06/06/06 UPDATE: THE BARN PARTY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. BREAD AND MUSH WILL BE OUT OF TOWN. WE’LL HAVE A PARTY WHEN WE GET BACK, WE PROMISE. SORRY! ————————————————————– In which the party is officially announced! We’ll be having a barn party on Saturday, June 17th. Be there or be somewhere else! WHY YOU SHOULD COME: […]
In which we celebrate a milestone! Today is our fifth wedding anniversary. BoSe arranged an impromptu barbeque. People came out to the farm. We ate, we butchered 24 lemons in pursuit of the perfect lemondrop martini, we socialized. Eight dogs ran around rolling in dead things and barking and humping each other (two of the […]
In which I’m getting advised. I’m working on an all-new look for the site and it’s all I care about. It’ll be brown! And retro! Can I get a hell yeah? Tonight I’m going to be spirtually advised. NLW is gonna graduate from her Spiritual Advisor program this weekend, but only if she gets in […]
In which I partied like it was 1999: all. night. long. Friday I rolled out of work at five and went straight to Amazon Blonde’s, where I made the Most Brilliant Batch of Pico de Gallo Ever while she made some really incredible guacamole. Then I smoked a cig with Truck on the back deck […]
In which I get presents for no reason, and plan to go to a party. Last night my band had it’s first practice in weeks. The drummer’s still in California, and the bass player didn’t make it, but the four of us who were there had a vocal rehearsal that was worth the time. One […]
In which we prepare for Friday’s par-tay. Saturday Bread and I went to town and had McDonald’s for breakfast. I know, I know. Don’t say anything. Then we went to the vet’s and bought Frontline for the animals. Then we bought kibbles for the animals. Hundred and ten bucks right there. (Next time, we’re getting […]
In which I get absolutely shitty, for no reason whatsoever. Sunday I was sitting at my computer loading crap onto my newly resurrected Pocket PC when I heard Bread yell, “Mush!” Since it’s so like him to sit on his ass on the couch and yell for me to come to him when he wants […]
In which it is girls’ night out! Whoop! Gorgeous texted me Friday night: ‘Pre-party at my house 9:pm.’ I was late, of course. Bread and I had had a fight, and after had to spend some quality time “making up,” if you catch my drift. When nine came by, we were in the shower. I […]
In which I go to lunch. It’s so beautiful out today that I walked over to the Dead Cock for lunch. I had the brushetta salad and a glass of water with lemon. I saw Gorgeous & Rockstar, and Mother of God too. It was lovely. That is all.
In which I’m a dumb ass. Okay, so, I’m stupid. I’m not twenty any more, I’m thirty-fucking-seven fer chrissakes, and I have no idea what posessed me to go out and get drunk on a work night but I did. Why am I drinking so much? Is this some weird form of cabin fever? God […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
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- Chaos Leaves Town*
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- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
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- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- sathyabh.at*
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- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer