In which I cut the sleeves off an old bride’s maid’s dress – eggplant, floorlength, strappy, six-paneled, and synthetic – and wear it to a party. Elisabeth and Nathan were married at a quarter to four on Sunday, but we didn’t go to the wedding. I was napping, and Brett was probably sitting on the […]
In which I work my ass off for, well, for fun. Apparently. Last night I went to Elisabeth’s bachelorette party, which did not involve male strippers and booze. It was a scavenger hunt. It started at the Farmer’s Market at six PM sharp, wended its way through Oby Nelson park, the graveyard, Chatauqua Park, and […]
In which I prepare to hang out in a room full of women. I’m going to Chloe’s to celebrate Elisabeth’s bridal shower. Yay! I do not have a camera with me to record this event, not even my cell phone (I don’t know where it is; I hope it’s at home on the laundry table). […]
In which a superior woman serves me superior pizza. I went to Christina’s for lunch today. She made awesome pizzas and salad. Her kids are aweome. Prasada was in a mood because she was starving and I was late, and she totally cracked me up about five times. Christina and I talked about going to […]
I waited ’til well past two, and woke Brett up again. He didn’t want to do anything. I said, “Would you like to do something fun, or are you too tired?” He grumbled, “I’m pretty happy where I am.” So I went to Ottumwa by myself. I went to Taco Bell, Target, and The Brothers […]
Last night after work, I went out for a cocktail with my boyfriend Joe. We went to The Red Rock. We sat at the bar. I drank my usual. We chatted. I rubbed Joe’s head because he shaved it recently and it’s at that fuzzy stage that I like to pet. Bo joined us. Joe […]
I had so much fun at that BBQ last night. I know, right? The hosts’ house was right on the river and it was gorgeous. (These are the kind of grown-up people who live in a finished house. You know, with furniture, and nice wallpaper and fixtures and things. I want to be just like […]
Brett and Jimbo were already at the Mexican-restaurant-I-don’t-like when Joe and I arrived unexpectedly and made them share their table with us. Joe told us about his fun-fun trip to Minneapolis, where his band opened for Dinosaur Jr. in a club that had them all out of there by ten. Yes, you heard me right. […]
I had a hair appointment yesterday at one o’clock. I went to Meredith Hirsch Salon, and told her I wanted a trim and highlights. She told me as she ran a comb through my hair, “Nooo-oo-o, you want some lowlights.” I think she was deeply amused with my hair. I’d bought those home chunky highligting […]
Aimee just put her man on a plane to Boston, and called me up ’cause she’s cool. We’re gonna meet for a cocktail at five! How cool is that?! A cocktail! With a girlfriend! It’s like I have friends or something! Last night I stopped at The Dew Drop for a cocktail on my way […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer