In which I write a short list. 1. It’s nice outside. Nice! No coat, no hat, breeze, walked-to-lunch, bugs are appearing, isn’t-this-lovely nice. (It’s about fuckin’ time.) 2. The Exploding Uterus Fairy has been by, and smacked me with her Cramps From Hell™ stick. (I hate her.) 3. I read this article today, and I […]
In which I miss the BBQ. Of course. Today a bunch of friends came out for a BBQ, but it didn’t really get into full swing until past 2:30. I had to leave for band practice, but Bread made me this stunning portabello mushroom with sauteed peppers and swiss on a bun thing, to go, […]
In which looks mediocre at 16 bit. At work, I have a pretty hot computer and monitor. This is because I’ve worked there for so long that the box I had originally died and was replaced (finally). At home, I have a box my dad built me, with a monitor he got me for […]
In which we all had a pretty awful day. Saturday morning my MIL went up to Cedar Rapids to spend a few days with her daughter and granddaughter while her daughter, a grade school teacher, is on spring break. Monday, her husband’s oldest son called her to say he hadn’t been able to get in […]
In which illness is the order of the day. Friday was St. Pat’s and I was excited to go out that night, so naturally I poisoned myself with some 4-day old soup and spent the afternoon puking. (I haven’t given myself food poisoning since I was a student at MIU about ten years ago and […]
In which I’m wearing my new tee! On’s fifth birthday, Vuboq sent me a ThinkGeek gift certificate (because he RAWKS) and last night a package arrived containing some fun stickers and my new favorite BROWN t-shirt: I’m so happy I could die. Brown is my favorite color of all time, and the fact that […]
In which I didn’t get McDonald’s drive-thru! Due to getting drunk I didn’t eat a proper dinner last night, so I’m starving this morning. I stopped and bought an Amy’s TV dinner and it’s nuking right now even though it’s not nearly lunch time yet. In other news, thanks to all of you for the […]
In which we check in with my weekend… and my marriage. The weather was gorgeous Saturday. Bread and I went to town and visited the bank to cash his check (he’s working again!) and then we went grocery shopping. We intended to buy food for the weekend. We spent two hundred dollars. But OMG were […]
In which the things I want are always far away, spacially and temporally. My brother g-talked me to say that Magnet‘s playing in PDX tomorrow night and I should fly out there. The show’s only $8! If I wasn’t flat broke I would totally go standby to Portland and see a show with my bro. […]
In which we celebrate a bloggiversary ’round here! Today, has been registered in my name for five years. Yay! In this time I’ve learned HTML and CSS and graphics and even a little CGI. I’ve learned about installing applications, managing databases, search engine rankings, and foiling spammers. I love this site. It’s my favorite […]
- Barn Lust
- Blind Prophesy
- Blogography*
- blort*
- Cabezalana
- Chaos Leaves Town*
- Cocky & Rude
- EmoSonic
- From The Storage Room
- Hunting the Horny-backed Toad
- Jazzy Chad
- Mission Blvd
- Not My Rabbit
- Puntabulous
- Seismic Twitch
- superherokaren
- The Book of Shenry
- The Intrepid Arkansawyer
- The Naughty Butternut
- tokio bleu
- Vicious, Unrepentant, Bitter Old Queen
- whatever*
- William
- WoolGatherer