In which there’s a tech support puzzle for you to solve.
A customer calls in because she can’t send email. She can receive email and she can surf, so the connection is up. I walk her through the settings in the email client and have her correct the following:
– SMTP server name field (it had had the POP server name in it)
– the username (added the domain)
– enabled authentication (it had been disabled).
No wonder she couldn’t send, all those config errors. I have her click Send/Receive, thinking the call is over, but she still can’t send email. The SMTP error is 451.
I ask her what ISP she’s using, and it’s Century Link. Since they block port 25, I have her change the SMTP port to 2525. She still can’t send email. Change the port to 554, and she still can’t send email.
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In which I don’t know where to see Mother this year.
The US Tour schedule just came out, and wouldn’t you know that a friend is getting married during the Seattle dates and I’ve already committed to singing at her ceremony?
Meaning, of course, that if I see Mother in Seattle, I’ll have to leave the program early to be back in time. Lame. Might as well see Her somewhere else!
Chicago? Emailed NLW to see if she’s going; if she says yes, I’ll blow my tax return on airfare. If no, I’ll probably go to the San Ramon ashram programs since I’ve never seen Her there. The DC or New York programs are also possible, but while I do know people both places I don’t think I know any devotees.
(I haven’t even begun to plan my travel but I’m already dreading the results of being out of the office for more than six hours. Being the only person in your department is kind of stressful.)
Last year I had ‘get divorced’ and ‘obtain passport’ on my post-seeing-Amma to do list. I’ll have both handled by the time I see Mother again. We’ll just have to wait and see if I feel compelled to ask Her whether I should go to India/do ashram life for awhile or stay here and wait until G’ma actually needs me. I’m really not doing anything useful with my life, ultimately, and hello: I’m alive during the embodiment of an Incarnation. Why am I settling for seeing such a being once a year? What the hell am I doing, not fighting tooth and nail to be near Her all the time? The odds of there being an Avatar in my next life are low, low, low. Every second you give away you never get back.
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In which decorating has unexpected results.
In an effort to celebrate the season, which is Spring, I guess, and some Xian holiday I only vaguely care about, I filled these bottles with colored water yesterday and put them on the kitchen windowsill:
Nice, huh? I pretty much nailed the whole pastel thing, don’t you think?
Anyway, as a result — I believe — of observing this ritual, I found candy on my bedroom stairs this morning:
Take that, you God-hating atheists!
Er, wait.
Take that, you Nature-hating, um, non-Paganists!
(No matter how old you get, there’s nothing like finding a treat on Easter morning. Makes you feel like you belong.)
In which I’m feeling bitchy, so I’m going to bitch.
1.) First of all, that rain? Isn’t just rain. There’s fucking snow in it. I know this because I just rode my bike to work in it, and now I’m cold and wet and my space heater died so I’m going to stay this way for an hour or so and it sucks.
2.) No matter how many times or ways I quit smoking, I fail. I’m generally pretty good at most of the things I try, but let me tell you: I suck at this. Research is showing I’ll probably need a support group to get this thing done. (And a move to an ashram where I would never be able to smoke. And someone to beat me if I broke down and tried. Ugh.)
3.) Because I can’t stop exposing my various mucous membranes to smoke and all its attendant immuno-suppressing toxins, I’m coming down with another. Goddamned. Cold.
4.) To stave off this impending cold, I had soup and juice for dinner and then slept 12 hours last night. I spent so much time resting I practically have bed sores. My bones hurt from lying down.
My throat hurts when I swallow anyway. (Yes, I destroyed and threw out my smokes. Again. I don’t even really know how I managed to come into possession of them; it just happened.)
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In which I get some bad news u guise! I have to get holes drilled in one of my teeth!!!!1!
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] have never had a cavity IN MY LIFE*.
I’m that one person who can say, “I have never had a filling. Ever!” (I have bad skin and have to wear glasses, not to mention the horrible tartar, so I figured I deserved it.) UNTIL NOW.
Now I have not just a cavity, but two! In the same tooth! And an appointment to get a filling! In April! No shit!
When I went for my exam yesterday, the dentist, whom I’d not previously met, asked me what I do. “I’m a rock star,” I said. “I play blues festivals all summer.”
He quizzed me a little more and of course I revealed that one doesn’t live on gig money, that I’m a sysadmin by day, blah blah blah. He apparently made the leap that I must understand electronics.
My cavities, such as they are, are very small and going weird directions and failed to show up on the films, so the good doctor took another couple because I said I wanted to see them, my very own cavities, but still no joy. So he brought out an oral wand camera thing, stuck it in my mouth, and took a picture.
My cavities, such as they are, are two little brown spots on my upper left rear tooth — not very dramatic at all, but I guess one gets them drilled and filled to stop them getting worse. Whatever. (I thought it’d be this Terrifying Black Nastiness that Clearly Needs Intervention to keep it engulfing my entire brain pan, and not a boring little brown spot. I mean, sheesh.)
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In which we’ve moved.
Keef has been hosting for free for years on a sandbox server he had co-located somewhere in California. That box finally got compromised. (I’m surprised it took as long as it did, honestly.) He decided to take the box down since he wasn’t really using it, so I had to move.
Now I’m at bluehost and am pretty much digging the holy hell out of it. Their hosting is cheap and their support is kick ass, and all kinds of WordPress neatness works that never worked before (like automatic updates. Hell yeah) and the ability to surf for themes from within the GUI.
You may find broken links until I finish the file migration. I may also post all kinds of old crap like this as I find it:
- A random collection of film I had developed in August 2002. (This gallery is broken, but hey, it’s A DECADE OLD.)
In which I’m so boring I did laundry AND cleaned my room AND went to bed early last night.
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast weekend was the first annual Walla Walla Guitar Festival. It was a raging success, especially considering this was its first year; we sold out and everything!
I had a fantastic time, and seriously loved having so many players in town at once — I spent at least three hours just hanging out in the green room chatting with the other players.
Here’s an image of my performance with Coyote Kings. We opened the festival:
(The amazing Kenny ‘Blue’ Ray sat in with us, as did Cookie, but they’re not in this picture.)
I got hit on by — not one, but two — boys in their 20’s. It was, for reasons I can’t articulate and suspect are entirely due to being socialized, immensely gratifying.
(I went home alone, of course.) (What? What am I going to do with a boy in his twenties? Be jaded at him?) (Also, I couldn’t care less about sex, to be honest.)
Yes, I’m still quitting smoking.
I do not want to do this, and I am not at all gung ho and positive about it: I just don’t want to have to pull a goddamned tank of oxygen around with me at the grocery store when I’m 45.
Quitting means that, for awhile, my life consists of two things: Being At Work, and Being At Home. There are no other portions, because Other Portions (read: having any kind of social life whatsoever) cause me to lame out and smoke.
In other words, I really try not to but I still bum cigarettes in many social circumstances. But, since this is Still Better Than Smoking Every Day, I am counting it A Triumph every time I get to put ‘Cigs: 0’ on my Google calendar, even if it’s only Five or Six, and not Seven, Times each week.
I’ve been smoking for a long time. (Hell, I’ve been quitting for a long time.) Baby steps. Self-isolating, new-habit-building baby steps.
Not smoking means not drinking, because drinking makes me smoke. Cutting out both for the last month means I have extra munny.
I added up that unspent money and spent it on clothes. I’m expecting a new skirt, thigh high socks, tights, and a long sleeved t-shirt by Friday.
(Since I now ride a bike everywhere, I’ve decided to experiment with a short skirt-and-tights look for those parts of the year that are not winter. All my current skirts are floor length, and periodically get caught in the chain and threaten my life thereby. Boo!)
I also bought two cheap bikinis, because mine are older than the boys who hit on me last weekend, and seriously need to be replaced. (Of course I’m too old to hang out in bikinis a lot, I realize that, but I do wear them under other things, particularly at summer gigs.)
Yesterday after work I didn’t want to go straight home, so I stopped for a latte. Here’s a picture of my Kindle Fire tablet and my cuppow at Starbucks:
I know, right?
I’m reading a huge amount of non-fiction right now. All of the following are currently in heavy rotation on my tablet:
Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language by Robin Dunbar – This is the Dunbar’s Number guy, and his premise is that we evolved language in order to gossip in order to be able to manage larger groups.
The Panic Virus by Seth Mnookin – This is indirectly about that idiot who inadvertently brought back a bunch of nearly-eradicated childhood diseases by making false claims against the MMR vaccine, and about vaccination and science in general.
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner – People kept telling me to watch the movie so I did and it was okay so I bought the book thinking it’d have, like, moar insight, but it doesn’t appear to. Sorta meh about this, considering JUST HOW EXCITED people were when they told me about it.
Liars & Outliers by Bruce Schneier – This is a book about trust, society, security, and cryptography, and interestingly it’s a lot like Dunbar’s book about how humans build society.
AdWords for Dummies by Howie Jacobson – A bullshit book written by someone who obviously has been hocking crap via spam and infomercial for the past decade.
They’re all awesome (except for the last one, which completely sucks and which I will not finish. I was supposed to read it for work, but honestly, that POS is un-fucking-readable and it has pretty much soured me on the entire For Dummies franchise) and if you want to borrow any of them (in Kindle format), just let me know.
Tonight, I’ll get off work at six and ride my bike home. I’ll stretch, read, meditate, eat tostadas, and knit while watching ancient episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I will go to bed early. I will not smoke. It’ll be awesome*.
In which I selflessly offer these observations to the innerwebs for science!
On alcohol, blood sugar, and adipose tissue:
Step 1. Drink alcohol literally every day for months on end.
Step 2. Get the flu and stop drinking ’cause you’re sick.
Step 3. Gain two inches around your waist without otherwise changing your diet.
On low-level infection and the ability to fight disease:
Step 1. Have the kind of mouth that requires prophy every four months just to keep your gums from receding and your teeth from falling out.
Step 2. Lose your job and don’t go to the dentist for a very long time.
Step 3. Get the flu. Get it again. Get it again.
Step 4. Get your teeth cleaned.
Step 5. Notice that your lingering flu symptoms are completely gone within hours.
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- Stevers
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer