In which I went out to eat.
I went to my CCNA class today. It’s been on Tuesdays at 1:30 for two terms now, but today there was an Intro to ColdFusion class in the room (do people still use ColdFusion?) and my instructor wasn’t in his office.
So naturally I went to eat instead.
I ordered cheese enchiladas with rice and beans (even though I no longer eat the rice), but when the meal arrived there was shredded chicken meat in those enchiladas, so I politely sent it back.
The cook just pulled the enchiladas off and replaced them, so five bites into my new meal I got a mouthful of the chicken that was more or less all over the plate. (I haven’t had chicken meat in my mouth in twenty-odd years. I really don’t like it.)
So I ate one enchilada – carefully checking each bite for stray chicken – and some of the beans, and then lost my interest in the meal altogether. It was too chicken-y and I guess I wasn’t that hungry after all. The waitress picked up the plate, and probably noticed the pile of chicken I’d assembled.
When she brought me my check, though, she also brought me a complimentary dessert. Which I also didn’t want to eat, because it was nothing but refined carbohydrates and I’m not eating refined carbohydrates these days. (I ate a portion of it anyway, because it had been an apology and I didn’t want to be a bitch.) (I also left her a 49% tip, because it wasn’t her fault.)
Most complicated meal EVAR. No meat, no refined carbs. If I keep accumulating trendy eating disorders, I’ll never be able to eat in a restaurant again.
In which there’s just so much stupid shit going on that I can’t keep my mouth shut.
Here’s a list of unrelated items! I am basically bitching, here. YHBW.
1. Republicans Against War? MY ARSE.
Republicans against enforcing the Libyan no-fly zone “because it costs too much” are proof, as if we needed any, that politics are no longer about policy or even a set of beliefs but about absolutely nothing whatsoever. The GOP doesn’t like Obama because he’s a Democrat, and they’re going to block anything he does just to be contrary.
That kind of maturity is really attractive, gentlemen. Not. You rich fucks.
2. Science Fiction Would Have More Women If Not For Patriarchy!
There already are women in sci-fi. There already is science in sci-fi. Yeah, feminism and queer studies are cool, but give it a rest already: not everything is a fucking plot to punish you for having a uterus.
A lot of women don’t like science and just aren’t interested in it, period, and that’s why they drive the market for character-based, sociological science fiction. This is not something men have done! Men are not trying to keep women out of sci-fi, and there’s plenty of hard sci-fi written by women and read by women. Including me. But if I have to read one more hyper-academic, angry, factless article about how science fiction needs more women and more science, and about how those things aren’t there due to some imaginary cultural construct built by the penis people to keep women down, I will seriously go fucking ballistic.
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Dear Michelle,
Recently you may have had trouble instantly watching TV episodes or movies at Netflix due to technical issues.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. If you attempted and were unable to instantly watch TV episodes or movies yesterday, click on this account specific link in the next 7 days to apply your 3% credit to your next billing statement for your Watch Instantly Unlimited plan. Credit can only be applied once.
Ready to start watching again? Check out our latest selection.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. If you need further assistance, please call us at 1-866-923-0898.
–The Netflix Team
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In which I like social media, and I don’t care who knows it.
First of all, I am a Sprint customer. Second of all, my contract’s up for renewal, which means I’m finally eligible for a new phone and I just got my tax return so maybe I could splurge a little and get a really cool one.
So I google “Sprint Android” and I click the top hit (which goes to, and should take me right to the place I want to be), but instead I end up at the front page of the Sprint website, which is a customer service/sales/billing hell and so not a page containing a list of the Android phones I want to look at. In fact, I’m probably three to four levels above where I want to be.
All of which means that they’ve got a dynamic link fuck-up that’s probably costing them money. Plus, I’m irritated I have to manually drill down to the Android phones when I’ve already been online for nearly a minute and I should already be fucking looking at them.
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In which I smack you around a little.
Here’s the deal. Gaddafi, a crazy person, whose family holds over half of Libya’s entire wealth, has been using a mercenary army to battle unarmed civilians. (A mercenary army made up of non-Libyans hired when Gaddafi lost control of the Libyan army after telling them to shoot their countrymen, their friends and family. These forces are NOT “pro-Gaddafi forces,” as you keep hearing, they are a combination of paid professionals and what’s left of the Libyan national army.)
What’s happening in Libya is that armies of mercenaries hired from sub-Saharan Africa are attacking normal, civilian Libyan citizens. Imagine that. Tanks and soldiers, opening fire into crowds of untrained, unarmed, non-combatant human beings. It would be like the National Guard coming to the elementary school you’re voting in and opening fire, killing everyone in the booths and in line. Do you get it now?
It’s a fucking abomination, a massive violation of human rights. Only a monster would think it’s “none of our business” or that it has “nothing to do with us”: we are the richest, most powerful nation in the world. It’s our duty to help the helpless. If we are capable of standing by while atrocities happen YET AGAIN, we might as well just go ahead and finish dropping dead of heart disease and diabetes en masse, because we deserve it.
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In which next week is Spring break, THANK FUCKING GOD.
Finals week:
This really is a stupid format for getting information into people’s heads.
CCNA Exploration – Routing Protocols and Concepts: A (87.0%)
CCNA Exploration – LAN Switching and Wireless: B (86.3%)
Security+: B (84%)
In which there’s an infodump.
If you’re needing more information on Japan’s 8.9 earthquake and ensuing tsunami:
- Kyodo News (English)
- TBS News (Tokyo Broadcasting System) live stream in Japanese
- News links on all five critical nuclear reactors
- #Japan hashtag on Twitter
- Reuters
- Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) response plan
Donate to one of the funds here, or text #REDCROSS to 90999 (70600 in Europe) from your cell to donate $10.
And if you pray, pray now, because Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) is currently having difficulty venting the Daiichi reactor, and it must be vented to prevent a meltdown.
Update 10:22 pm AP – Japan nuclear safety commission official says meltdown at nuclear power plant possible. My friend Shigeki (he lives in Tokyo) is very worried.
Update – From the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Where to Get Accurate Information on the Japanese Situation
Update 3/15/11 – At least one containment device is breached. Suspicions are that the fire was caused by a spent fuel storage pond going dry and allowing the spent-but-not-inactive rods stored within to overheat and catch fire. 750 workers have been evacuated due to radiation levels, leaving a brave 50 to try and keep the water pumping. Experts have been quoted as saying that it’s already far worse than 3 Mile Island and is nearing Chernobyl, depending on the amounts of radiation released and what happens next.
- #Fukushima Twitter hashtag
- WNN: Dramatic escalation in Japan
In which there’s a birthday! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today! is ten years old today!
Feel free to buy me stuff.
In which I’ve read this passage before, but this time it seemed to be exactly the advice I needed.
“Don’t try to still your mind by force when you sit for meditation. The thoughts will rise up with ten times their original force if you do that. It is like pressing down a spring. Try to find out where the thoughts arise from, and control them with that knowledge. Don’t place the mind in any kind of tension. If any part of your body is tense or feels any pain, the mind will linger on that. Relax every part of the body and watch your thoughts with absolute awareness. Then the mind will subside by itself.
“Don’t follow your thoughts. If you follow them, only your body will be here; your mind will be somewhere else.”
– Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Upadeshamritam Vol. 1
(Emphasis mine.)
In which I drop a little update on you.
There are two weeks left of the term, COUNTING THIS ONE.
I have one class finished, am halfway through the second, and am one-third of the way through the third.
In other words, I’m really far behind and I don’t have time to be discussing this because I need to be studying! AARRGGH!
How this happened, I have no idea. It’s not like I haven’t been studying… I think someone stole three weeks somewhere.
In other news, I’ve lost twelve pounds and now the whole dieting thing has become really hard. Last night I ate nearly an entire bag of potato chips for dinner.
Update: I powered through two chapters in my ‘LAN Switching and Wireless’ course today. That only leaves three more, and hopefully I can get them done tomorrow. And there’s slightly less than half of my ‘LabSim Security+’ course. I think I can do this and still have time to study for finals next week… God, I hope I don’t have any gigs this weekend!
Here are the notes from some of my homework. Just so you can see how totally jargonistic it is.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer