In which it’s raining like hell, and me with only one windshield wiper. The weather’s here, wish you were beautiful. Oh, wait, you are beautiful! Well, it’s just started raining cats and dogs here and Truck and I are leaving in a few minutes to drive to Ottumwa for a gig. On the porch a […]
In which I’m overhung. (Shh. Be vewy quiet. Pweese.) KR apparently stopped at every microbrewery between Ellensburg, WA and here and bought beer, so he had a tasting party at his house last night! I liked the Rodeo IPA. I also liked eating J’s fresh salsa. Yum. After nine, most of us wandered over to […]
In which I review an album because I think you should buy it immediately. While there is a constant (and sometimes regrettable) stream of new voices bombarding we music consumers – American Idol alone, a show I make zero effort to watch, exposes me to more young singers than I ever wanted to hear – […]
In which I have joined a band! With my roommate, even! At the divorce party, Truck and I sat in with the JCGB. And we liked it. And not long after, Truck said, “We should join the band. For the summer. Like, for free if necessary, because it would be fun to do some gigs […]
In which this is what I’ve been doing on the tempooter all evening. First of all, I’ve been playing with my account. If you’ve got one, be my friend. Yes, I listen to weird stuff. I’m cool like that. Second, I installed the latest version of eyeOS here on goblinbox. You may sign up […]
In which… I don’t know. Something about work, something about how while I’m really really grateful to have a job at all, I’m bored and underpaid. And then some crap about the band. I spent some time today reading manuals and trolling the boards at Postini; I’ve volunteered to administer the new spam filter here […]
In which I’m at eight thousand feet. Hi! I’m in Vail. Today I sat in an outdoor jacuzzi for an hour, while the clouds rolled in and it started to snow. Very few things in life are better than sitting in a jacuzzi out in the snow. Right now I’m sitting in a gorgeous room, […]
In which overdoing it is good. I recently asked my brother Jayrob Jethro Cutlet Clampett Morgan Smith the Third (FEE!), as we were chatting about his new job via Gtalk, if he had any Pat Metheny I could have, as I’d been having a hankerin’ to listen to some Metheny. He said maybe. I said […]
In which I’m going out of town! YAY! The guy who books me for his Children’s Benefit holiday concerts every year, and on whose album I sang the summer before last, has booked a gig for his sometime-band The Seventh Ray. In Vail! Colorado! In the freakin’ Rockies, bitches! I’m going to Vail for a […]
In which I had an even better interview today! Today I interviewed here. There were two half-hour skills tests; Excel and Word. (I aced ’em both.) Then an hour-long interview in a conference room. The HR woman showed me detailed job descriptions for two positions and I want both of them, but the second one […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer