a wicked old stepmother or two.
I had three drinks and was discussing neediness and exes over IM while getting ready to cash out when RB called to see if I wanted a ride over to the birthday party. “Sure,” I said, shrugging, even though he couldn’t see it over the phone. “Yeah. What the hell. I’m always ready to sing a little!”
He arrived in his giant maroon van and took me to Barnaby’s. I met the guest of honor, 80-year-old Jimmy the Fox from Chicago (or possibly Kansas City), who was wearing an amazing suit and who when I mentioned it went off on a well-rehearsed schtick about suit-wearing black men and the laaaadies.
“This one can sing a little,” RB told Jimmy the Fox, indicating me.
“Oh, oh, okay,” Jimmy said, nodding. “She’ll have to come up,” he said, and walked away.
He sang a bunch of Chigago-style blues, and later played drums. He was really fun, and danced with some of the laaaadies. The guys on the bandstand most of the night were pretty solid, so it wasn’t your usual aurally dangerous open mic.
I sat down next to Emilio, gave the bartender my card, and started on the first of LCG’s three drinks. Then I mingled and talked to Mike and Tony and other musicians I know. RB and I sat for awhile and I heard all about his customer speaker cab company.
Eventually we got on stage. We did three or four songs and got the first people of the night out on the dance floor. (I love that McClinton “Shaky Ground” groove; plus there was a horn player at the party who sat in and blew the solo! Sweet.)
When we were done, RB needed to do a few things with gear so I started – only started! – on the first RT’s three drinks. After THAT was gone I was dropped off at home. THANK GOD.
As I was walking onto the porch my phone rang. It was Josus! I love that guy! I laid in the grass in front of my house at midnight and laughed my face off. Then I went to bed and passed out like the lush I am.
People, I need a handler. Three is fine, five’s okay, but SEVEN IS TOO MANY, YOU STUPID BITCH, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING. When I woke up this morning I felt as if I’d been mummified. Even my dog looked at me funny. I got dressed and put on my glasses and as I was walking through the house G’ma said, “You’re losing weight.”
Naw, that’s just wicked dehydration, I thought. “I hope so!” I said. “I gained twelve pounds last year, damn it.” She chuckled.
I thought about toast. Mmm, toast.
I did not brush my hair this morning (it’s still in ponytails from yesterday, actually) and I’m wearing my glasses, but I did get me some breakfast, and I walked the dog before work.
Points for having my shit together so early in the day! You will give them to me!
Tonight I’m going to Dax’s in Richland with RB for another open mic. He needs to schmooze with some people, and he’s taking me because, he says, he likes to show me off.
“Show me off? Like, ‘O hai, I brought this pudgy Irish chick. But look! She sings good’!”
“Yeah, something like that,” he said. “It’s just fun to drag you around and show you to people.”
I’m a pet vocalist now. W00t!
So: after eight hours on the phone unfucking the convolutions of inside wiring for various DSL customers today, I’ll walk home and brush my teeth and then go to Richland to sit in at another open mic. Going out on two school nights in a row!
This is pretty exciting compared to my evenings of late, which have involved walking home from work and… uh… basically not doing much of anything. Relaxing and rejuvenating, sure, but I’m ready to go out now thx. But just don’t ask me to have one for you! Oh no, not after this morning. Drink your own damn booze!
In which I am acquiring things.
I now have speakers and a UPS for my work machine. Still waiting on a proper desk and a second monitor. And a vid card.
But still! Getting stuff!
And my boss almost got me an ergo keyboard but they were $60 at Staples so I didn’t get one. Yet.
Also got a skin for my cell phone.
She who dies with the most toys wins!
In which I am totally out of condition for the kapha Olympics.
Took myself out for awesome chile rellenos at Rosita’s on Friday night. Got my hair done on Saturday morning. Went out for sushi with Teh [Now Ex] BF on Saturday night. Did laundry Sunday and watched a vid. Walked the dog a couple times.
I took three naps.
I inadvertently got so damned rested that I woke up at 5:30 this morning and never went back to sleep. I got up, meditated, ate breakfast, showered, shaved, dried and straightened my hair, put on makeup, walked the dog, packed a bento, AND had time to stop for coffee on the way to work!
I feel dirty. This is just like being a morning person, and I don’t like it. Not one bit.
I really hope they move me to an 11 to 8 schedule or something because this just sucks ass. Productivity! In the morning! *shudder*
In which I’m happy.
The new job rocks now.
I have a desk, a chair, a phone, and and extension. I’m taking calls. Co-workers are all adorable and geeky. Got my last direct deposit from the call center yesterday, getting my first direct deposit from the ISP tomorrow.
I have access to accounts and billing software and qhost and the ticketing system and am learning stuff left and right.
I had sushi for lunch today because one of my co-workers IMed me to see if I had an order (I totally did) and then ran and picked it up!
Life is good!
In which I complain a little.
First of all, at the new job I still don’t have a desk or computer of my own, or logins for everything I need to be logged into. But there’s a computer now with my name on it, and a space that I’ll be moved into by the end of the week! Whee!
Then the construction guys will come and knock out a wall and eventually there will be space for a proper desk, and if I’m lucky they’ll order a proper desk sooner rather than later and give it to someone so that I can have their desk and then I’ll be able to bring the R/C Dalek to work. Finally!
Second of all, I can’t send images from my cell phone to Flickr. I could go into excruciating detail about this issue – you know I could! – but I won’t because it’s boring and I love you too much. I’ll just tell you that yes, I’ve done all the basic troubleshooting and I even went to the Sprint store (it’s next door to my new office) for help, but they didn’t know what to do beyond calling tech support and having them delete and recreate my Sprint Picture Mail account… which has three years’ worth of images in it. Boo. Hiss.
I’m carrying a USB cable in my purse now because not being able to send pics is seriously cramping my style.
In other news, I watched the long-awaited five-episode Torchwood extravaganza Children of Earth this weekend (if you haven’t seen it yet, it airs on BBC America next week) and it was all of the following:
* really, really good TV!
* riveting
* very dark
* response-generating
But. [SPOILER ALERT!!!] I mean, we all knew that working for Torchwood is the most dangerous job in the world and that everybody was in danger every moment, but hello?! You’re just not supposed to kill off OVER HALF YOUR MAIN CHARACTERS in a mere seven episodes! Seriously! People can’t fucking handle it!
The only person who hasn’t died at least once is Gwen. Tosh died once, Ianto died twice, Owen died twice, and I quit counting how many times Jack had died by the end of the first season. I mean, the M*A*S*H characters were in the middle of a goddamned war for eleven years and only one or two of them ever died… which is hardly authentic but people don’t like it when you kill off their beloved main characters.
The Torchwood fan base is going absolutely batshit and it really sucked knowing that there wasn’t going to be a bad dream reset in episode 5. And then! The last four minutes! Please! “Six months later” and Jack leaves the planet. WTF?! I realize that Torchwood is a vehicle for Jack, but he has to be on earth or it isn’t Torchwood – it’s The Jack Harkness Show. Additionally, I read that RTD is moving to the States, so I don’t have high hopes for the franchise now.
Which is why my torrent client is currently running at home, downloading the episodes I need to complete my collection.
Ah, Torchwood, Torchwood, Torchwood, how I love to hate you.
In which I’m all settled in.
Started the new job Tuesday. I like it here. Not much training to speak of but since this is my fourth ISP I don’t really need much. What I do need is a desk of my own, an extension, a headset, and some logins and I’ll be just fine.
Took a tour of the data center. Went up on the roof of the Baker Boyer building to look at the wireless installation. (Pics as soon as I get my cell phone-to-Flickr issue sorted.)
I took some calls today: same stuff I’ve always done. Easy peasy! I just have to remember to answer the phone with the correct company name.
I love the staff; everybody in here is great.
Now I just need to accomplish a nice comfortable late shift and permission to bring the blue dog in with me and I’ll be all set!
In which you get what you ask for, and I had to ask for an adventure.
For the 4th I stood in a wheat field on the east side of town with Landi, my 23-year-old friend who just graduated from culinary school, and burned sparklers while watching the professional shows off on the horizon. We completed celebrating the holiday with 7-Eleven nachos and a few cartoons at her apartment. I was home around midnight.
The next day she texted “Mountain drive?” and I replied, “Sure, why not!” She came to pick me up. When I asked if she was sure her car would make it, she replied that she had no reason to think it wouldn’t.
We tried to take Bindu with us, but I don’t think Landi’s Nova has a firewall in it. The passenger compartment, even with the windows rolled down, was far too hot for a 13-year-old dog. We dropped her off, limp and panting, at my place after running an errand to Landi’s apartment and back.
We bought ice, a gallon of green tea, grapes, and Cheetos at Loney’s and then enjoyed a leisurely drive out past Dixie and up a few thousand feet to Lewis Peak. The girl just kept going and going and going, over gravel and then dirt and then gullies, past dwellings and beyond services, until we were up where nobody lives and we ran out of road. She parked and we took a walk.
It was gorgeous.
When we returned to the Nova, it started right up – unusual because it normally requires three to five attempts – and we began our decent. About 500 yards along, the car died.
And never started again.
Oh, we tried. Landi checked her fluids, banged her air filter a few times, and beat various engine components with an old windshield wiper blade, but while the thing got spark it just wouldn’t turn over.
Continue reading »
In which the good and the bad are blended into something so astonishingly neutral that I probably could have slept all day and felt just about the same.
Today is my last day at the call center. I am so excited! Change! I’m changing jobs! I’m out of here! This seriously freakin’ rules!
I’ll get to learn and grow and change! This is so excellent!
I packed all my personal crap into a box before I left work last night, so today my desk is spartan and unfamiliar. I was deliberately late because I wanted to panic my supervisor into thinking I wasn’t coming in at all, but my joke backfired: he had to leave early for personal reasons – there’s been a death among his friends.
Then I went through the exit interview, which was little more than a brief chat with a review of the non-compete (I don’t know any trade secrets so I couldn’t spill them even if I wanted to), good luck, and a give-us-your-key-back. They said I can leave an hour early tonight since it’s my last shift. Very exciting! Best day ever!
But when I got back to my desk, Teh [now ex] BF IMed me to say that he’s taking the rest of the day off because he can’t cope.
I guess I sort of wanted today to be more about me, but perhaps that was both selfish and childish. I’m a grown woman; the world isn’t always going to be charmed with and for me when I want it to, I guess.
I feel horrible that Teh [now ex] BF is so uncomfortable with our break-up that he can’t even sit in the same building with me… I feel awful. I also feel a little pissed because I never meant to cause him pain and this is supposed to be a fun day for me, not one where I feel like an asshole all day long because I chased the man out of his own job. He’s been here for eight or nine years; I’ve been here for twenty months.
A brief synopsis of the breakup: A couple of months ago I was overwhelmed and unhappy and pulled back from the relationship. A lot. {{Paragraph redacted at Teh [now ex] BF’s request.}} We broke up two nights ago.
Now I’m sitting here waiting for my last Friday lunch meeting to start, and I’m both so excited and so sorry that the two emotions cancel each other out and I feel… well, just kinda sick.
Maybe I can just have my entire nervous system removed for health reasons. Then I wouldn’t have to feel this weird.
I left my phone at home. I need to go get it on my lunch break so I can call the new job and find out when to show up.
Update: I get a three day weekend! The new job is running a partial-holiday on Monday to honor the 4th, so I don’t start until Tuesday at eight.
In which Dallas rocked, Amma was wonderful, and I’m glad to be home.
There’s really nothing more kick-ass than coming home after a ‘net-free vacation–the hotel wanted $11 a day for wi-fi and I said screw that–to find one’s blog packed full of comments! I LOVE you bitches!
I’m very excited about the new job, and it seems my new employers are excited about me too (they made some of those comments, God bless ’em). I can’t wait to start over there next week. It’ll be so nice to be back at a real ISP again.
My bento article took up 2/3 of the Food & Lifestyle section yesterday and looked really cute; I’d link it here but it doesn’t appear to have made it into the U-B’s online edition you can read it here.
Dallas was hot. We never made it downtown because transpo was hella expensive. The airport is gigantic and covered in concrete. The Tex-Mex was gooooooood.
Seeing Mother was restorative and reaffirming and all the impossibly powerful and necessary things it always is; coming home though makes me feel a little nostalgic for Fairfield. If I gave someone here prasad from Mother (I brought home a mango) they wouldn’t have any idea what the fuck I was talking about. I ain’t moving back to BFE, no, it’s just nice to live in a community that groks your vocabulary – that’s all I’m saying.
In which there’s really great news! Three times over!
Today has been the longest, slowest day ever. I’ve been here since ten and haven’t even been on the phone for two hours. It’s that dead in here.
Which means that the day has been dragging by with incredible slowness.
But when the day is over, I will officially be on vacation! Which is so awesome I can’t even express it.
But to make it all even better, this afternoon I got a job offer. And I accepted it! I GOT A NEW JOB! I GOT A NEW JOB! I GOT A NEW JOB! I GOT A NEW JOB! I GOT A NEW JOB! *snoopy dance* Whoo hoo!
Oh, and on Tuesday, my bento article will be in the paper – perhaps as the main feature in the Food & Lifestyle section of the Union-Bulletin!
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer