In which…eh. Blah blah blah.
I’ve lost two pounds. I’m doing really well on the diet. In other news, self-discipline is not, as much as I wish I could report otherwise, really its own reward. I want to eat an entire wedge of brie RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
I received my new fuzzy-lined Crocs yesterday. (Thanks, mom!) They have a tiny red spaceship on them, for which I paid an extra two bucks and which was totally worth it. They are fugly and comfy and I adore them.
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In which I share the story I was given today.
I went to a volunteer meeting at Helpline this afternoon. After it was over, I rushed across town for my CCNA lab, but class was canceled so I went and got my eyebrows waxed instead. Then I got invited to a jam session, for which I was going to be picked up at four. It was just past two. I decided to stop in at the P&E and say hi to everybody because I haven’t been there in weeks.
I told Susan, the bartender, what I’d learned today, which is that teens are the fastest-growing segment of our homeless population, and that we don’t have a teen shelter. Kids over a certain age aren’t allowed in the women’s shelter, and the men’s shelter and the motels won’t take kids under 18 for liability reasons. When it’s twenty degrees out, it’s important to be inside for the night, but there’s nowhere for them to go.
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In which there’s dieting! Whee! Aren’t you glad you’re reading this crap?!
The little bastards over at Cocky & Rude are having another diet competition. The prize for the winner is probably a stinky old shoe and some gravel, but eighteen people signed up to compete anyway.
Including me. Because I’m fat. Fat, fat, fat.
My life of sedentary sedentary-ness wants very much to make me perfectly round, but due to my natural contrariness I just don’t want to be perfectly round! Pudgy’s okay, sure, fine, I can handle being pudgy, but in the past year I have totally moved past pudgy.
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In which there’s a little travel, and some work and school.
Toni agreed to drive me to Portland if I paid for gas. Since there was no bus service and the train was full, I was grateful she did so. We rolled out of Walla Walla on Saturday just before noon.
She dropped me off at Leila’s just after dark. (I went to high school with Leila. We lost touch for years, but found each other back when I was married and lived on a farm in Iowa. I’ve seen her a couple times since then.)
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In which I tell you about the gifts I received.
For Christmas I got a Kindle gift certificate (yay moar ebooks!), a red goblet, candy (some of it filled with tequila, I kid you not!), a hand-made tote bag, cash, and a little herb garden kit.
I really wanna buy myself some sort of shiny new electronic device for Christmas (a new phone, Kindle, or iPod) but I’ll need to buy school books next week. After I’ve done that, I’ll be able to get myself something fun. I think it might have to be a phone, though, since mine now shuts itself off at random.
Last night, my brother and I walked over to Amity’s and stood around the fire on her patio and drank beer and talked to people. It was nice. I love having a friend five blocks away; it makes me feel like I really live here now.
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In which there’s not much going on, really. Yay Christmas break!
Went to a great pre-solstice party Sunday night, hung out with fun people and ate great food.
Volunteered at Helpline on Monday afternoon; it was great. Got to give away blankets and gloves and food and fix a computer and everything.
Did my Xmas shopping (since I’m unemployed, everybody gets the same thing) finally. Had leftover chili at Amity’s house Monday night.
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In which I got up early… and it was actually a pleasant experience!
I got laid off a year ago yesterday.
Since then, I looked for work for six months and had a total of two responses, and then I applied for and returned to school but my classes are 85% online. I have an on-again/off-again contracting gig for a friend in California, but it’s also online. Other than the occasional gig, running into G’ma in the kitchen, and the nights I go out to bars (something I’d like to do less of, really), I’m very much isolated.
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In which the term is over and I’m on Christmas break!
I barely left the house. I declined three different social invitations. I studied and studied and studied. Then I studied some more.
I powered through the Windows Client practice tests and the rest of the Linux + class. It took several tries to pass the final, but I managed it. Then I opened my Cisco Certified Network Associate course and realized that there was no way I could get through it and study for my other CCNA final too, so I emailed my instructor and told him that I was totally freaking out.
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In which today’s news storm has got me pretty bothered.
Why is no news source mentioning the most salient fact about WikiLeaks, which is that all the information given to WikiLeaks came from individuals who believed that the information needed to be made public?
None of the information was stolen. WikiLeaks has committed no crime, and neither has Assange.
The idea that government must keep secrets is a wrong one, but it’s so pervasive that questioning it isn’t even part of the current dialog. Military secrets, well, it seems obvious that they need to be protected, but how can any thinking person sanction hiding data on climate change?
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In which I update you on my educational progress.
As you know, I went back to school full-time this fall. I’m taking 4 courses: Windows Client, Linux +, Cisco Certified Network Associate (all online-only, via TestOut LabSim), and CCNA Exploration (also online, but with a classroom/lab component). The term is over next Thursday.
I’ve finished all the coursework for the Windows class and taken all the tests. I have one chapter and the tests left for the Linux + course; I expect to finish that tonight. I’ve done all the coursework for CCNA Exploration, and have a final next Thursday that I need to STUDY MY ASS OFF FOR. I have SEVEN CHAPTERS AND ALL THE TESTS remaining in the Cisco course. Gah.
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- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer