In which there are gigs! Last night’s gig was fun. Here are the reviews: “… fabulous original music that touches the heart and exhilarates the spirit.” “… incredible harmonies sung by as many as seven of nine extraordinarily talented band members.” “… a great folk-rock style that gets your feet tapping and your heart dancing.” […]
In which I contemplate singing some jazz. Jazz, people! (Did you know I once majored in vocal jazz performance?) After band practice last night (which wasn’t practice but more like a two-hour conversation), I drove WTC home. After he finished bitching about his job — which he clearly needed to do, the poor monster — […]
In which I get presents for no reason, and plan to go to a party. Last night my band had it’s first practice in weeks. The drummer’s still in California, and the bass player didn’t make it, but the four of us who were there had a vocal rehearsal that was worth the time. One […]
In which you can download a whole album. Or three! Or ten! In honor of the imminent arrival of the Corbinator here in the fairest of fields (he’s supposed to be at Truck & Amazon Blonde’s place tonight sometime), I went over to Emo’s and fed The Simpletons to my iPod. Yum. You should do […]
In which I totally didn’t put my refund into savings. Also: music, massage, my uterus, and moving the ‘box to a new server. I got my $100 refund from Iowa this week, so I promptly spent it on two CDs and a massage! woot! MUSIC Bombay Dub Orchestra: Bombay Dub Orchestra Recently, Comfort Music turned […]
Sunday’s rehearsal recapped. I hopped into the shower at one-thirty Sunday afternoon and Bread promptly popped his head in. “Why you bathing?” he asked. “‘Cause. S’time.” “Wuffo?” “Dude, Sunday. Got rehearsal.” “Oh,” he mumbled, looking downcast. (He’s so bored. He doesn’t do well with too much leisure time.) After dressing and finding my purse I […]
In which you hear me sing a song that was written for me to solo on. For real. Remember my trip to New York last September? To sing on a friend’s acapella album? Well, I saw her over New Year’s and she gave me the tracks. She doesn’t like them and isn’t going to use […]
In which my hand feels like it’s about to fall off, but I can still type. So I haven’t played guitar regularly since… well, ever. I guess I played a lot when I was about sixteen, for a year or so, but then I got really into voice and sort of stopped. Today I played […]
In which I’ll probably not look as young or thin as I once did. Tonight at House 11 rehearsal we’ll be setting the band room back up (now that the gear is all back from the gig), and then watching the video from New Year’s Eve. *groan* The band will now know about that one […]
Strange but fun: a New Year’s gig with two extremely different bands. This entry is extremely long… YHBW. I went back to town with Bread. At the hotel, he split for the bar to order himself a burger and a beer, and I headed up to 265 to put on my face and change into […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer