In which this is a quick primer for all y’all who are innarested in packing your own lunches all healthy and cute-style. Matro said this, so I’m saying this: Bento boxes are nothing more than lunch boxes that happen to be from Japan, so you can put non-Japanese food into them if you want (and […]
In which no news is… well, no news. Since I haven’t got anything to say, here’s a picture of my lunch: Yay bento!
In which Dallas rocked, Amma was wonderful, and I’m glad to be home. There’s really nothing more kick-ass than coming home after a ‘net-free vacation–the hotel wanted $11 a day for wi-fi and I said screw that–to find one’s blog packed full of comments! I LOVE you bitches! I’m very excited about the new job, […]
I have resolved to go buy appropriate dog foods this Sunday – boring old IAMS or Nutro kibbles, and, in a massive nod toward compromise, some canned food as well. I will bring these items home and put them in the pantry, and I will then throw the crap G’ma stocks right out into the garbage. The sheer wastefulness will, I hope, get her attention.
In which I am in total heaven because today I received THE BENTO BOMB! This is what happened to me today (in pictures!): I got a big giant huge massive collection of bento-junk goodness in the mail today! Food! Bento accessories! And two new boxes!: Now. How did this awesome explosion of straight-from-Japan bento lurve […]
In which I’m fat, obsessed with bento, and refusing to see any possible correlation between the two. Misc Teh BF’s bento box arrived so I packed a lunch in it and gave it to him today. He seems pleased. My mom has emailed that she needs sci-fi, so I’ll be lugging a pile of books […]
In which I update you on how ineffably fun lunch can be if you have a bentÅ box to put it in! One morning last week I was in the kitchen packing my lunch and my brother walked in. He watched me in silence for a moment, and then intoned, “Food hobby.” And that’s exactly […]
In which there’s a recap of my weekend, with links to Flickr pix. Friday night after work I went bowling with the boys. I bowled a kick-ass first game with a final score of 143: that’s over twenty pins higher than my average! W00t. That’s rockstar-style bowling, peeps. Saturday I had an appointment with my […]
In which my lunch was cuter than your lunch! My bento box arrived yesterday. This morning I packed a lunch in it. (I didn’t feel creative enough to make a patriotic election day theme, but this person did.) I truly adore my cute little bentÅ box. It’s tiny but it holds more food than you’d […]
In which there are two things! Two exciting things! Two! The first exciting thing is that last night, while watching an episode of Torchwood, I completed the Big Brown Sweater. (You may cheer; I will hear you even over the Internet.) It spent a year and ten months on the needles, but it’s finally finished […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer