In which Gingerbread broke my camera app. And there’s a question for you to answer!
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] take the majority of my photographs with my cell phone. They’re spontaneous pictures and don’t have to be high quality, but on the other hand, they do need to not actively suck.
My phone is an LG Optimus S. In the beginning, it took acceptable pictures even though it has always sucked in low-light conditions. It worked for my needs. It’s a fucking phone, after all.
But since the update to Gingerbread, it takes pictures like this:
That picture was taken in broad daylight, in bright sunlight. It was not taken at dusk. It was taken at ten o’clock in the morning on a sunny day. But see how dark it is? And how blue everything is?
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In which each regulation begets a new one, aimed at shoring up its own failures.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his site is going dark on the 18th in protest of SOPA and PIPA. Yes, people should be paid for their work. Yes, pirates are jerks. No, I’m not going to give up my civil liberties in pursuit of what is essentially a personal problem for an industry I don’t really spend that much time worrying about.
In which I have one.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] caught a winter cold a couple of weeks ago. Missed a day of work, even. Now just suffering residual snot.
This post is stupid. I love the Internet.
In which it’s not jargon if that’s what it’s called.
Circular explanations are circular:
Customer: Connection slower than usual
Me: What speed are you connecting at?
Customer: I don’t know….SLOW
Me: Hold your mouse over the dialer icon in the system tray. It will show you what speed you’re currently connected at.
Customer: What is the dialer icon?
Me: It’s the icon that represents your dialup connection.
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
In which there’s a little video Emilio shot last night.
Here’s a Billy Preston cover for you. You’re welcome.
In other news, Move, our latest album, recently received 9 of 10 stars at Blues Revue.
In which I have waited until the last minute.
[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]esterday I got on Amazon and ordered a bunch of stuff for Christmas. Luckily I still have Prime, so I got 2-day shipping for free. (Free!)
All of which means that I very well might avoid a hellish Christmas eve midnight run to Walmart. Yay!
In other news, G’ma has already made at least three different kinds of cookies (including those amazing molasses crackle things). My company’s owner sent the office about thirty pounds of candy and cookies (including a huge box of chocolate truffles). I’m trying very hard to avoid these things, but all I want to eat is macaroni and cheese. Ah, Christmas: it’s not the goose that’s getting fat.
In which this was originally posted elsewhere, but I’m moving a copy over here because I wrote it and I can.
Overweight is a metabolic issue and not a behavioral one.
It’s currently the fashion to believe that overweight people suffer from sloth and gluttony; however, adipose tissue is not the result of character defects but rather of metabolic function. Most of what you know about diet and exercise and health, it turns out, is completely wrong.
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