In which I complain about my DH, mourn the loss of another dog, and comment on work. Bread blew off going to work again today, which kinda pissed me off for some reason. The night before last he’d told me he was going up to Cedar Rapids the next day and would stay up there […]
In which time is wasted. Vuboq sent me this link today. Addictive. It’s fastr – a flickr game. I freakin’ love it. Don’t click on it. I’m serious. Just… don’t.
Any abortion ban must include an exception for the health of the woman! The Planned Parenthood Federation of America, which has challenged the law, reacted angrily to the news. “The Supreme Court’s decision to hear this case is a dangerous act of hostility aimed squarely at women’s health and safety,” the group’s president, Cecile Richards, […]
Which I totally would with wikipedia, if only it had the necessary parts. From The first short story to include fuck in its title was probably Kurt Vonnegut’s “The Big Space Fuck”, originally published in 1972. Exhibiting Vonnegut’s characteristic blend of pessimism and humor, this story tells of a polluted and overpopulated Earth. On […]
In which I post some MP3 links. So thanks to Sean’s The Rex Monday, I’m really into this track called Vistareel — it’s my current earworm. (You can, and probably should, get it here.) It’s ambient so not something I’d normally geek on, but it’s eerie and deep and catchy as hell and the vocal […]
In which today’s link of the day is revealed. …this is so funny. I gotta go rent that shit and watch it this weekend.
In which I want, I want, I WANT! I want to see this so, so bad: Roving Mars. It’s about Mars. It’s made by Disney. It’s total space porn and it’s IMAX!
It’s the link of the day: listen to your Uncle Pete, kids, he’s an icon. Pete Townshend Warns iPod Users to turn it down before they go deaf. And he’s not kidding, either. I personally managed to give myself mild tinnitus (which is permanent – as in forever, as in for the rest of my […]
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- The Naughty Butternut
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- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
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- WoolGatherer