In which it’s a lazy Sunday. It’s so shitty outside there’s a heat warning on! Stay inside, stay hydrated, check on your neighbors, that sort of thing! Temperature in the mid-90’s with a heat index of one hundred degrees! A big-ass line of storms tonight! Large hail possible! So I’m staying inside with the A/C […]
In which there’s a process more than a recipe. A pudla [ pooda, poodla, puda, chila, cheela, chilla ] is a savory pancake made from lentils, rice, and/or flour. They’re cheap, easy, delicious, and I think it’s weird that I’d never even heard of them until last year. (Apparently they’re a breakfast food in India, […]
In which I watch TV, cook, and hang out online. (WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THIS RIVETING CONTENT, I ASK YOU.) Hi. Welcome to my day off. It’s pleasantly sunny outside, although the high is still ONLY ZERO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. I am wearing sweats. They’re grey. The hoodie sports the logo of Scott’s alma […]
In which I LOVE THIS WEIRD BREAKFAST. This meal makes no sense. I mean, it’s basically bacon and eggs and toast, which is pretty normal, but then there’s tomato, mushrooms, and… beans? And the toast isn’t toasted, it’s fried. It makes no sense, at least, until you read some very, very old cookbooks and discover […]
In which there’s a snack orgy for Sunday dinner. I worked all weekend, of course, because nobody gives a shit that I MOVED TWO THOUSAND MILES TO HANG OUT WITH THE GUY I LIVE WITH AND NOT TO WORK AT THE FUCKING HOME DEPOT. Working evenings and weekends sucks. Yesterday evening my beloved came to […]
In which there are Mason, Kerr, and Ball jars. I like jars. You can get a bunch of them for like twelve bucks, and use them for pretty much everything from juice glass to food storage to coffee brewing. They’re probably less awesome in kitchens with stone floors, but in general if you don’t drop […]
In which there’s a soup recipe that freezes really well! I made this soup a couple weeks ago and froze some of it. Friday I pulled some out of the freezer; Saturday I re-heated it and ate it and it was brilliant! I love this soup! It satisfies that “I really want a creamy chowder […]
In which I write a post about fucking JARS because clearly I want to die alone. I’m sure you’ve heard me praise the cuppow, which is merely a piece of plastic that turns a jar into a go-cup: And you’ve probably seen my Mason jar pinterest board (which exists because I’m a fucking ‘tard). I […]
In which decorating has unexpected results. In an effort to celebrate the season, which is Spring, I guess, and some Xian holiday I only vaguely care about, I filled these bottles with colored water yesterday and put them on the kitchen windowsill: Nice, huh? I pretty much nailed the whole pastel thing, don’t you think? […]
In which I tell you all about my avoidance of refined carbohydrates. As you may remember, I went on a traditional low-calorie, low-fat, semi-starvation diet on January 5th. I did this because I was so fat I could barely cut my own toenails and I felt uncomfortable in my own body. I was twenty pounds […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer