In which I fly! To Seattle! On a plane!
Last week I went to Seattle to see my beloved Satguru, Amma, properly known as Sri Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.
While I was there I enjoyed a lovely retreat, learned a new meditation technique, suffered a vicious spring cold, had a series of trippy spiritual revelations, and ate a lot of refined carbohydrates.
My friend Toni was slated to go with me and drive us to Seattle, but for some reason I kept blowing off making our reservations for the retreat and the hotel. Two weeks before Amma’s visit, she called to say that had to have a minor surgery that week and wouldn’t be able to go. Suddenly we not only didn’t have reservations, but I didn’t have transportation either.
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In which I’m kinda busy!
Last weekend, I had a total blast at Sunbanks (a blues festival near Grand Coulee). Coyote Kings and I played the 2:30 slot on Saturday, and we had an encore and everything! It was freakin’ awesome! The crowd was amazing.
Then we stayed for another 24 hours and talked to musicians and drank campers’ cocktails and in general had an absolutely fun time! Here’s the photoset.
Tomorrow, I’m flying to Seattle to see Amma. I’ll be home next Tuesday. Om namah Shivaya!
Since there are only two weeks of the term left, I need to be busting ass to make up for the homework I didn’t do last week and won’t do next week. I also need to do laundry and pack. So if you’ll excuse me?
In which it’s gigging season again!
Last weekend, Coyote Kings competed in the Int’l Blues Challenge (held on Clover Island, right before UnTapped kicked off) and we took first place!

Coyote Kings competing at IBC, Clover Island Inn Hotel (Kennewick, WA)
This means we’re going to Snohomish in August to compete against the state’s finalists. And if we win there, we go to Memphis next winter to compete at the national level!
I’ve spent quite a few cycles lately learning the brand-new material and going to band practice and going to UnTapped to schmooze and stressing about the fact that I have no decent gigging clothes because they’re either old or they don’t fit anymore.
Next weekend we’re playing Sunbanks, and I seriously have no idea what to wear. Argh!
Oh, and our new album, Move, will be out in late June!
In which I’m just trying to look busy here, guys! *type typity type*
Since last term culminated in an exhausting two-week freak-out because I hadn’t gotten my courses finished in time for finals, this term I’ve made myself a schedule.
I’m already behind my clever schedule, and it’s only week 4. Um.
I like my Linux class, my CCNA class makes me miserable, and my other class is fine but the labs and chapter tests are seriously tedious. Waah.
That last quit failed. I just wasn’t prepared to suffer for the necessary length of time.
Quitting smoking is mild yet endless suffering; a feeling that you should be doing something else that doesn’t go away for weeks. It’s relentless. I didn’t have my shit together so I failed to withstand the whisper of the dopamine.
The fact that every drag is doing irreparable damage to my lung tissue is pissing me off, however. There will be another quit, I just need to get my mental and emotional shit together before I face it. Grr.
For no particular reason, I broke down and bought clothes from yesterday. I can’t wait for them to arrive! Two shirts and an adorable gopi dress. Yay!
My jeans are too big. A punjabi I’ve had for years and which has always been tight now fits. I’m probably going to have to buy a couple of new sundresses this summer, so I don’t look like I’m wearing someone else’s clothes.
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In which I haven’t washed my hair since last weekend, and that’s because I’m a full-time student who takes all her classes online. From her room. Which she never leaves.
I’m taking three last classes in this, my back-to-school year. I’m sick of it. I am having a hard time dredging up any enthusiasm at all, and I actually do care about the material.
Work is better. Waaaay better. At work, something breaks and you fix it! Sometimes you have to learn stuff before you can fix it, and that’s okay. At the end of the year, you’ve learned a bunch of stuff, but you did so organically. School is a weird, artificial way of getting information from one place to another. It’s pissing me off. I want it to be over.
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In which Day 2 is summarized.
Fuck this! Quitting is hard, and I don’t want it to be this hard, and I hate nicotine, and I hate my fucking neuroreceptors, and I hate dopamine, and the nicotine patch is weird, and this entire process sucks rocks.
In which I tackle the old nicotine addiction. Again.
I quit smoking two or three times last year, and each time I was really ready to succeed… but failed because I just had one cigarette. Or three. Or five. Which, of course, led to smoking full-time soon after.
The first time I quit, I quit cold turkey. It worked for a few weeks, but then I broke down and bummed a smoke at a gig and bought a pack within the week. The second time, I used nicotine gum. It worked for awhile, but the gum tastes bad and the whole park-and-suck routine made my gums sore. The third time, I used lozenges, but those gave me mouth ulcers and made my already rapid dental tartar build-up even worse because of the sugary, chalky gunk they’re made of.
I failed to stay on the recommended dosages with both products because they were mildly uncomfortable to use. When in a high-risk circumstance I’d just go ahead and smoke because, let’s face it, that’s what my neuroreceptors wanted me to do: smoke the damn cigarette and ease the annoying cravings. There’s no better way than inhalation to get nicotine into the brain. Mmm, smoking.
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In which this treeware weighs five pounds!
The only actual book I’ve had to buy all year arrived today. I bought it used from Amazon, because there was no way I was giving the campus bookstore $180 for it.
Eleven chapters. Nine weeks. I haven’t even built the server yet. Ugh.
In which I share some of my research about diet and overweight. It turns out dietary fat is fine; it’s the refined carbohydrates – white flour, white sugar – and the HFCS that are fucking killing you and making all those children fat and sedentary.
On January 5th, I started a weight-loss contest with a group of online friends. I weighed 160 pounds. I’m 5’4″ tall, so my ideal weight range is 122 – 150 lbs. I was officially overweight. My gut stuck out farther than my boobs, I was shaped like an old person, and I was tired and lazy.
I tracked my caloric intake, and pretended to be enthusiastic about exercise even though I’ve never particularly liked it. I hit the dietary target of 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbohydrates pretty regularly, although if you’re a vegetarian on a calorie-restricted, low-fat diet it’s really hard to get enough protein.
I limited my fat intake brutally. I drank fat-free milk, bought low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, cooked with spray oil, ate lots of beans and legumes, and had huge salads just like they tell us to. After all, “everybody knows” that to lose weight, one must restrict calories and exercise more. And that’s what I did.
The only problem is that, as logical as they seem, both of those medical theories have been disproven in study after study. Low-fat diets do not lower disease risk or help in weight loss. Exercise does not help with weight loss because it universally increases hunger, in study after study, making semi-starvation diets impossible to stick to and any weight loss achieved temporary and useless.
And you don’t know that these low-fat/exercise theories of health have been overturned because 1.) the AMA just, you know, hasn’t gotten around to admitting that they accidentally backed the wrong theories for seventy years; 2.) giant corporations who sell tons of low-fat foods don’t want you to know about it; and 3.) the media tends to be conservative about diet recommendations that don’t make their advertisers money.
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. Before I learned all that, I successfully followed my semi-starvation diet for eight weeks before I totally fucking lost control of it and found myself eating an entire bag of potato chips without conscious thought and arriving at Mexican restaurants before I even knew I’d decided to go out to eat. I’d lost 14 pounds, but found myself hungry all the time and obsessed with food.
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In which I upgrade.
I have retired my old clamshell phone finally, and joined the legions who carry smartphones shaped like bricks.
I am now the proud owner of an LG Optimus S, a mid-range Android phone. I love it. It’s fast, responsive, and replaces two devices completely. (My old phone and my iPod Touch are both going on eBay this weekend.) It looks cool. Google Voice is awesome. Google Sky is awesome. It runs KeePass with a Dropbox db without being a pain in the ass.
In short, all the Droid converts I know were right: it does everything the iPod Touch did, and some things even better.
Things like the APOD app that changes your wallpaper every day. Like AppBrain, which will help recover from a catastrophic loss or failure quickly by keeping a list of all your installed apps. Like the fact that there are multiple app stores, and no iTunes monstrosity to deal with. Like this awsome Tricorder app that actually does stuff.
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- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer