In which I ramble on about politics and never get to the point. My country has a seriously fucked up budget. China, Japan, and the UK hold over 2315 billion dollars in US treasury securities. We’re currently $127k in debt per tax payer. And we’re still cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy because it’s […]
In which I explain to you why you must be for net neutrality. Egypt is missing. The entire country dropped off the Internet today (and the cell network as well), moments after AP video footage of a protester being shot in the head began to emerge. It looks like there’s one network left, Noor, and […]
In which today’s news storm has got me pretty bothered. Why is no news source mentioning the most salient fact about WikiLeaks, which is that all the information given to WikiLeaks came from individuals who believed that the information needed to be made public? None of the information was stolen. WikiLeaks has committed no crime, […]
In which I tell feminism to take a chill pill. Again. Okay, so there’s this gay guy, okay? And he’s famous and a lot of people really like him because he’s charming and funny and intelligent and gregarious and because he’s Stephen fucking Fry, okay?
In which I voted, so I get to share a few opinions. With liberal amounts of gratuitious cursing! 1. I think the GOP has lost its bloody mind. THE SKY IS NOT FALLING, you stupid chickens. Shut up, for the love of God, you’re giving me a fucking headache. 2. I think the Tea Party […]
In which I finally googled the Tea Party because I wasn’t entirely sure what its deal was. I’ve heard some great arguments from intelligent, white, upper-middle class males about how pretty much everything is skewed against them: they’re literally the only segment of society not protected, somehow, from something. Everybody hates them because they’re white, […]
In which I tell a world full of “SEO Experts” that they’re all fucktards and that the loss of net neutrality, when it happens, will be their stupid fault. Last week, my bro mentioned a jobs website for freelancers, said I might want to check it out. So I did. And I signed up, and […]
In which I argue with our collective conscience. Everyone’s pissed off at BP. They’re so mad they want to put the company out of business right this goddamned instant. At protests, their posters say things like, “BP gets rich, the people and the planet pay the price” and “Seize BP’s assets!” (1) The heartbreaking images […]
In which I heartily approve. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. If you’re not familiar with the details of the good doctor’s story, Dr. Wakefield is the guy who published the shoddy research that led thousands of people to believe that there was a link between certain vaccinations and autism. I say ‘shoddy’ because The Lancet […]
In which I’m torn between really liking a device that works well, and feeling like I should never use it again. Last December, I bought myself an Amazon Kindle as a Christmas-slash-layoff present. I bought it not because I didn’t already have a way to read ebooks (I have four separate ebook apps on my […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
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- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
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- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer