In which I’m bugging people I don’t even know.
I want to see this film. A lot.
Unfortunately, you gotta be an organization to get a copy – DVDs for individuals aren’t for sale yet.
So I bugged Sheila over at the paper, and she gave me the names of some unsuspecting progressive people in the community, and I found their email addresses on the ‘net and fired off a missive asking them to host a screening.
So we’ll see.
In which I shop online… for clothing. Oops. But it’s not like I don’t need clothes.
Etsy is crack. Do you know this? OMG a zillion things I could totally wear right now!
It turns out that since the mall in this town is half torn down, I doubt Macy’s is going to carry anything I want, and clothes-shopping at Walmart is foul and depressing, I’ve been buying many of my clothes online since I moved here.
Behold my local mall:
Last week I somehow got distracted from bike shopping and ordered a fleece wrap and some bloomers to wear under skirts. Fall’s coming, you know, and a fleece wrap is totally gonna save my life. Yesterday I ordered a dress (because I live in the tube dresses I already have) and a long-sleeved cardigan/layering thing. And today? Today I ordered pants and a groovy top.
I already have a little remorse about the bloomers, because they’re not made out of knit fabric (and y’all know about my all-knit-all-the-time clothing obsession, right?) but I’ll probably end up wearing the hell out of them. At the very least, they’ll make lovely custom pyjama bottoms.
These items are a wee bit spendy, yes. But a few unique, hand-made pieces in one’s wardrobe go a looooong way (I wear the holy living hell out of the Etsy items I already have) and now I can buy staples like t-shirts and undies at Walmart and not feel like a fucking dork.
But! Since this is all Etsy stuff and therefore handmade I’ll have to wait awhile before I actually receive any of these goodies! Aaaiieee! (*taps toe*)
I’ll get a bike next month. Swear.
In which you hear all about the fascinating stuff we rockstars do on Wednesday evenings.
Yesterday was that dreaded day, the one where I had to actually follow through on my promise to go to band practice and learn some songs.
I hate band practice. I always have. Practicing is boring because it doesn’t involve an audience, and really, half the reason I’m a rockstar at all is because I like being the center of attention. And when you’re the chick with the big voice on stage, you’re the most important chick in the WHOLE ROOM. But at practice? You’re just sitting in someone’s basement wearing saggy underwear because you couldn’t be arsed to do your own damned laundry last weekend.
Anyway. “Band practice” failed to mean the whole band and consisted of me, a guitar player, and the drummer hanging out in the guitar player’s mother’s basement. She hasn’t been down there in years and he apparently wishes he lived in a shanty town, because the whole space is a freakin’ mess and there is trash down there from 1986. But it has air conditioning, and since it was 104 degrees or something yesterday, that A/C was really a more salient point than the garbage from 1986.
We thought about how we’re going to do Use Me Up to make it our own. We discovered that I can’t do Some Kind Of Wonderful in the key it was originally recorded in. We seriously discussed doing a Jackson 5 cover. We did a verse or two of a couple of the songs we did last year but have pretty much forgotten how to get through. Then we sang silly, unrelated crap for awhile, including Brick House and some freakin’ REO Speedwagon tune.
The whole process took an hour and a half and we didn’t learn any new songs at all. And we’re doing it again next Wednesday since it was so helpful.
Maybe next week I’ll actually show up prepared, like, with some lists and some lyrics or something. After all, the whole point of the practice was to learn new songs for me to sing, sheesh.
In which I had an awesome weekend, even though I never did get around to being a consumer.
I was gonna buy a bicycle this weekend, but I didn’t. By the time I got moving on Saturday, any good bikes over at my co-worker’s street-long yard sale would have been gone so I didn’t even bother to swing by. I didn’t go to Walmart or the local bike store, either.
But I did take a killer nap each day!
Here’s the band from Saturday night’s gig. No pics of me because by the time someone we knew got there to run the camera, it was too dark.
Oh, yeah: I know this site was down all weekend and I’m sorry about that. It’s been decided that the current host either won’t or can’t solve the problem, so a move is imminent. Good thing I LOVE MIGRATIONS LIKE LIFE ITSELF.
Last night I went and saw District 9 with my brother. I dug it. Excellent aliens! (Annoying hand-held camera work, though. It’s the Blair Witch of sci-fi.) It’s worth seeing, but sit in the very back of the theatre to avoid too much motion sickness.
In which I write a timecapsule missive to my younger self.
Hey, dingbat, remember when you were twenty-something and you saw that disgusting old man in his driveway caring lovingly for his hot little convertable, and you wondered how he could possibly be unaware of how painfully stupid he looked?
Remember how you assumed he had to be aware since he was at least twice your own age, and you decided – because you were still young enough to believe that an adult was a cleverer, more mature creature than you – that he was probably polishing his convertible with more irony than your young little head could possibly perceive?
Remember walking by, not looking at him, not looking at his car, and hoping that he wasn’t stealing inappropriately lusty glances at your hot little bod (because that would just be pathetic and gross) and thinking, That HAS to be irony, a fat old man in a sports car, because there’s just nothing at all attractive about an expensive little fuel-injected COCK EXTENSION in tandem with those jowls and that beer belly! Jesus! Ick!
I walked by that guy again today, eighteen years later.
He had his little red convertible in his driveway with the top down. He was hand-polishing it. It was a cute car, too expensive for a younger man to afford. I sincerely doubted that it was comfortable for him to drive, since the cabin was so small and the bucket seats so narrow. He’d probably lusted after it in the back of his mind for twenty-five years, and had just recently found himself in a position to afford it.
That “old man” is no longer so old to me. He’s essentially my contemporary. I mean, he’s still old and he’s still fat, don’t get me wrong, but not as much as he used to be. In fact, I probably would have been flattered if he’d eyed me, but he didn’t – he only had eyes for his car.
I know now that he never meant for his skin to sag, his waist to disappear, or his belly to stick out. Those things just happened while he was doing what he was supposed to do. For all we know he may have been toned and fine and healthy once, back when his self-image was originally formed. The way he looks now is not necessarily the result of unchecked gluttony after all.
He does what you do, you judgmental little twenty-something. He sleeps, eats, works, and plays. It’s just that he’s been doing it now for fifty years, and this is what he looks like.
He has the little hot rod because he’s been a good dad and and good husband and he’s always wanted it and it’s his turn to have something frivolous. He doesn’t enjoy his toy with irony; he enjoys it with the same innocence and entitlement that you enjoy glitter lip gloss. It makes him happy, and he’s proud of it because it is an expression of who he feels he is. He knows what he looks like, yes, but he also knows that inside he feels just like he did in college.The only difference is that now he can remember more days, and he doesn’t have as much stamina as he once did.
He still expects himself to look, feel, and move like he did when he was twenty-something, but he doesn’t and he knows that he doesn’t. He bought the car for himself, not because he thinks he’s going to win your twenty-something adoration with it. Of course he’d most likely bed you if you asked him to, but he doesn’t think the car will make you want him and that’s not why he bought it.
In fact, the car doesn’t have anything to do with you at all, or women in general. It’s just a cool toy he’s always wanted, and you’re really a nasty little bitch for thinking you’re all that or that you have any idea what the phrase “mid-life crisis” means or feels like.
Continue reading »
In which I love them but they’re totally exhausting.
When I got home from work last night, the house had been verily overrun by persons sharing my genetic material. It was insane: aunts, uncles, cousins, even a brother – they were all over the place.
We ate on the patio. There was a bucket of KFC (I avoided it), sweet corn, and potato salad. There were three half-gallons of ice cream (I avoided them, too). I wasn’t hungry but I ate anyway because G’ma told me to and I know better than to argue.
I dutifully brought out three cameras to take the Four Generation photo below (an Argus C3, the Polaroid Land 103, and my cell phone):
It was already too dark out for the C3, but I shot a frame anyway. The Polaroid came out technically nice (I LOVE HAVING A BAG FULL OF FLASH BULBS!!!) but only one of my subjects was actually looking at the camera at the time. (Several other family members took the same picture, so I’m sure at least one of them came out.)
I did the dishes afterward (for which my uncle Blue gave me a quarter and told me I was “a good kid”). I tidied up the kitchen. I took out the trash.
Later I escaped into my room, but my aunt came and found me. We talked until a quarter to twelve, yawning and blinking. I finally had to tell her I had to get some sleep. I crashed out so hard that seven o’clock arrived pretty much instantly.
This morning I had girl-cousins on the living room couches, an aunt in the front room, and a G’ma about to leave town for a week giving me lists of things to do while she’s gone. Apparently I’ll be watering the plant on the front porch daily, bringing in the mail, getting my brother to mow the back yard once it stops raining, and eating two large tomatoes and half a loaf of bread. You know, before they go bad.
But all chores aside, I have the whole house to myself for an entire week! Ah, blessed solitude, I shall bask in your silence. And run around nekkid.
In which there’s software and hardware and stuff.
Today I updated three WordPress installations on my web server. And then I updated a bunch of WP plug-ins. And then I updated Mint, my stats app. And then I installed some Peppers.
And then I ate Mexican food, because I didn’t get up early enough this morning to pack a bento.
And then I seriously considered going to Gnomedex 9.0 (Human Circuitry: a Technology Conference of Inspiration and Influence) in Seattle next week. It would cost about eight hundred bucks (including con cost, airfare, and a hotel), but it would be hella fun. Plus I haven’t been out of town in a couple of months, and you know how that goes.
Or I could just stay home and do nothing but buy a bicycle.
In which the office is loud and dusty.
They’re taking out a wall in the office today. It’s noisy, which makes phone work a little rough, and the people who should be sitting in those two desks aren’t in the queue so it’s been busy (plus bills just went out so I’m in Billing Call Hell).
But when it’s all done, there will be room for yours truly to have herself a proper desk! W00t!
In which there was culture! But it was pretty redneck, so not really.
Saturday night, Left Coast Girlie and I went to see a play at Fort Walla Walla, which is an outdoor amphitheater near the local museum. The play was Taming of the Shrew, which I wanted to see because I played Kate in a high school production and I have always rather liked the show.
There was a nice full house.
When we got there, the set had a trailer on it. Oh goody, I thought. Another modernized interpretation. Ugh.
(I played Rosalind in As You Like It in cowboy boots and jeans once, and am of the opinion that dresses are better. I was a little sad to see the set.)
But it worked out! Baptista was a big-haired, mini-skirt wearing woman instead of a man, and they called her “Momma Baptista.” Bianca was a beauty pagent queen. Kate wore jeans and boots and rode a Harley. Petruchio was a cagey, skinny, beer-swilling redneck.
The show was hilarious. We had a really fantastic time!
The CurseTM arrived Friday, and The Dread has been lessening ever since. I was trying pretty hard to have an attack on Saturday (my nail tech even told me to relax when when she was doing my fill Saturday afternoon) but I managed not to completely freak out. Today I feel normal again for the first time since July 31st. Ten days of relentless panic and anxiety! WTF?
I hate hormones.
The arrhythmia is gone, and so is the panic, but I’m going to make an appointment with a GP this week and get a checkup. (That way if it gets this bad again I’ll have someone to call for drugs.)
Yesterday was Argus Day!
I shot maybe eight frames, but I’m carrying the camera today and hope to finish off the roll so I can get it developed.
I wound the last roll I shot (through my other Argus) off the spool, and now I can’t figure out what to do with it. There’s no easy way to get it back on the roll, so right now it’s just sitting in the camera. If I can’t figure out how to get it developed I might just throw it out.
Ah, the perils of old fully-manual cameras.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer