In which the banking industry has no manners because it feels it doesn’t need to.
I’m listed at Chex Systems.
The reason for this starts with a d and ends with ivorce; long story short, all the bills were in my name and we lived just at the very edge of our means and then he quit working and a bunch of shit went ballistic. An unscrupulous creditor put a lien on my checking account and fucked up my financial life. But instead of going bankrupt, I found a debt reduction program and I’ve been paying off my debt for the past three years. Even though it was our debt. So I’m not only not bad, I’m good, mmm’kay? Any bank should be pleased to have me as a customer, because if I were to find myself owing them money I would pay it back.
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In which there’s a quote.
Do you know how to make a match from scratch?
Could you grind lenses for your glasses? Do you know how to make guns or bullets? How to refine ore, how to make aluminum? Could you build a battery? Do you know how to wire an electrical circuit?
How about penicillin, do you know how to make that? Or sulfa drugs, could you make those?
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In which there’s a quick update.
- 1. I had two horrible weeks of panic and anxiety, but it seems to be over now.
2. I’ve redecorated the ‘box for Xmas!
3. This is the 9th week of a 10-week quarter. I’m freakin’ out because I think I’m behind in my coursework, my practice test scores are all over the place, and I’m half-convinced I’m gonna flunk outta freakin’ school. Argh!
4. The contract QA thing ended. There’s a small hope that I will be given more work, but it’s a small hope.
5. I will run out of UI benefits before school is out. I must finish school or I’ll have to pay back the benefits I’ve already received. I think I’m going to have to take a food handler’s certification class so I can wait tables or bar tend or something, but a P/T minimum wage job will bring in even less than I’m getting now on UI benefits. Gah.
Okay, yeah. I have to get back to studying now.
In which I voted, so I get to share a few opinions. With liberal amounts of gratuitious cursing!
1. I think the GOP has lost its bloody mind. THE SKY IS NOT FALLING, you stupid chickens. Shut up, for the love of God, you’re giving me a fucking headache.
2. I think the Tea Party is made up entirely of idiots. The bulk of them apparently are racists, for fuck’s sake, and I really want them to shut up about bailouts already. Let it go. It’s done. Move on. Jesus. I am, however, glad that the GOP is internally divided in this way because they’ll waste a bunch of cycles trying to redefine themselves.
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In which I want to go see Mother so much it hurts.
I thought maybe I wasn’t going to be able to deal with the Creator of a reality that contained within it the death of my beloved pet and companion, and in fact I pretty much only looked at my meditation corner over the next few days to glare at it and think angry thoughts, but not much time passed before I found myself sitting in tears in a hopelessly heartbroken Why? phase. (The Fuck You, how could You allow this phase didn’t even last a week, mainly because I knew it was coming; I’d known from the day I adopted her that she’d die first. So.)
The incarnation of my Satguru being physically so far away, for answers I had to resort to that most revered of traditions: opening books at random. Daughter of Fire was several pages about how the guru doesn’t do anything any more than the Sun “does” anything. The Sun is just the sun, but because of the Sun, flowers open and all life on Earth is sustained. The Awaken Children volume I pulled at random was an entire chapter about the same thing: how one must be in the presence of the guru to experience forward motion on the path. The other book I’d been reading, Autobiography of a Yogi, was in the middle of a similar exposition as well.
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In which I discuss the topic of Bindu’s death.
I still can’t go into great detail about the day itself; I’d probably freak out if I tried. Suffice it to say that my brother was a rock, my mom was amazing, my aunt and uncle were great, and my G’ma cried with me.
I feel incredible gratitude for my family and the love and support they gave me on the day I had my dog killed.
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I put Bindu down on Saturday. She was 14.
She’s buried at my uncle’s place, just outside of town. I can’t really talk about it right now. I’m pretty much avoiding Twitter, Facebook, email, and my phone UNTIL I CAN FUCKING DEAL. Which I totally can’t just yet.
Thank you for your well wishes.
In which I’m writing not because I have any news but to keep from crying, because that’s how I roll.
I slept until ten, mostly to avoid being conscious, I think. As soon as I woke I started thinking until I was pretty miserable again. Called the vet. “I was calling to check up on how Bindu’s doing, and to see if Dr Alexis had gotten her lab results yet?”
I spent a couple of brief minutes on hold, then the tech came back on. “The doctor says she’s still waiting on the lab work, but you’re welcome to come pick Bindu up?” The end statement was delivered as a question, and I knew the tech didn’t understand why the dog was still there.
I felt a stab of guilt and shame that I’d left her there to avoid having to witness her distress. “I just– It isn’t– But there hasn’t been any– Um, okay.” I said. “I’ll be there in a bit. Thank you. Very much.”
I got up. Poked around in the kitchen, but still couldn’t eat or drink anything. Took a shower. Dressed. Saw G’ma off to her afternoon of lunch and cards. Got in the truck. Drove across town. Walked into the lobby of the vet clinic.
The tech gave me my total and asked if I had questions. I did have questions, yes, thank you. I managed not to cry while delivering them. The tech gave me a sympathetic look and dashed off to get the vet. I took a seat.
Dr Alexis is utterly wonderful. She’s young and present and has that healthy outdoorsy look you want in a vet. She sat with me for awhile, was incredibly sympathetic and communicative, and told me she’d call my cell as soon as she had the tests back. We talked about heart disease and Cushing’s and symptom management and pain and all that; she said that if the results say a particular thing she’s already got a treatment modality chosen. If they say something else, well, we’ll talk about that when she calls. I told her all about the night before last and how difficult it is to have Bindu suffering. Yeah, I cried. I told her I have a gig tonight and that I don’t feel okay leaving a distressed animal home with my 88-year-old grandmother; she said I could kennel Bindu there overnight if that would ease things.
Oh, God. Okay, an option. But what kind of pet owner kennels her dog just to avoid dealing with symptoms?
I brought Bindu home. She’s clearly not comfortable. Constant panting, some coughing. She won’t settle; she seems agitated. I don’t know if it’s the Cushing’s or her heart, but whatever it is, it looks very much like distress to me. I keep expecting her to have another terrifying fainting episode, or a seizure – or to just up and die on me. No one lying comfortably on the couch should be panting like she just ran around the block like that.
My laptop battery died, so I’ve escaped to the basement to plug it in. I left my panting, distressed dog upstairs. In one sense, she’s fine; she’s home, and there’s food and water and plenty of places to lie down… it’s just that I’m abandoning her because I’m a coward.
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- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
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- Chaos Leaves Town*
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- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer