Have I mentioned lately that I hate the hospital? I don’t hate them for letting me hemorrhage in their emergency room for over an hour , thereby forcing me to sign myself out and go to another hospital for help (I was having a horrible miscarriage a few days short of my second trimester). I […]
{Shitty local hospital} finally figured out where goblinbox is hosted, and sent Rackspace a “remove the post or else” letter. Rackspace contacted my friend Keef, from whom I’m getting hosting, and said, “The post goes or we gotta turn the server off tomorrow.” (Yeah, right.) So the post is gone. I deleted it. I did […]
Today I was surfing knitting blogs, and ended up at menknit.net, which is – obviously – a site for men who knit. Men have been knitting forever; in fact, they most probably invented it. Yet it’s been considered ‘women’s work’ probably since the Victorian times [that’s my guess], so men who knit don’t have much […]
I got a letter from Dear Local Hospital’s lawyers. It said I had five days to remove the blog (yes, the ENTIRE BLOG) or they’d pursue… something. I wrote a letter back, but then decided to have Wally vett it before I actually did anything. I drove over and dropped it off with his secretary […]
You had your lawyers send a letter to LISCO Internet telling them that my blog post is in violation of LISCO’s appropriate use policy and Iowa defamantion law both, and you gave them five days to have the offending post removed. However: 1. This web site is not hosted at LISCO. You (or your lawyers) […]
This crap makes me crazy: Movie studios want the US Supreme Court to rule that the developers of the Grokster and Morpheus P2P software should be held responsible for the illegal trading of copyrighted software using their technologies. I realize that when you (believe that you have or will) lose money due to new technologies, […]
Work’s been slow, so I’ve spent a fair bit of time over the past two days surfing blogs. There seem to be two kinds. The first kind is mostly links. Links to funny stuff, weird stuff, time-wasting stuff, political stuff, or links to more links to stuff. The other kind seems to be deeply personal […]
If you read dooce.com, you probably read the Times article about ‘mommy blogs’ (the phenom of meticulously documenting the perils of parenthood on the Internet) in which she was interviewed. There are thousands upon thousands of blogs on the web, and I can tell you that most of them (including this one) aren’t worth reading. […]
Morning people are the dominant bio-type, and they set the attitudinal tone of the entire culture. They’ve decided that morning is the best time of the day, and that people who are not naturally bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the very ass crack of dawn are in some way lazy and unfocussed. Well, screw that. Morning […]
It’s five thirty and it’s pitch black outside. Fuck this. I loathe and despise DST. I always have. I always will. It’s the stupidest fucking thing in the world. FARMERS DRIVE TRACTORS WITH HEADLIGHTS ON THEM!!! AND THEY TEND TO DO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMNED NIGHT!! THERE’S NO REASON TO FUCK UP […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- sathyabh.at*
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer